Category:Wilcox & White Organ Company

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Further reading

  • Wilcox & White Organ Company. Pump Organ Restorations (2009-2014).
    "​The company was located in Meriden, CT 1877-1896; name changed to Wilcox & White Co., 1897; / Founded by Horace C. Wilcox, a silver-plate manufacturer, and Henry Kirk White, an experienced reed organ builder, with White's sons James H., Edward H. and Howard. E.H. White was factory superintendent and developed the Angelus player. / The company went bankrupt in 1921 and its assets and name were acquired by Conway Musical Industries, a piano manufacturer, in 1922. Serial numbers were assigned in consecutive order. See White, Henry Kirk. / Serial numbers: 1873 - 18732, 1882 - 11028, 1888 – 32784, 1891 – 44253 "
  • Wilcox & White. Antique Piano Shop (
    "​Wilcox & White was established in 1877 in Meriden, CT. The firm built a variety of pianos and organs during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, but their specialty was player pianos and player organs. Wilcox & White was one of the first to produce a 'push up player' device to play ordinary pianos. This device was called the 'Angelus' and was essentially an external cabinet with felt covered 'fingers' that were pushed up to a piano keyboard. The device used a perforated roll and was operated by foot treadles, and was the forerunner of the traditional player piano of the early 20th Century. They built a line of player reed organs called the 'Wilcox & White Symphony Organ' which were very complex and ahead of their time. After the turn-of-the-century, the firm manufactured more traditional player pianos under the 'Wilcox & White', 'Artrio-Angelus' and 'Vesper' brand names. Wilcox & White was out of business before the Great Depression era. "
  • The Reproducing Piano - Angelus-Artrio. The Pianola Institute (
    "Introduction  ... Wilcox and White succumbed to bankruptcy in early 1922, being sold at auction to the Hallet and Davis Piano Company. For another three years the recording of Artrio rolls continued as before in Meriden ... Finally, in 1925, the roll department was taken over by the QRS Music Co of Chicago, and the repertoire was thereby merged with that company's Recordo expression piano. "
  • Wilcox & White Co. design catalogues and historical information - Patents, advertisements & more concerning the legacy. art design café ( (2018-10-28, 2023-07-11 updated).


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