Category:Water diagrams
overview about physical and chemical properties of pure water | |||||
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Water diagrams means diagrams showing features of water as an substance.
See also:
- Category:Hydrological diagrams for other aspects of water (water cycle, drinking water, oceans, ..)
- For gauges see Category:Hydrograms
- For waterbodies see Category:Rivers schemas
This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.
Media in category "Water diagrams"
The following 170 files are in this category, out of 170 total.
"Logarithm" Graph of Source of Water in Cubic Miles.png 985 × 644; 84 KB
13Corganic Curve for OAE II.png 249 × 496; 17 KB
Absorption coefficient of water.svg 850 × 680; 12 KB
Absorption spectrum of liquid water.png 1,584 × 1,036; 85 KB
Acqua potabile erogata in Italia dal 2008 al 2018.png 782 × 582; 64 KB
Active Solar Water Heater Diagram.svg 573 × 599; 11 KB
Ammónia és víz elegyének T-s diagramja és fázisgörbéje.png 682 × 444; 11 KB
Anomuladaagua-califos.png 619 × 543; 7 KB
AnteileDerKohlensäureformen.svg 1,097 × 1,048; 7 KB
Apresentação de Arquitetura Geométrico Verde e Preto.png 1,920 × 1,080; 232 KB
Balance hídrico.jpg 1,573 × 691; 123 KB
Bor-be'er.jpg 1,362 × 1,914; 209 KB
Botijo wkpcommons1.SVG 280 × 140; 6 KB
Carbonate Bjerrum.gif 462 × 290; 9 KB
Carbonate system of seawater.svg 540 × 334; 23 KB
Central Valley Organizations Chart.png 1,872 × 1,888; 392 KB
Chaleur latente de vaporisation de l'eau.png 479 × 500; 344 KB
Common Water Contaminates.jpg 780 × 300; 131 KB
Composition of ocean water.svg 460 × 280; 17 KB
Conductivity of Pure Water-ru.svg 465 × 420; 3 KB
Conductivity of Pure Water.svg 418 × 331; 89 KB
Courbe chaleur massique eau.png 500 × 441; 370 KB
Damplyn water.png 501 × 402; 64 KB
Densidade da Água - Gráfico de Alta Resolução.png 11,592 × 6,829; 8.66 MB
Densite eau.svg 900 × 540; 37 KB
Density of ice and water (de).svg 573 × 379; 306 KB
Density of ice and water (en).svg 573 × 379; 323 KB
Density of ice and water (es).svg 573 × 379; 263 KB
Density of ice and water (hu).svg 573 × 379; 117 KB
Density of ice and water-ta.svg 573 × 379; 315 KB
Density of water.jpg 428 × 343; 18 KB
Diagram of the water cycle including some human activity.pdf 3,506 × 2,479; 9.03 MB
Dispersion c(f).jpg 810 × 559; 84 KB
Dispersion c(L).jpg 648 × 430; 80 KB
Distribucion del agua terrestre-gl.jpg 518 × 358; 51 KB
Distribucion del agua terrestre.jpg 518 × 358; 92 KB
Distribucion del agua terrestre2.jpg 518 × 358; 93 KB
Distribución del agua en la Tierra.PNG 630 × 884; 599 KB
Durete eau.png 743 × 159; 8 KB
Dynamic Viscosity of Water.png 400 × 429; 15 KB
Earth water distribution es.svg 512 × 657; 10 KB
Earth water distribution ko.svg 512 × 657; 10 KB
Earth water distribution ppm chart.svg 512 × 448; 56 KB
Earth water distribution.svg 512 × 657; 10 KB
Earth's water distribution template.png 518 × 358; 28 KB
Earth's water distribution.png 518 × 358; 13 KB
Earthship water system.png 716 × 302; 16 KB
EfectoTampon2.png 640 × 1,000; 27 KB
Energieumsätze-Phasenübergänge-des-Wassers.png 1,000 × 900; 126 KB
Environmental Flows.png 900 × 828; 124 KB
