Category:The Private Life of Henry VIII

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<nowiki>La vida privada de Enrique VIII; 英宮艷史; VIII. Henrik magánélete; The Private Life of Henry VIII; The Private Life of Henry VIII; Частная жизнь Генриха VIII; The Private Life of Henry Viii; Հենրի VIII-ի անձնական կյանքը; 英宮艷史; Henrik VIII's privatliv; The Private Life of Henry VIII; 英宮艷史; Kvinnorna kring kungen; Приватне життя Генріха VIII; 헨리 8세; Le sei mogli di Enrico VIII; La Vie privée d'Henry VIII; 英宫艳史; The Private Life of Henry VIII; Henrija VIII privātā dzīve; Приватни живот Хенрија VIII; The Private Life of Henry VIII; 英宫艳史; The Private Life of Henry VIII; Prywatne życie Henryka VIII; The Private Life of Henry VIII; The Private Life of Henry VIII; Das Privatleben Heinrichs VIII.; زندگی خصوصی هنری هشتم; سککیزینجی صنعت شخصی حیات; حياه هنرى التامن الخاصه; The Private Life of Henry VIII; حياة هنري الثامن الخاصة; Ερρίκος Η΄; ヘンリー八世の私生活; película de 1933 dirigida por Alexander Korda; pinicla de 1933 dirigía por Alexander Korda; film sorti en 1933; 1933. aasta film, lavastanud Alexander Korda; película de 1933 dirixida por Alexander Korda; pel·lícula de 1933 dirigida per Alexander Korda; ffilm ddrama am berson nodedig gan Alexander Korda a gyhoeddwyd yn 1933; filme de 1933 dirigido por Alexander Korda; film; film út 1933 fan Alexander Korda; film din 1933 regizat de Alexander Korda; 1933 film by Alexander Korda; filme de 1933 dirigit per Alexander Korda; film från 1933 regisserad av Alexander Korda; סרט משנת 1933; фільм 1933 року; film van Alexander Korda; فيلم 1933; cinta de 1933 dirichita por Alexander Korda; film del 1933 diretto da Alexander Korda; 1933 film by Alexander Korda; filme de 1933 dirixido por Alexander Korda; فيلم أنتج عام 1933; κινηματογραφική ταινία του 1933; Film von Alexander Korda (1933); The Private Life of Henry VIII; Sei mogli di Enrico VIII; La vie privée d'henry viii; La Vie Privée D'Henry VIII; La Vie privee d'Henry VIII; The Private Life of Henry VIII; Vie privée d'Henry VIII; The Private Life of Henry VIII; The Private Life of Henri VIII; Het intieme leven van Hendrik VIII; Частная жизнь Генриха Восьмого (фильм); Частная жизнь Генриха Восьмого; Частная жизнь Генриха VIII (фильм); Sechs Frauen und ein König; Os Amores de Henrique VIII; A vida privada de Henrique VIII; Os amores de Henrique VIII; A Vida Privada de Henrique VIII; Private Life of Henry VIII; The Private Life of Henry VIII; La vida privada de enrique viii; 亨利八世的私生活; Η Ιδιωτική Ζωή του Ερρίκου του 8ου</nowiki>
The Private Life of Henry VIII 
1933 film by Alexander Korda
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Main subject
Country of origin
  • Kurt Schröder
Distribution format
Cast member
  • Charles Laughton (Henry VIII, Henry VIII of England)
  • Robert Donat (Thomas Culpeper, Thomas Culpeper)
  • Merle Oberon (Anne Boleyn, Anne Boleyn)
  • Elsa Lanchester (Anne of Cleves, Anne of Cleves)
  • John Loder (Thomas Peynell)
  • Binnie Barnes (Katherine Howard, Catherine Howard)
  • Annie Esmond (Cook's Wife)
  • Wendy Barrie (Jane Seymour, Jane Seymour)
  • Claud Allister (Cornell)
  • Franklin Dyall (Thomas Cromwell, Thomas Cromwell)
  • John Turnbull (Hans Holbein, Hans Holbein the Younger)
  • Miles Mander (Wriothesley, Thomas Wriothesley, 1st Earl of Southampton)
  • William Austin (The Duke of Cleves, John III, Duke of Cleves)
  • Everley Gregg (Catherine Parr, Catherine Parr)
  • Laurence Hanray (Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, Thomas Cranmer)
  • Frederick Culley (Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk)
  • Judy Kelly (Lady Rochford, Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford)
  • Helen Maud Holt (The King's Nurse)
  • Hay Petrie (The King's Barber)
  • Wally Patch (Butcher)
  • Arthur Howard (Kitchen Helper)
  • Gibb McLaughlin (The French Executioner)
  • Sam Livesey (The English Executioner)
  • William Heughan (Kingston, William Kingston)
Publication date
  • 1933
  • 97 min
Authority file
Wikidata Q1170115
VIAF cluster ID: 316752218
GND ID: 4741555-1
Library of Congress authority ID: n2003036253
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 146629259
J9U ID: 987007381989605171
Internet Archive ID: ThePrivateLifeofHenryVIII., ThePrivateLifeOfHenryViii1933
IMDb ID: tt0024473
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Media in category "The Private Life of Henry VIII"

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