Category:Torah arks
receptacle which contains a synagogue's Torah scrolls | |||||
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DE: Aaron haKodesch
This category has the following 25 subcategories, out of 25 total.
- Open Torah arks (36 F)
- Torah arks in Argentina (5 F)
- Torah arks in China (3 F)
- Torah-Schrein in Deutschland (41 F)
- Torah arks in Hungary (48 F)
- Torah arks in Italy (24 F)
- Torah arks in Latvia (6 F)
- Torah arks in Luxembourg (6 F)
- Torah arks in Mexico (5 F)
- Torah arks in Palestine (6 F)
- Torah arks in Poland (33 F)
- Torah arks in Portugal (6 F)
- Torah arks in Singapore (2 F)
- Torah arks in Slovakia (4 F)
Media in category "Torah arks"
The following 96 files are in this category, out of 96 total.
04ring.jpg 2,820 × 3,722; 1.87 MB
167- Mosesville- Synagogue Baron Hirsch.JPG 1,944 × 2,592; 2.02 MB
8 Vilnius- Synagogue Chorale-DSC05179.JPG 3,240 × 4,320; 4.61 MB
Aharon of Sousse Synagogue.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 1.07 MB
ARK-dedication.jpg 979 × 626; 333 KB
Aron haqodesh in New Tallinn Synagogue.JPG 1,200 × 1,600; 556 KB
Aron Kodesh by Dave ben Israel 10 Centuries of Art of Belarus.JPG 3,264 × 3,766; 2.56 MB
Aron Kodesh Corfu.jpg 276 × 402; 30 KB
Aron Victoire.jpg 12,254 × 3,628; 11.27 MB
ASCALON STUDIOS, David Ascalon, Lincoln Square Synagogue Ark New York.jpg 649 × 831; 1.62 MB
Asti Synagogue 14 - Détail de l'Arche sainte.JPG 3,240 × 4,320; 5.02 MB
Asti Synagogue 7 - l'Arche sainte et la Bimah.JPG 3,240 × 4,320; 4.86 MB
Beit She'arim - Cave of the Torah Ark, the Torah Ark relief (1).jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 1.13 MB
Beit She'arim - Cave of the Torah Ark, the Torah Ark relief (2).jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 1,011 KB
Beit She'arim - Cave of the Torah Ark, the Torah Ark relief (3).jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 1.3 MB
Beit She'arim - Cave of the Torah Ark, the Torah Ark relief (4).jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 1.07 MB
Beit She'arim - Cave of the Torah Ark, the Torah Ark relief (5).jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 1.08 MB
Beth Yaacov Torah Arche.JPG 3,240 × 4,320; 2.82 MB
Bevis Marks Synagogue P6110039.JPG 1,712 × 2,288; 714 KB
Bevis Marks Synagogue P6110040.JPG 1,712 × 2,288; 695 KB
Bevis Marks Synagogue P6110041.JPG 2,288 × 1,712; 721 KB
Bimah in Gelsenkirchen.jpg 612 × 612; 97 KB
Brockhaus and Efron Jewish Encyclopedia e3 188-1.jpg 610 × 902; 157 KB
Brockhaus and Efron Jewish Encyclopedia e3 188-3.jpg 507 × 756; 151 KB
Brockhaus and Efron Jewish Encyclopedia e3 188-5.jpg 757 × 858; 262 KB
Brockhaus and Efron Jewish Encyclopedia e3 188-6.jpg 478 × 834; 123 KB
Decorated column capital.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 9.83 MB
Diemeringen 2009 23.jpg 2,304 × 1,728; 1.67 MB
Diemeringen 2009 31.jpg 2,304 × 1,728; 1.63 MB
DOOR TO HEAVEN.jpg 2,744 × 3,974; 2.71 MB
Synagoge im Budge-Heim-2978.JPG 2,576 × 1,712; 1,022 KB
Garnethill Synagogue, Glasgow 03 - Ceilign above the Holy Ark.jpg 4,032 × 2,268; 2.78 MB
Garnethill Synagogue, Glasgow 16 - view of the Holy Ark from the upper tier.jpg 2,268 × 4,032; 2.82 MB
Grazer Synagoge - Toraschrein.jpg 2,056 × 1,542; 717 KB
HaKodesch der Neuen Synagoge Düsseldorf.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.55 MB
Heichal of Kehila Kedosha Janina.jpg 3,000 × 3,451; 2.05 MB
Hejal de la Asociacion Bet El 2011.jpg 819 × 614; 119 KB
Interior of Tbilisi great synagogue 1269.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 7.79 MB
Interior of Tbilisi great synagogue 1273.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 7.36 MB
Interior of Tbilisi great synagogue 1274.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 7.44 MB
