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Category:The United States Senate, A.D. 1850, by Peter F. Rothermel

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English: "The United States Senate, A.D. 1850" — an engraving by Peter F. Rothermel, set in the Old Senate Chamber.
  • It depicts Henry Clay, "the Great Compromiser," introducing the Compromise of 1850 to the the United States Senate, in his last significant act as a senator.
  • In a desperate attempt to prevent civil war from erupting, the "Great Triumvirate," of Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, and Clay of Kentucky struggled to balance the interests of the North, South, and West.
  • The engraving shows all three men, with Clay at center presenting his compromise, Daniel Webster seated to the left of Clay, and John C. Calhoun to the left of the Speaker's chair.