Category:United States Constitution
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Poniżej wyświetlono 19 spośród wszystkich 19 podkategorii tej kategorii.
- Diagrams relating to the United States Constitution (10 plików)
- 亞美利加合省國之總律例 (1 plik)
Strony w kategorii „United States Constitution”
W tej kategorii jest tylko jedna strona.
Pliki w kategorii „United States Constitution”
Poniżej wyświetlono 71 spośród wszystkich 71 plików w tej kategorii.
"Fellow Citizens of New Hampshire" LCCN2003654701.jpg 1191 × 1536; 418 KB
American constitution postage stamp 1939.jpg 643 × 385; 62 KB
Adm. Daryl L. Caudle Promotion Ceremony 211207-N-MW880-1107.jpg 4440 × 3330; 1012 KB
Anti-War Anniversary March -14- (10072085074).jpg 3648 × 2736; 1,59 MB
Archives sleepover - 20180224-01-303 (40640218411).jpg 2000 × 1333; 1,39 MB
Brunswick County Courthouse (July 2023) 18.jpg 6000 × 4000; 10,25 MB
ChartersOfFreedom 001.jpg 5928 × 4887; 1,6 MB
ChartersOfFreedom 009.jpg 5947 × 4718; 1,58 MB
Citizenship clause.jpg 3044 × 248; 749 KB
Comity Clause.jpg 2010 × 66; 93 KB
Considering the Role of Judges Under the Constitution of the United States.webm 2 godz. 42 min 33 s, 640 × 360; 463,39 MB
Constitution of the U.S., p. 1 LCCN2005692142.jpg 969 × 1536; 306 KB
Constitution of the U.S., p. 2 LCCN2005692143.jpg 779 × 1536; 278 KB
Constitution of the United States of America (3679492168).jpg 2400 × 2905; 1,86 MB
Constitution of the United States of America (page 2) (3679493576).jpg 2400 × 2915; 1,73 MB
Constitution of the United States of America (page 3) (3679493284).jpg 2400 × 2904; 1,88 MB
Constitution of the United States WDL2708.jpg 1024 × 1239; 326 KB
Constitution of the United States, all pages.jpg 12 484 × 3778; 7,27 MB
Constitution of the United States, page 1.jpg 7258 × 8785; 59,41 MB
Constitution of the United States, page 1.tif 7258 × 8785; 127,39 MB
Constitution of the United States, page 2.jpg 3152 × 3829; 3,52 MB
Constitution of the United States, page 2.tif 7330 × 8904; 128,34 MB
Constitution of the United States, page 3.jpg 3143 × 3802; 3,79 MB
Constitution of the United States, page 3.tif 7309 × 8843; 130,28 MB
Constitution of the United States, page 4.jpg 3140 × 3806; 3,43 MB
Constitution of the United States, page 4.tif 7302 × 8852; 127,43 MB
Constitution Pg2of4 AC-attainder.jpg 3503 × 276; 388 KB
Constitution signatures.jpg 2452 × 1948; 2,7 MB
Constitution.ogg 49 min 18 s; 25,13 MB
Constitution2.jpg 600 × 724; 124 KB
Constitution3.jpg 600 × 731; 133 KB
Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment, February 1974.pdf 922 × 1570, 64 strony; 6,02 MB
Convention of States map.svg 965 × 602; 448 KB
COTUS (1787 Edition).djvu 2400 × 2905, 4 strony; 603 KB
COTUS (1787 Edition).pdf 3627 × 4391, 4 strony; 16,05 MB
Exact text of the Constitution of the United States and the accompanying documents, 1787-1870.djvu 2275 × 3488, 36 stron; 3,98 MB
First Lady Melania Trump Visits the National Archives Museum (50082628903).jpg 2200 × 1467; 2,72 MB
First Lady Melania Trump Visits the National Archives Museum (50083451697).jpg 2200 × 1467; 1,78 MB
Full Faith and Credit Clause.jpg 2903 × 244; 301 KB
GWashingtonConst.jpg 695 × 186; 66 KB
Independence National Historical Park West wing exhibit.jpg 1800 × 1500; 1,78 MB
James West looks for water vapor on encasement of the U.S. Constitution.jpg 1652 × 1239; 323 KB
Justice Antonin Scalia on Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances.webm 6 min 44 s, 640 × 360; 30,86 MB
Law of Nations.png 560 × 47; 39 KB
Letter from George Washington to Lafayette 28 Apr 1788 photo.png 600 × 991; 126 KB
Miranda justice brennan.jpg 485 × 640; 35 KB
NASA mini cooler on encasement of the U.S. Constitution.jpg 1954 × 1437; 442 KB
NaturalBornCitizenClause.jpg 964 × 81; 55 KB
Philadelphiensis IX.pdf 1275 × 1650, 4 strony; 78 KB
Providence Gazzette Constitution.jpg 1400 × 2048; 1 MB
Removing the Consititution, (9-30-21) LCCN2016845669.jpg 6049 × 4370; 3,27 MB
Removing the Consititution, 9-30-21 LCCN2016845668.jpg 6054 × 4354; 3,24 MB
RR5.png 1360 × 1769; 733 KB
Syng inkstand.jpg 2338 × 1798; 2,86 MB
Tea Party Protest, Hartford, Connecticut, 15 April 2009 - 082.jpg 3240 × 2592; 5,34 MB
United States Constitution Bicentennial Dollar Reverse 2.jpg 375 × 368; 30 KB
United States Constitution.jpg 600 × 724; 127 KB
US Constitution -- The "Fifth Page" (Transmittal Page).webm 3 min 46 s, 1920 × 1080; 52,82 MB
US Constitution Eagle.PNG 522 × 147; 19 KB