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English: Please categorize images into subcategories listed below.
- Images relating to plays, dramas and the written word are collected under Category:Performing arts and Drama.
- Playwrights, directors and actors are collected under Theatrical occupations.
- Images relating to types of practical production are collected under Theatrical genres.
- Pictures of specific productions should be categorized under the relevant Theatre by country category.
- Images relating to the art of creating theatrical performance environments, using space, set, costume, sound, lighting, etc., are collected under Scenography.
Tuta kategorija ma 57 slědowacych podkategorijow z dohromady 57.
- Han-Yang Beiguan Troupe (7 D)
- Il convitato di pietra (9 D)
- Media from Giuseppe Grosso Library (1 S, 552 D)
- Meitei theatre (8 D)
- Prompt books (11 D)
- Shumang Kumhei (3 D)
- Solo performances (7 D)
- Tegaram Theatre Play (3 D)
- Theatre tickets (35 D)
- Theatre tokens (3 D)
Nastawki w kategoriji „Theatre”
Slědowacej 2 stronje stej w tutej kategoriji z dohromady 2.
Medije w kategoriji „Theatre”
Slědowacych 200 datajow je w tutej kategoriji z dohromady 2.409.
(předchadna strona) (přichodna strona)-
"El Tesoro de Margarita". Compañía Teatro Educativo. Chile.jpg 3.000x1.982; 1,41 MB
"Entrance to the dream" A Midnight Visit.jpg 1.200x1.600; 197 kB
"Genossin Rosi" in Himmelpfort.jpg 4.032x3.024; 3,18 MB
"Hari Apuru Dawasak" 2.jpg 760x746; 78 kB
"Hari Apuru Dawasak".jpg 800x600; 43 kB
"Inn i Peer Gynts rike", Kulturproduksjoner 2006.jpg 1.067x1.600; 123 kB
"La Grotta di Calypso" 2015 F Reichart.jpg 2.048x1.536; 559 kB
"Lenteja, una coneja diferente". Compañía Teatro Educativo. Chile.jpg 2.000x1.333; 1,86 MB
"No más Bullying". Compañía Teatro Educativo. Chile.jpg 5.184x3.456; 1,4 MB
"The Beethovens" with D.C. Douglas.jpg 500x200; 51 kB
"transmissão", 2015.jpg 960x720; 31 kB
"Un recuerdo después del Holocausto", segundo montaje en Madrid de Carolina Perelman.pdf 1.239 × 1.752, 3 strony; 147 kB
"Versão Beta", 2021.jpg 4.000x2.250; 1,85 MB
'Advice of the Sorceress' mosaic from Pompeii.jpg 3.258x4.089; 11,38 MB
'Arsenic and Old Lace' with Betty Garrett, Carole Cook & Michael Lee Stever.jpg 1.911x2.667; 2,69 MB
'Forgetting Othello'.jpg 5.184x3.456; 8,3 MB
's Gravenhaagsche courant 30-10-1822.jpg 500x283; 169 kB
(Arthur de Beauplan dessin (...)Marevéry Yves btv1b531041113.jpg 1.024x1.176; 187 kB
(Be)coming by Diego Marín.png 2.880x1.538; 4,03 MB
-8HyjnZjNFw.jpg 1.440x2.160; 1,09 MB
026 Seminarium Padua courtyard theater.jpg 1.658x2.553; 1,5 MB
1-1024x512.jpg 1.024x512; 99 kB
10 marzo 1979 volantinaggio Manicomio di Rovigo.jpg 884x650; 168 kB
102 0235 bn.jpg 2.000x2.396; 317 kB
15 HEXENJAGD.jpg 2.560x1.440; 1,2 MB
150806 Theaternatur-GP-AlteDame-1.jpg 2.000x1.333; 504 kB
1910 teatraĵo UK 2022.jpg 1.030x773; 413 kB
1باک پرفورمنس نسخه مثبت چهار ورک دمونستریشن، کمپانی تئاتر گاراژ قم.jpg 5.472x3.648; 11,11 MB
2002.12.14-2003.03.02 O Baú 01 Postal D0043.jpg 2.455x1.761; 5,92 MB