Ergänzungen im TS-Diagramm.PNG 864 × 818; 43 KB
Erth water.png 392 × 268; 67 KB
Exergie von Wasserdampf.jpg 813 × 621; 108 KB
Filling cone with water.png 252 × 235; 4 KB
GALIANI GERTER Schargrodsky 2005 OSN.png 1,102 × 675; 77 KB
GALIANI tendencias mortalidad infantil.png 778 × 541; 70 KB
Geneva Water Hub Functions.png 549 × 665; 61 KB
Global Consumptive Water Use 1951-2002 By WaterGAP.jpg 842 × 595; 33 KB
Global Values of Water Resources and Water Use.jpg 1,575 × 674; 110 KB
Global Water Security.jpg 1,024 × 696; 794 KB
GlobalWaterFootprint by sector.1500.jpg 3,690 × 1,920; 348 KB
GlobalWaterWithdrawals.jpg 516 × 452; 78 KB
Glucdt.gif 360 × 254; 3 KB
Groundwater-problem-supply-demand-2.jpg 3,152 × 2,205; 1.23 MB
Groundwater-problem-supply-demand.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 2.9 MB
Gráfico de distribuição de água no planeta.jpg 425 × 330; 60 KB
GWH scheme20170123.png 1,647 × 1,995; 202 KB
H2O formula.svg 137 × 135; 2 KB
H2O-el.PNG 623 × 472; 37 KB
H2O.png 743 × 469; 99 KB
Heat of Vaporization Water.png 508 × 534; 30 KB
Heating-Curve.png 720 × 480; 62 KB
Heißwasseranlage Temperaturskala.png 1,600 × 2,470; 193 KB
Heißwasseranlage.png 2,249 × 2,091; 218 KB
HW Management.png 629 × 266; 5 KB
Hägg-Diagramm Kohlensäure.svg 474 × 429; 15 KB
Iaa.JPG 324 × 161; 9 KB
Ice Skate Blade Cross Section-es.png 440 × 720; 22 KB
Ice Skate Blade Cross Section.png 440 × 720; 31 KB
Icone-riviere.jpg 57 × 43; 38 KB
Intewa Purain Prefilter.png 576 × 421; 46 KB
Ionenaustausch.png 1,609 × 1,412; 90 KB
Isoterma di assorbimento dell'acqua.JPG 787 × 405; 26 KB
Karbonatsystem Meerwasser de.svg 540 × 334; 23 KB
Karbonatsystem Meerwasser ru.svg 726 × 464; 2 KB
Khattara.png 1,026 × 704; 190 KB
Kunpremo de akvo kun profundo.png 906 × 632; 11 KB
Kw vs I.png 303 × 231; 2 KB
Macro-level-water copy.png 1,624 × 436; 49 KB
Microbubbles size.png 1,410 × 1,410; 77 KB
OWS scheme.jpg 1,278 × 648; 63 KB
Passive Filter.png 463 × 350; 85 KB
Phasenübergänge des Wassers (Energieumsätze).svg 1,000 × 900; 162 KB
PlantaSchemaFiction.png 1,316 × 850; 319 KB
Potencial quimic.png 420 × 420; 13 KB
Pressio vapor CaCl2.png 597 × 405; 30 KB
Pressure dependence water ionization pKw on P.svg 290 × 206; 5 KB
Pressure-under-water.svg 480 × 328; 56 KB
Proceso de tratamiento del agua.jpg 631 × 474; 89 KB
Pure-water-resources-are-limited-HD-sreenshot.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 615 KB
Queren.jpg 1,011 × 536; 105 KB
Relationship between Ultrapure Water Flow and Wafer Size.jpg 768 × 491; 63 KB
Requerimientos hídricos.jpg 2,614 × 1,153; 229 KB
River Flow Regime Shifts Until 2050 By WaterGAP.jpg 2,279 × 1,072; 497 KB
Rohwasser Wirkung.png 1,600 × 946; 44 KB
Rohwasser.png 1,200 × 822; 43 KB
Saae-barroPreto.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 7.48 MB
Santos Ltd water extraction in South Australia 2009-2013.PNG 1,116 × 715; 56 KB
Schallschatten U-Boot-ca.svg 767 × 587; 36 KB
Schallschatten U-Boot.svg 767 × 587; 36 KB
Sea water freezing temperature and density maximum.png 547 × 450; 38 KB
Sistema Isolado de abastecimento de água de Brazlândia.png 1,920 × 1,080; 232 KB
Soap pump.png 813 × 1,110; 167 KB
