Category:Theodor Lessing

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See also: Ada Lessing.
Deutsch: Theodor Lessing (* 8. Februar 1872; † 31. August 1933) war ein deutsch-jüdischer Philosoph und politischer Publizist.
English: Theodor Lessing (February 8, 1872 - August 31, 1933) was a German Jewish philosopher.
<nowiki>Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; 特奥多尔·莱辛; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; テオドール・レッシング; Theodor Lessing; Теодор Лессінг; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; 테오도어 레싱; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; തിയോഡോർ ലെസ്സിംഗ്; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Theodor Lessing; Теодор Лессинг; Theodor Lessing; ثيودور ليسنغ; ثيودور ليسنج; תיאודור לסינג; filósofo alemán; filosofo alemaniarra; filósofu alemán; немецко-еврейский философ и публицист; deutscher Philosoph und Publizist; filozof gjerman; نویسنده آلمانی; Germany karimba ŋun nyɛ doo; filosof german; tysk författare; німецько-єврейський філософ та публіцист; 독일 철학자; German philosopher; německý filozof; filosofo tedesco; জার্মান দার্শনিক; philosophe allemand; Saksamaa filosoof; ލިޔުންތެރިއެއް; Olóṣèlú Ọmọ Orílẹ̀-èdè Germany.; professor académico alemão; nemški filozof in publicist; germana filozofo; tysk skribent; fealsamh Gearmánach; Filsuf Jerman; tysk skribent; tysk skribent; Duits schrijver; filósofo alemán; niemiecki filozof i publicysta; German philosopher; filòsof alemany; German philosopher (1872–1933); فيلسوف ألماني; Nsɛmtwerɛni; פילוסוף יהודי גרמני; Лессинг, Теодор; תאודור לסינג; Theodor Leusing; Théodore le Singe; Lessing, Theodor</nowiki>
Theodor Lessing 
German philosopher (1872–1933)
Fotografia de Nicola Perscheid
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Name in native language
  • Theodor Lessing
Date of birth8 February 1872
Hanover (Kingdom of Prussia, German Empire)
Date of death30 August 1933
Mariánské Lázně (Czechoslovakia)
Manner of death
Killed by
  • Rudolf Max Eckert
  • Rudolf Zischka
  • Karl Hönl
Place of burial
  • Theodor Leusing
Country of citizenship
Educated at
Member of political party
Significant event
Work location
Notable work
Authority file
Wikidata Q61446
ISNI: 0000000109004137
VIAF cluster ID: 51718394
GND ID: 11872780X
Library of Congress authority ID: n86027911
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 12097300t
IdRef ID: 029322219
NL CR AUT ID: jn20010525125
SELIBR ID: 269208
National Library of Israel ID (old): 000082946
National Library of Spain ID: XX1342317
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID: 070664455
NORAF ID: 90085078
NUKAT ID: n00015872
NLP ID (old): a0000002888643
Libris-URI: 20dgkkpl1djsm4n
PLWABN ID: 9810686657505606
J9U ID: 987007264455705171
NACSIS-CAT author ID: DA01079888
SBN author ID: CFIV068464
Open Library ID: OL980205A
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Pages in category "Theodor Lessing"

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