2005 BYT Building (2).jpg 3.000x2.000; 7,14 MB
2009 duo 3-001.jpg 317x426; 72 kB
2017 - Le Prophète - Theatre Capitole de Toulose.jpg 2.953x1.969; 2,74 MB
2019-09-05 13-47-36 Mantach.jpg 5.386x3.591; 11,19 MB
20200703-190732-ksc (1).jpg 6.016x4.016; 564 kB
2021007 SLSA 1270 slsa 1270 34 foto 85(1).jpg 2.667x4.000; 2,74 MB
23rd Festival opening, September 25th, 2016.jpg 800x533; 155 kB
24-7-365, a theatre production by Lindsey McAlister (2023).jpg 4.200x2.801; 6,35 MB
24.7.365 theatre production by the Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation.jpg 4.200x2.801; 4,13 MB
25086 28030 zoomed perforkar.jpg 1.000x750; 309 kB
3 Musketeers decor 1.jpg 850x569; 430 kB
3 Musketeers decor 2.jpg 2.876x1.666; 3,66 MB
3 Musketeers decor 3.jpg 3.008x2.000; 2,93 MB
3-1024x512.jpg 1.024x512; 85 kB
32377-Annaberg-2000-Adam-Ries-Stadt-Brück & Sohn Kunstverlag.jpg 3.512x2.500; 4,4 MB
32399-Freiberg-2000-9-teilig-Brück & Sohn Kunstverlag.jpg 3.488x2.500; 4,5 MB
33552-Meißen-2012-Mehrteilig-Brück & Sohn Kunstverlag.jpg 3.528x2.516; 4,74 MB
3D dress show (7).jpg 1.000x573; 169 kB
4º - Teatro x la identidad (2017).jpg 719x721; 88 kB
5 Produktionen Eure Formation.jpg 800x319; 63 kB
7359358 slider-detail 1pcVIi vmchwH.jpg 960x641; 71 kB
A akroama New.jpg 601x216; 30 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 01.jpg 2.500x1.667; 477 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 02.jpg 2.500x1.667; 308 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 03.jpg 2.500x1.667; 520 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 04.jpg 2.500x1.667; 394 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 05.jpg 2.500x1.667; 637 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 06.jpg 2.500x1.667; 367 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 07.jpg 2.500x1.667; 266 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 08.jpg 2.500x1.667; 748 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 09.jpg 2.500x1.667; 910 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 10.jpg 2.500x1.667; 558 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 11.jpg 2.500x1.667; 316 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 12.jpg 2.500x1.667; 562 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 13.jpg 2.500x1.667; 737 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 14.jpg 2.500x1.667; 466 kB
A Butterfly Encounter Performance 15.jpg 2.500x1.667; 465 kB
A catwalk for stage lighting above the auditorium of a community theatre.jpg 4.032x3.024; 8,15 MB
A control room or tech booth for lighting and sound in a theatre.jpg 4.032x3.024; 5,15 MB
A Kataikuttu Theatre Peformance.jpg 3.328x1.872; 1,3 MB
A kwagh-hir character.jpg 1.349x1.906; 933 kB
A kwagh-hir performance.jpg 1.757x2.496; 1,53 MB
A Midnight Visit cast (Perth 2019).jpg 960x724; 88 kB
A modern control booth or tech booth for lighting and sound in a theatre.jpg 4.032x3.024; 5,44 MB
A modern control booth or technical booth for lighting and sound in a theatre.jpg 4.032x3.024; 5,05 MB