Sodatap bleu.jpg 840 × 846; 178 KB
Spang-2014-The water consumption of energy production.tif 1,217 × 640; 2.98 MB
StatiAcquaSullaTerra.jpg 1,123 × 794; 83 KB
Statistiky o pitné vodě 1989,2005-2011.jpg 1,201 × 429; 98 KB
Supercritical H2Olr.jpg 521 × 424; 134 KB
Temperature dependence surface tension of water.svg 589 × 421; 53 KB
Temperature dependence water ionization.svg 432 × 373; 49 KB
Terminologiaakvo.jpg 815 × 337; 128 KB
Tfreeze vs SA.png 2,738 × 1,701; 631 KB
The Value of Water.png 752 × 445; 172 KB
Total Renewable Freshwater Resources in mm per year By WaterGAP Average 1961-1990.jpg 3,200 × 1,580; 564 KB
Total Renewable GroundwaterResources by WaterGAP in mm per year.png 2,300 × 1,250; 80 KB
Trihalometanos.jpg 1,021 × 429; 68 KB
Typical Semiconductor Ultrapure Water System Configuration.jpg 887 × 571; 85 KB
Umkehrosmose.png 2,000 × 1,268; 86 KB
Union Tpke 170 St td (2022-03-11) 05 - NYCDEP Infiltration Basins.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 8.8 MB
Union Tpke 170 St td (2022-03-11) 06 - NYCDEP Infiltration Basins.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 7.06 MB
Union Tpke 176th St td (2022-02-18) 04 - NYCDEP Rain Garden.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 7.53 MB
UPW P&iD.jpg 2,598 × 709; 454 KB
Uraren banaketa.png 800 × 300; 68 KB
US EPA water pollution sources 2014.png 830 × 683; 101 KB
Usos del agua.svg 547 × 266; 33 KB
Waasserkonsum.jpg 371 × 212; 22 KB
Wasser Elektronenformel.svg 71 × 100; 3 KB
Wasseranomalie.png 2,134 × 1,500; 263 KB
Wasserverbrauch pro Kilo.png 939 × 1,409; 105 KB
Wasserverteilung auf der Erde.png 518 × 358; 52 KB
Water absorption coefficient large.gif 800 × 620; 21 KB
Water Balance.jpg 777 × 441; 23 KB
Water cycle diagram.pdf 3,506 × 2,479; 8.83 MB
Water density on pressure for various temperatures.svg 885 × 667; 152 KB
Water Energy Nexus Full Report July 2014.tiff 1,429 × 967; 5.28 MB
Water Footprint per capita-es.png 1,465 × 2,400; 2.18 MB
Water Footprint per capita.jpg 1,500 × 2,457; 723 KB
Water light absorption coefficient.gif 350 × 271; 7 KB
Water mind mapping.png 1,289 × 503; 51 KB
Water molecule rotation animation large.gif 400 × 400; 684 KB
Water molecule rotation animation.gif 100 × 100; 39 KB
Water Phase Changes.svg 512 × 409; 91 KB
Water phase down diag.png 470 × 540; 41 KB
Water purification process.gif 3,535 × 1,167; 387 KB
Water relative static permittivity pl.svg 518 × 393; 100 KB
Water relative static permittivity-ru.svg 744 × 570; 3 KB
Water relative static permittivity.svg 518 × 393; 47 KB
Water resources are limited - a part of the polyptych.jpg 800 × 450; 140 KB
Water salinity diagram tr.png 2,468 × 3,461; 3.08 MB
Water sanitation and desalination using SWSA sheets.webp 1,740 × 875; 87 KB
Water V.1.svg 194 × 173; 11 KB
Water-falling-polyptych.jpg 800 × 2,708; 299 KB
WaterGAP WGHM Computed Water Storages and Flows.jpg 1,076 × 787; 88 KB
Wateruse.jpg 720 × 540; 83 KB
Waterverbruik.wereldwijd.jpg 320 × 393; 23 KB
Well-cistern.jpg 1,362 × 1,914; 268 KB
Água,Dilatação.jpg 589 × 400; 33 KB
Óceán összetétel.jpg 1,120 × 1,131; 113 KB
Δεσμοί Η στο νερό.svg 400 × 397; 28 KB
水の状態図.png 245 × 294; 10 KB