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 See also category: Fishing dredges.
Dansk: trawlfiskeri; trawling
Deutsch: Schleppnetzfischerei; Fang mit Schleppnetz
English: trawling
Français : chalutage; pêche au chalut; pêche chalutière
Italiano: pesca al traino
Nederlands: trawlvisserij; treilvisserij
Português: pesca de arrasto
<nowiki>strascico; trålfiske; troolaus; 拖捕; trenreta fiŝkaptado; Schleppnetzfischerei; Pesca de arrasto; trawling; صید ترال; treilvissery; trawlfiskeri; tecnica di pesca; loài cá; method of catching fish; principle by which netting bags are being towed in water to catch different species of fishes in their path; método de capturar peixes; troolikalastus; trålning; trawl fishing; trawl net fishing; sleepnetvissery; 拖網; 拖网作业; 拖網捕魚; 拖網捕撈魚類</nowiki>
method of catching fish; principle by which netting bags are being towed in water to catch different species of fishes in their path
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  • fishing technique
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This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.





Media in category "Trawling"

The following 80 files are in this category, out of 80 total.