A reconstruction of the theatre at Soli by John Lindros.tif 3.630x2.748; 57,1 MB
A scene in Death and the King's Horseman 01.webm 1 min 3 s, 1.920 × 1.080; 26,62 MB
A scene in Death and the King's Horseman 02.webm 31 s, 1.920 × 1.080; 10,06 MB
A scene כרםצ ש play by al-Mihbash theatre, Rahat, Israel.jpg 768x1.024; 102 kB
A section of the store of Seaside Cottage Theatre in Bariga Lagos Nigeria.jpg 5.760x3.840; 7,23 MB
A Very Interested Audience Memeber at the Kataikuttu Peformance.jpg 3.328x1.872; 2,91 MB
A. Bandecchi.jpg 1.483x1.913; 565 kB
A.P.P.L.A.U.S. - The Addams Family Gravstein.png 3.456x5.184; 21,61 MB
Abdelkader Alloula.jpg 5.745x4.257; 5,76 MB
About - Risette, ou les Millions de la Mansarde.djvu 2.720 × 4.432, 52 stronow; 1,72 MB
Abrador, l'avete provato?.pdf 720 × 995, 18 stronow; 5,15 MB
AbrazadasComoLocasPasión-30 1196.jpg 1.072x712; 193 kB
AbrazadasComoLocasPasión-30 1247.jpg 1.072x712; 169 kB
AbrazadasComoLocasPasión-30 1321.jpg 1.072x712; 279 kB
AbrazadasComoLocasPasión-30 1325.jpg 1.072x712; 184 kB
ABT Exterior sunset beauty shot.jpg 3.287x2.592; 4,69 MB
Acesso ao mirante do Teatro Municipal de Araxá-MG 05.jpg 4.624x3.468; 923 kB
Acto Cultural de José Ignacio Cabrujas.jpg 2.809x3.851; 2,92 MB
Actor Getting Ready for a Kataikuttu Theatre Peformance.jpg 3.328x1.872; 1,51 MB
Actuacion Estreno.jpg 960x720; 51 kB
ActuandoAndo01.jpg 850x531; 126 kB
Adalbert Klingler Billett.jpg 2.394x1.503; 813 kB
Adalbert Klingler Kasperlitheater.jpg 1.536x1.008; 202 kB
Adalbert Klingler.jpg 688x653; 107 kB
Adam und Eva 148.jpg 4.256x2.832; 1,69 MB
Adamguevara-1030x579.jpg 1.030x579; 99 kB
Adele o l'amôr figlial.pdf 1.285 × 1.868, 46 stronow; 109,97 MB
Affiche Lu Bessoun.jpg 2.055x2.740; 934 kB
Affiche représentations théâtre Francis Gag Noel 2000.jpg 2.168x3.034; 961 kB
Affiche vaudeville 1885.jpg 1.000x1.400; 750 kB
Affiche vaudeville tom pouce 1845.jpg 7.700x10.000; 36,44 MB
Afiche Obra El Chinchinero, Teatro Itinerante 007R copia.jpg 1.134x2.544; 932 kB
AfvxJsh lUs.jpg 401x501; 53 kB
Agurtzane Intxaurraga 2.jpg 3.652x2.435; 1,67 MB
Agurtzane Intxaurraga.jpg 1.600x1.067; 168 kB
AIMG 2615 StadtErlebnisEndingen Schlussakkord (1280x853).jpg 1.280x853; 725 kB
Al obelisco.jpg 3.629x2.420; 627 kB
Alan with Nugget (Equus, 2021).jpg 5.612x3.741; 13,46 MB
Alcmene theater, Athens.jpg 4.160x3.120; 2,75 MB
Alejandra Caletti en el Teatro Ocampo 2022.jpg 275x608; 57 kB
Alejandra Nolasco.jpg 2.048x1.449; 314 kB
Alejandro en El Lobo Solitario.jpg 4.000x3.000; 1,64 MB
Alert!.jpg 1.080x720; 122 kB
Alessandro Fabrizi, Gonzalo nella Tempesta.jpg 4.608x3.456; 3,44 MB
Alex Marchi.jpg 962x923; 143 kB
Alex Waltz aux Briardises.jpg 621x353; 158 kB
Alex.Santiago-Jirau.Photo.jpg 217x214; 10 kB
Alexandra Palace Theatre in 2018 after refurbishment.jpg 1.680x1.120; 965 kB
Alexandra Palace Theatre used by BBC as a prop store.png 755x572; 649 kB
Alexandre Benois, Le Malade Imaginaire,1913 - Peinture.jpg 758x359; 33 kB
Alexandre o Gomes e Amir Haddad.jpg 1.280x853; 95 kB
Alicia chong-397.jpg 3.774x4.095; 2,48 MB
Alisher Navoiy nomidagi teatr.jpg 4.000x1.792; 1,86 MB
