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<nowiki>Apéndice:Caracteres Unicode/Modificadores de letras; lettres modificatives à chasse; мадыфікатары літараў; Модификаторы букв; Unicodeblock Spacing Modifier Letters; Phụ lục:Unicode/Spacing Modifier Letters; 佔位修飾符號; presledkovni modifikatorji; 前進を伴う修飾文字; Spacing Modifier Letters; Unicodeblock Spacing Modifier Letters; 音標修飾字元; 音标修饰字符; 音標修飾字元區段; Unikodbloko Spacplenigantaj Modifantaj Literoj; Spacing Modifier Letters; Appendix:ယူနဳကုဒ်/အက္ခရ်မအခဝ်ပြုပြေင်ပြံင်သၠဲအကြာမ္ၚောဲဂမၠိုင်; 占位修饰符号区; Spacing Modifier Letters; блок стандарта Юникод; यूनिकोड खण्ड (U+02B0-02FF); Unicodeblock; Unicode block (U+02B0-02FF) containing Latin modifier letters and notational symbols for phonetic transcriptions; bloc Unicode (U+02B0-02FF) contenant des lettres latines modificatives et des symboles de notation pour les transcriptions phonétiques; യൂണികോഡ് ബ്ലോക്ക് (U+02B0-02FF); блёк Юнікоду; 占位修飾符號區; 間距修飾字符; 占位修饰符号区; Unicode-Block Spacing Modifier Letters; Unicodeblock Freistehende modifizierende Buchstaben; U+02B0-02FF; 占位修飾符號; 音标修饰字符; 占位修饰符号区; 间距修饰字符; 间距修飾符號; 音标修饰字符; 间距修饰字符; U+02B0-02FF</nowiki>
This is a
main category requiring frequent
diffusion and maybe maintenance . As many pictures and media files as possible should be moved into appropriate subcategories.
Latin superscript modifier letters
See also superscript Latin letters in the Phonetic Extensions block .
ʰ ʱ ʲ ʳ ʴ ʵ ʶ ʷ ʸ
Additions based on 1989 IPA
˞ ˟ ˠ ˡ ˢ ˣ ˤ
IPA modifiers
ˬ ˭
UPA modifiers
˯ ˰ ˱ ˲ ˳ ˴ ˵ ˶ ˷ ˸ ˹ ˺ ˻ ˼ ˽ ˾ ˿
Miscellaneous phonetic modifiers
ʹ ʺ ʻ ʼ ʽ ʾ ʿ ˀ ˁ ˂ ˃ ˄ ˅ ˆ ˇ ˈ ˉ ˊ ˋ ˌ ˍ ˎ ˏ ː ˑ ˒ ˓ ˔ ˕ ˖ ˗
Other modifier letter
Spacing clones of diacritics
˘ ˙ ˚ ˛ ˜ ˝
Right-stem tone letters (contour tone bars)
Sequences of contour tone bars (for noting composite tones) may be rendered with some fonts as ligatures, changing their leading horizontal bars into diagonals connected to a single vertical right-stem (e.g. for raising or falling tones).
˥︎ ˦︎ ˧︎ ˨︎ ˩︎
Other modifier tone letters are encoded in the Modifier Tone Letters block .
Extended Bopomofo tone marks
˪ ˫
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.