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Category:Walwyn's Castle

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Brezhoneg: Castell Gwalchmai (Walwyn's Castle e saozneg) zo ur gêriadenn hag ur gumuniezh eus Kembre, e su Sir Benfro. Emañ er gwalarn da gêr Aberdaugleddau. (→Castell Gwalchmai)
Cymraeg: Pentref a chymuned yn ne Sir Benfro yw Castell Gwalchmai (Saesneg: Walwyn's Castle). Saif i'r gogledd-orllewin o dref Aberdaugleddau. Ar un adeg roedd yn farwniaeth Normanaidd yn ddibynnol ar arglwyddiaeth Penfro. Yn yr Oesoedd Canol roedd yn un o ganolfannau lleyg pwysicaf cantref Rhos. (→Castell Gwalchmai)
Deutsch: Walwyn’s Castle ist eine Community in Pembrokeshire im südwestlichen Wales. 2011 hatte die aus den drei Wards Walwyn’s Castle, Robeston West und Hasguard bestehende Community 355 Einwohner. (→Walwyn’s Castle)
English: Walwyn's Castle ( Welsh: Castell Gwalchmai) is a parish and community in the county of Pembrokeshire, Wales, and is 84.1 miles (135.3 km) from Cardiff and 213.2 miles (343.1 km) from London. In 2011 the population of Walwyn's Castle was 355 with 15.2% able to speak Welsh. (→Walwyn's Castle)
Français : Walwyn's Castle (Castell Gwalchmai en gallois) est un village et une communauté du pays de Galles situé dans le comté du Pembrokeshire. (→Walwyn's Castle)
Gaeilge: Baile i Sir Benfro, an Bhreatain Bheag, is ea Castell Gwalchmai, 135.3 km ó Caerdydd agus 343 ó Londain. Tá daonra 355 ann, agus tá 54 (15.2%) in ann Breatnais a labhairt. (→Castell Gwalchmai)
Gàidhlig: Tha am baile Castell Gwalchmai ann an Sir Benfro, a' Chuimrigh. Tha e 84.1 mi (135.3 cilemeatair) bho Caerdydd, agus 213.2 mi (343.1 cilemeatair) bho Lunnainn. A rèir a' chunntais-shluaigh ann an 2011 bha 355 daoine a' fuireach ann, agus bha Cuimris aig 54 (15.2%); rugadh 70% den t-sluagh anns a' Chuimrigh fhèin. (→Castell Gwalchmai)
Kernowek: Castell Gwalchmai yw tre yn Sir Benfro, Kembra; (SM81SE42). Yma hi 84.1 mildir (135.3 km) dhiworth Kardydh ha 213.2 m (343.1 km) dhiworth Loundres. 355 o braster an poblans yn 2011, ha 54 (15.2%) a wodhya kewsel Kembrek. (→Castell Gwalchmai)
<nowiki>Walwyn's Castle; Walwyn's Castle; Castell Gwalchmai; Walwyn's Castle; Walwyn's Castle; Castell Gwalchmai; Walwyn’s Castle; Castell Gwalchmai; Walwyn's Castle; Castell Gwalchmai; Walwyn’s Castle; Walwyn's Castle; Castell Gwalchmai; Castell Gwalchmai; Walwyn's Castle; skupnost v grofiji Pembrokeshire v Walesu (Združeno kraljestvo); Ort in Wales; hamlet and community in Pembrokeshire, Wales; community i Wales; comunità del Galles; Walwyn's Castle; Castell Gwalchmai</nowiki>
Walwyn's Castle 
hamlet and community in Pembrokeshire, Wales
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Located in protected area
LocationPembrokeshire, Wales
  • 323 (2021)
Map51° 45′ 00″ N, 5° 04′ 48″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q3565968
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 11188818
TOID: 4000000074578167, 7000000000024088
GSS code (2011): W04000483
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