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Category:Who's Who

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<nowiki>Who's who; Ki kicsoda?; Хто ёсьць кім; Who is Who; Who's Who; Who's Who; او چه کسی است؟; 名人錄; Who's Who; Kim Kimdir; 紳士録; Matrikulo; Kim Kimdir; matrikel; Kto jest kim; Хто є хто; Who's Who; Who's Who; Matrika; Who's Who; henkilötietosanakirja; Who's Who; من يكون من; Kdo je kdo; Who's Who; pubblicazione di riferimento su persone eminenti in un dato campo; titre de plusieurs dictionnaires biographiques; від біяграфічнага слоўніку; rodzaj słownika biograficznego; різновид біографічного словника; hakuteos, joka sisältää elämäkerrallista tietoa valitusta joukosta henkilöistä; reference publication, generally containing concise biographical information on a particular group of people; biografická encyklopedie; publicación de referencia, que generalmente contiene información biográfica concisa sobre un grupo particular de personas; Who's Who; フーズフー; 名士録; Wer ist wer; Qui est qui; who's who; Who is Who; Who's Who; Who is Who; 名人录</nowiki>
Who's Who 
reference publication, generally containing concise biographical information on a particular group of people
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English: Who's Who (or "Who is Who") is the title of a number of reference publications, generally containing concise biographical information on a particular group of people. The title is also used as an expression meaning a collection or group of noted persons; as in the sentence, "The actors in the film were a Who's Who of the great American comedians of the time".

Media in category "Who's Who"

The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total.