Category:Unicode 3000-303F CJK Symbols and Punctuation

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<nowiki>Apéndice:Caracteres Unicode/Símbolos y puntuación CJK; CJKの記号及び句読点; symboles et ponctuation CJC; CJK Symbols and Punctuation; Appendix:ယူနဳကုဒ်/သင်္ကေတCJKကဵုသင်္ကေတမထပိုတ်ကုတ်ဝါကျ; CJK Symbols and Punctuation; Символы и пунктуация ККЯ; 한중일 기호 및 구두점; Unicodeblock CJK-Symbole und -Interpunktion; Phụ lục:Unicode/CJK Symbols and Punctuation; CJK Symbols and Punctuation; Unikodbloko ĈJK-aj Simboloj kaj Interpunkcioj; 中日韩符号和标点; blok Unicoda – znamenja in ločila CJK; блок стандарта Юникод; यूनिकोड खण्ड (U+3000-303F); Unicode-Standard für ostasiatische Satzzeichen und andere Symbole; Unicode block (U+3000-303F); bloc Unicode (U+3000-303F); യൂണികോഡ് ബ്ലോക്ക് (U+3000-303F); blocco Unicode; U+3000-303F; Unicode-Block CJK-Symbole und -Interpunktion; U+3000-303F; 中日韓符號和標點</nowiki>
CJK Symbols and Punctuation 
Unicode block (U+3000-303F)
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日本語 Unicode の CJKの記号及び句読点 に関するカテゴリ。
Character list 
Hangul combining tone marks
See also the Hangul Jamo, Hangul Compatibility Jamo, Hangul Jamo Extended-A, Hangul Jamo Extended-B, and Hangul Syllables blocks.
CJK combining tone marks
CJK corner brackets
The CJK corner brackets, which function as wide quotation marks, are not recommended for general-purpose corner brackets. See the ceiling (U+2308) and floor (U+230B) characters, instead.
CJK angle brackets
Other CJK brackets
【︎】︎ 〔︎〕︎〖︎〗︎〘︎〙︎〚︎〛︎
Other CJK punctuation
 ︎、︎。︎〃︎ 〆︎ 〜︎〝︎〞︎〟︎ 〰︎ 〼︎〽︎
Special CJK indicators
These are visibly displayed graphic characters (symbols), not invisible format control characters.
See also the Ideographic Description Characters block.
CJK numeral
Suzhou numerals
The Suzhou numerals (Chinese su1zhou1ma3zi) are special numeric forms used by traders to display the prices of goods. The use of the term “HANGZHOU” in their standard character names is a misnomer.
〡︎〢︎〣︎〤︎〥︎〦︎〧︎〨︎〩︎ 〸︎〹︎〺︎
Kana repeat marks
These characters are only used in vertical writing of Japanese.
See also the Hiragana and Katakana blocks.
CJK iteration marks
々︎ 〻︎
Other CJK symbols
〓︎ 〷︎
Japanese standard and postal symbols
〄︎ 〒︎ 〠︎
Electronic symbol
Symbol for type B electronics (not used as a postal mark). See also U+2B97 in the Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows block.


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