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Category:The Order of Release by John Everett Millais

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The Order of Release by John Everett Millais
John Everett Millais: The Order of Release  wikidata:Q822541 reasonator:Q822541
John Everett Millais  (1829–1896)  wikidata:Q159606 s:en:Author:John Everett Millais
John Everett Millais
Description British painter and illustrator
English: One of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.
Date of birth/death 8 June 1829 Edit this at Wikidata 13 August 1896 Edit this at Wikidata
Location of birth/death Southampton (Hampshire) London
Work location
Authority file
creator QS:P170,Q159606
 Edit this at Wikidata
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
The Order of Release 1746 Edit this at Wikidata
title QS:P1476,en:"The Order of Release 1746 Edit this at Wikidata"
label QS:Len,"The Order of Release 1746 Edit this at Wikidata"
label QS:Lro,"Ordinul de eliberare"
label QS:Lja,"1746年の放免令"
label QS:Lfr,"Ordre de Libération, 1746"
label QS:Lsv,"The Order of Release, 1746"
label QS:Lml,"ദ ഓർഡർ ഓഫ് റിലീസ്"
label QS:Lth,"คำสั่งปล่อย"
label QS:Lbr,"The Order of Release"
label QS:Larz,"ترتيب الافراج"
label QS:Lhu,"Szabadon bocsátó parancs"
label QS:Lru,"Приказ об освобождении"
Object type painting Edit this at Wikidata
Genre genre art Edit this at Wikidata
Date 1852 Edit this at Wikidata
Medium oil on canvas Edit this at Wikidata
Dimensions height: 73.7 cm (29 in) Edit this at Wikidata; width: 102.9 cm (40.5 in) Edit this at Wikidata
dimensions QS:P2048,+73.7U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,+102.9U174728
institution QS:P195,Q180788
Accession number
Object history Presented by Sir Henry Tate 1898
Other versions
<nowiki>Ordinul de eliberare; 1746年の放免令; Ordre de Libération, 1746; The Order of Release, 1746; ദ ഓർഡർ ഓഫ് റിലീസ്; Приказ об освобождении; Szabadon bocsátó parancs; The Order of Release; ترتيب الافراج; The Order of Release; คำสั่งปล่อย; dipinto di John Everett Millais; John Everett Millais festménye; pintura de John Everett Millais; quadre de John Everett Millais; Gemälde von John Everett Millais; pintura de John Everett Millais; pikturë nga John Everett Millais; maleri af John Everett Millais; pictură de John Everett Millais; ジョン・エヴァレット・ミレーの絵画作品; obraz Johna Everetta Millais'a; peinture de John Everett Millais; målning av John Everett Millais; måleri av John Everett Millais; pintura de John Everett Millais; schilderij van John Everett Millais; maleri av John Everett Millais; pikturo da John Everett Millais; painting by John Everett Millais; cuadro de John Everett Millais; pintura de John Everett Millais; pentraĵo de John Everett Millais; painting by John Everett Millais; pintura di John Everett Millais; Приказ о выпуске на свободу; The Order of Release</nowiki>
The Order of Release 
painting by John Everett Millais
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Instance of
DepictsJacobite rising of 1745, Scotland, family and dog
Made from material
LocationTate Britain, Millbank, City of Westminster, Greater London, London, England
Inventory number
  • 1852
  • 102.9 cm
  • 73.7 cm
Authority file
Wikidata Q822541
BabelNet ID: 03640900n
Google Arts & Culture asset ID: cQEhuAQIHc3vIg
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Media in category "The Order of Release by John Everett Millais"

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