Alisher Navoiy teatri.jpg 4.032x3.024; 1,74 MB
Alman Lüteran kilsəsi Gəncə (Siluet).jpg 2.640x3.960; 4,64 MB
Alok Chatterjee.jpg 750x450; 39 kB
Alquibla La malquerida.png 1.248x773; 504 kB
Alquibla Macbeth.jpg 5.184x3.456; 2,97 MB
Altoparlantes juglarescos..jpg 5.568x3.712; 5,3 MB
ALVALENTI 4.jpg 2.048x1.152; 99 kB
Amaia Bono. Antzerki-aktorea.jpg 1.337x2.000; 2,44 MB
American Visions at SUNY Purchase directed by Zenon Kruszelnicki.jpg 3.264x2.448; 1,81 MB
American Visions at SUNY Purchase.jpg 2.448x3.264; 1,63 MB
Amsterdamse courant 10-03-1810.jpg 500x193; 101 kB
Amsterdamse courant 11-12-1800.jpg 500x167; 90 kB
Amy Polumbo on stage.jpg 2.048x1.361; 205 kB
An Aotrou Kerlaban 1922.jpg 900x1.160; 317 kB
An Older Actor Getting Ready for a Kataikuttu Theatre Peformance.jpg 3.328x1.872; 1,19 MB
Ana Martinoli.jpg 2.000x1.335; 285 kB
Ana María Campoy 001.jpg 2.161x1.470; 1,68 MB
Ana María Campoy 002.jpg 2.161x1.470; 1,83 MB
Andrea Balzola Paola Agosti.jpg 500x726; 318 kB
Andrea de rosa regista.jpg 3.307x2.475; 422 kB
Andrienko.jpg 400x300; 73 kB
Anicet Dgenguiz Kan ou La conquete de la Chine (page 1 crop).jpg 1.975x1.416; 498 kB
Anicet Dgenguiz Kan ou La conquete de la Chine (page all).jpg 2.229x3.434; 1,37 MB
Anicet Dgenguiz Kan ou La conquete de la Chine.djvu 2.272 × 3.701, 29 stronow; 5,37 MB
Anicet-Bourgeois, Dumanoir, Brisebarre - La Fiole de Cagliostro.djvu 898 × 1.320, 54 stronow; 2,12 MB
Animal Farm der Demokratie.jpg 4.541x3.027; 1,29 MB
Anna Piscopo.jpg 3.648x5.472; 8,96 MB
Annie russell.jpg 656x1.066; 122 kB
Announcement by Lalalandia, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 1992.tif 2.720x2.936; 45,73 MB
Announcement for the Théâtre de L'Oeuvre MET DP835475.jpg 3.651x2.479; 3,9 MB
Anonyme (J-B-P Bacon), Belphégor dans Marseille, 1736.djvu 956 × 1.538, 40 stronow; 2,41 MB
Anton Maly, Der BrandnerKasper.jpg 1.086x1.500; 385 kB
Antonio Veneziano attore.jpg 3.872x2.592; 3,53 MB
Antonioveneziano.jpg 1.024x685; 66 kB
Antton Bastero.jpg 960x640; 60 kB
Antzerkia Zurriola ikastolan Argia 2009.jpg 320x192; 10 kB
Anukriti mandal.jpg 1.251x1.280; 230 kB
APGRD-Farrah-exhibition-Nov-2015.jpg 950x551; 89 kB
Apreciación de las ventanas de cristal, características de la época.jpg 1.600x1.200; 245 kB
Archive-ugent-be-B243A86A-0A85-11E3-81F7-7CEB97481370 DS-2.jpg 2.874x3.999; 6,81 MB
Archivioneumann.jpg 960x720; 85 kB
Armando Babaioff - foto- Carol Beiriz.jpg 2.721x1.780; 3,64 MB
Arnaud Meunier ©Guillaume Ducreux-ADDB.jpg 1.100x1.279; 685 kB
Art of Waking, Amsterdam 2020.jpg 3.088x2.320; 1,44 MB
Arte Cênica, 2001.jpg 6.000x4.000; 6,88 MB
Article Nice-Matin 8 juin 1994 "Antigone".jpg 2.544x3.408; 2,36 MB
Artists Peter Lodwick and Marit Krogeide.jpg 482x640; 142 kB
ARTURO-UI.jpg 960x625; 85 kB
Asch Building.jpg 960x720; 66 kB
Assepoester.jpg 783x464; 385 kB
Assinatura - Encenadora Vanessa Silva.png 209x44; 2 kB
Assinatura da Encenadora Vanessa Silva.png 521x134; 5 kB
Astana Ballet.jpg 4.032x2.268; 2,35 MB
Asya.voloshina-2.png 640x480; 275 kB
At the culture center.jpg 3.264x2.448; 868 kB