Category:The Jungle Book (1967 film)
Dansk: Junglebogen er en tegnefilm fra 1967 produceret af The Walt Disney Company, den er af spillefilmslængde. Det er den 19. af Disneys klassikere og den sidste film som Walt Disney var med til at producere: han døde, mens den blev produceret. Filmen er løst baseret på Rudyard Kiplings bog af samme navn om drengen Mowgli, der vokser op blandt dyr i den indiske jungle.
Deutsch: Das Dschungelbuch ist der 19. abendfüllende Zeichentrickfilm der Walt-Disney-Studios. Es basiert auf Motiven der Dschungelbuch-Erzählungen von Rudyard Kipling, verarbeitet diese aber frei zu einer völlig anderen Geschichte.
English: The Jungle Book is a 1967 American animated musical comedy film produced and released by Walt Disney Productions on October 18, 1967. Inspired by Rudyard Kipling's beloved children's book of the same name, it is the 19th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. Directed by Wolfgang Reitherman, it was the last film to be produced by Walt Disney, who died during its production. The plot follows Mowgli, a feral child raised in the Indian jungle by wolves, as his friends Bagheera the smartness panther and Baloo the beloved bear try to convince him into leaving the jungle before the evil tiger Shere Khan arrives.
Français : Le Livre de la Jungle est le 24e long-métrage d'animation et le 19e Classique d'animation des studios Disney. Sorti en 1967, il est inspiré du livre du même nom de Rudyard Kipling, paru en 1894.
Polski: Księga dżungli – amerykański film animowany oparty na powieści Rudyarda Kiplinga Księga dżungli, a wyprodukowany przez Walta Disneya. Z książki zapożyczono jednak głównie bohaterów, a fabuła filmu nie ma prawie nic wspólnego z książkową.
Русский: Книга джунглей — американский мультипликационный фильм 1967 года, снятый студией Walt Disney Productions по мотивам произведений английского писателя Редьярда Киплинга Книга джунглей и Вторая книга джунглей.
Українська: Книга джунглів — анімаційний фільм 1967 року, знятий на студії Walt Disney у США. Створений за мотивами твору Редьярда Кіплінґа Книга джунглів.
1967 American animated film | |||||
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Media in category "The Jungle Book (1967 film)"
The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.
Duke Chronicle 1981-02-27 page 17.jpg 4,715 × 6,258; 9.99 MB
Féves livre de la jungle.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 775 KB
Geburtstagstorte.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 689 KB
Hong Kong Disneyland - ovedc - 16.JPG 2,736 × 3,648; 2.33 MB
Kaa - 1967 Disney trailer.png 935 × 717; 626 KB
Mogli und Balu - panoramio.jpg 1,259 × 1,147; 256 KB
Mowgli and Baloo (33395868773).jpg 3,575 × 2,361; 1.02 MB
Shere Khan - 1967 Disney trailer.png 688 × 437; 356 KB
- Films based on The Jungle Book
- 1967 animated films of the United States
- 1960s animated films
- 1960s children's animated films
- Anthropomorphic animals
- Animated films about animals
- Animated films about orphans
- Animated films about bears
- Animated films about elephants
- Animated films about royalty
- Animated films about snakes
- Animated films about tigers
- Animated films set in jungles
- Children's animated films of the United States
- Musical comedy films of the United States
- Walt Disney Animation Studios films
- Walt Disney Pictures animated films
- Disney animated films by title
- Animated films by title
- Disney films by title
- Films by title
- Traditionally animated films
- Disney animated films in the 1960s
- Epic films
- Fantasy films of the United States
- Films based on children's books
- Animated films directed by Wolfgang Reitherman
- Films produced by Walt Disney
- Films scored by George Bruns
- Animated films of the United States by title
- India in art
- Orphans in art
- Films starring Sterling Holloway
- Films starring Phil Harris
- Films starring Bruce Reitherman
- Films starring Ralph Wright
- Films starring Clint Howard
- Films starring Hal Smith
- Films starring Louis Prima
- Films starring George Sanders
- Films starring J. Pat O'Malley
- Films starring Verna Felton
- Films starring Chad Stuart
- Films starring Lord Tim Hudson
- Films starring John Abbott
- Films starring Ben Wright
- Films starring Darleen Carr
- Films starring Digby Wolfe
- Films starring Leo De Lyon
- Films starring Bill Skiles
- Films starring Pete Henderson
- Films starring Sebastian Cabot
- Buddy films of the United States
- Children's books animated film adaptation