Interior of Tbilisi great synagogue1267.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 7.64 MB
Interior of Tbilisi great synagogue1268.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 7.75 MB
Interior of Tbilisi great synagogue1270.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 7.43 MB
Interior of Tbilisi great synagogue1278.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 8.06 MB
Ioannina Synagogue 2.JPG 1,600 × 1,200; 580 KB
Israel Museum Synagogue of Aleppo 11.jpg 430 × 581; 54 KB
J. Jodkowski Aron ha-kodesz synagoga Wołpa.jpg 321 × 448; 29 KB
Jewish Encyclopedia Colored Illustration (cropped).jpg 923 × 1,303; 360 KB
Judeiskaya utvar05.jpg 851 × 1,237; 246 KB
Jüdischer Soldatengottesdienst.jpg 2,304 × 3,456; 2.03 MB
Kaunas Synagoge Innen Thoraschrein 4.JPG 3,400 × 4,556; 5.66 MB
Kaunas Synagoge Innen Thoraschrein 5.JPG 4,566 × 3,248; 5.49 MB
Kdumim synagogue Zafnat Moscivitz e nacal Jonatan 40.jpg 1,347 × 2,400; 1.08 MB
Köln-Synagoge-Glockengasse-Toraschrein-Aaron haKodesch.jpg 784 × 1,199; 148 KB
L'Arche Sainte.jpg 1,728 × 2,304; 1.88 MB
Laying the cornerstone for the new building of the Mishkan of Binyamin 11.jpg 1,347 × 2,400; 323 KB
Luxembourg City Synagogue Torah ark 1.JPG 1,360 × 1,020; 707 KB
Luxembourg City Synagogue Torah ark 2.JPG 1,020 × 1,360; 148 KB
Luxembourg City Synagogue Torah ark 3.JPG 1,360 × 1,020; 666 KB
MahJ (Paris) - Arche sainte de Modène (Italie), 1472.jpg 6,000 × 8,000; 15.48 MB
Mühlhausen Thüringen Synagoge 90194.JPG 2,520 × 3,776; 4.1 MB
Nastaetten Synagoge -1904 -craftmen in front Holy Ark.jpg 497 × 590; 74 KB
Neveh Shalom Synagogue (14321794854).jpg 1,024 × 768; 140 KB
New Synagogue Darmstadt.jpg 2,971 × 3,655; 5.78 MB
Niche for the Torah Ark.jpg 1,080 × 810; 153 KB
Old Sha'are zedeq hospital building - synagogue 06.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 1.31 MB
Parochet of Beth Jakov Macedonia.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.1 MB
PXL 20231005 041820245.jpg 3,072 × 4,080; 2.58 MB
PXL 20231005 041821417.jpg 3,072 × 4,080; 2.64 MB
Písečné Jüdischer Friedhof.- Grabstein 2a.jpg 2,739 × 3,822; 9.04 MB
Písečné Jüdischer Friedhof.- Grabstein 2b.jpg 2,541 × 3,894; 9.22 MB
Písečné Jüdischer Friedhof.- Grabstein 2c.jpg 2,777 × 3,760; 8.79 MB
Rahamei Tirtzah ark.jpg 463 × 558; 22 KB
Syna Bruxelles-5.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 2.13 MB
Syna Lyon-Arche Sainte.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 1.44 MB
Syna Ohel Moed-the Torah Ark.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 1.32 MB
Synagogue de Saint-Avold, Arche Sainte.jpg 2,268 × 3,141; 1.81 MB
Synagogue in Dzierzoniow (3).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.02 MB
Synagogue of Saluzzo.jpg 336 × 448; 91 KB
Tbilisi Synagogue (1).jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 384 KB
The new village Elon Moreh is slowly being inhabited (FL45817526).jpg 3,399 × 2,196; 1.49 MB
The Synagogue in Veria-the Torah ark.jpg 1,200 × 900; 464 KB
Tiphearth Israel Synagogue, Mumbai, Torah Cases.jpg 4,416 × 2,926; 6.24 MB
Tln SynagogueIMGP6822 (cropped).JPG 1,299 × 1,494; 1.5 MB
Tln SynagogueIMGP6822.JPG 1,728 × 2,304; 2.74 MB
Tora shrine from Solothurn.tif 3,744 × 5,616; 31.03 MB
Torah ark from Solothurn.jpg 3,598 × 5,471; 2.58 MB
Trzcianka synagogue, k. XIX w (2).jpg 4,298 × 2,910; 2.55 MB
V02p108001 Aron.jpg 524 × 371; 111 KB
Venetian Synagogue Ark in the Jewish Museum London (Detail).jpg 3,672 × 4,896; 10.97 MB
Wooden Torah ark Jewish Museum label jeh.jpg 2,201 × 2,935; 922 KB
Zemach zedek 2.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 611 KB
Zulfaris synagogue jewish museum turkey ehal.jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 2.77 MB
פרוכת ארון הקודש בבית הכנסת הרומניוטי ביאנינה.jpg 4,248 × 5,664; 5.03 MB
צילום שיעור בישיבת בית אל.jpg 350 × 205; 18 KB