Category:Unicode 0080-00FF C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement

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<nowiki>နောက်ဆက်တွဲ:ယူနီကုဒ်/လက်တင်-၁ ဖြည့်စွက်ချက်; commandes C1 et supplément Latin-1; дадатковая лацінка — 1; Дополнительная латиница — 1; Unicodeblock Lateinisch-1, Ergänzung; Wiktionary:Phụ lục Unicode/Latin-1 Supplement; C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement; 拉丁字母-1 補充; dodatek latinica-1; ラテン1補助; Lampiran:Unicode/Latin-1 Supplement; 西歐語言字母補充區; Latin-1 Supplement; Latiensch-1 Ergänzen; Latin-1 Supplement; Latin-1 Supplement; Appendix:ယူနဳကုဒ်/လပ်တေန်ဗပေင်စုတ်အဆက်တၞဟ်-မွဲ; Latin-1 Supplement; Unikodbloko C1-Stirsignoj kaj Latina-1 Suplemento; блок стандарта Юникод; यूनिकोड खण्ड (U+0080-00FF); Unicodeblock; bloc Unicode (U+0080-00FF) qui contient les caractères de la plage supérieure de l'ISO 8859-1; Unicode block (U+0080-00FF) which contains characters from the upper range of ISO 8859-1; блёк Юнікоду; യൂണികോഡ് ബ്ലോക്ക് (U+0080-00FF); ユニコードのブロック。; C1 Controls; U+0080-00FF; Latin-1; C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement; 拉丁字母補充-1; U+0080-00FF; Latin-1; commandes C1; contrôles C1; supplément Latin-1; 拉丁字母1補充; latin-1補充; 西歐語言字母補充</nowiki>
Unicodeblock Lateinisch-1, Ergänzung 
Medium hochladen
Ist ein(e)
  • Unicodeblock
Ist Teil von
Verschieden von
Teilweise übereinstimmend mit
  • C0 and C1 control codes (U+0080-009F)
Wikidata Q574509
BabelNet-Kennung: 00903021n
Infoboxdaten auf Wikidata bearbeiten
C1 Controls
The 16 characters encoded in range U+0080-009F normally have no glyphs; they also have alias names for ISO/IEC 6429:1992, and commonly used alternative aliases.
The 92 other characters in this block are based on ISO/IEC 8859-1.
Formatting control (soft hyphen)
Non-breaking space
Spacing diacritics (also used as symbols)
¨ ¯​ ´ ¸
Generic punctuation
¡ ¦§ « · » ¿​
Currency and abbreviation symbols
¢£¤¥ © ¬ ® ° µ
Mathematical operators
± × ÷
Numeric fractions
Superscript Decimal digits
²³ ¹
Superscript basic Latin small letters
ª º
Latin capital letters with diacritics or ligatures
Latin small letters with diacritics or ligatures
ß​àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîï​ðñòóôõö øùúûüýþÿ​


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