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Category:X86 architecture

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<nowiki>x86; x86-hönnun; x86; X86; X86; x86; x86; X86; x86; x86; x86; x86-arkitekturo; x86; x86; x86; X86; x86; x86; x86; x86; X86; x86; x86; x86-arkitektur; x86; ئێکس٨٦; x86; إكس 86; x86; x86; x86; x86-Architektur; X86; X86; x86; X86; x86; x86; x86; X86; x86; architettura x86; X86; x86; x86; x86; architittura x86; x86; X86; เอกซ์86; X86; X86; arhitektura x86; x86; x86-instructieset; x86; x86; x86; X86; x86; ailtireacht x86; اکس۸۶; x86; x86; x86; x86; x86; X86; familia de microprocesadores; famille de microprocesseurs; porodica skupova naredbi; архитектура процессоров; Familie von Befehlssätzen; família de processadores baseados no Intel 8086 (da Intel Corporation); 中央處理器指令集架構; işlemci mimarisi; Intel 8086、及びその後方互換性を持つマイクロプロセッサの命令セットアーキテクチャ; faimily o backward compatible instruction set airchitecturs based on the Intel 8086 CPU an its Intel 8088 variant; keluarga arsitektur set instruksi; rodzina architektur procesorów firmy Intel; inštrukčná sada procesorov; famigghia di archititturi di l'insiemi d'istruzzioni; Intelin suoritinarkkitehtuuri; 奔騰; 인텔이 개발한 마이크로프로세서 계열; type of instruction set architecture; معالج إنتل إكس 86; famiglia di microprocessori sviluppata e prodotta da Intel; tip arhitekture seta instrukcija; Intel x86; X86 architecture; plataforma x86; arquitectura x86; X86; Intel x86; X86; إيک‌س86; إيکس86; ايک‌س86; إيک‌س٨٦; إيکس٨٦; ايک‌س٨٦; ايکس٨٦; Intel x86; 80x86-Architektur; Intel 80x86; x86; 80x86; X86; 80X86; Intel x86; 80x86; X86; X86 ճարտարագիտություն; X86架構; X86架构; 8086; 80x86; X86 architecture; Intel x86; ארכיטקטורת x86; 80x86; Intel x86; X86; X86 구조; 80계열; 인텔 x86; 80x86; X86 아키텍처; X86; X86 arkitekturo; X86; X86 procesor; procesororska arhitektura x86; Intel x86; 80x86; Intel 80x86; X86; Intel x86; Intel x86; 80x86; x86; X32; Arquitetura x86; 80x86; Интел x86; Intel x86; X86; 80x86; สถาปัตยกรรม X86; อินเทล x86; 80x86; X32; Х86; Intel 80x86; Intel x86; X86; architektúra x86; Modus real; Modus kerja prosesor x86; 80x86; X86; Intel x86; Intel x86; X86; X86 instructieset; Intel x86; X86 процесорна архитектура; I386; 8086; x۸۶; x86; اکس ایتی سیکس; Kiến trúc x86; Intel x86; 80x86; X86; X86 Architecture; X٨٦; إكس ٨٦; X86; Intel x86; 80x86</nowiki>
type of instruction set architecture
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Instance of
Subclass of
Has part(s)
  • x87
  • MMX
  • Streaming SIMD Extensions
  • Advanced Vector Extensions
  • x86 virtualization
  • 3DNow!
  • Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
  • Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
  • Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
  • SSE4
  • X86 processor
  • 1978
Different from
Authority file
Wikidata Q182933
Library of Congress authority ID: sh90001226
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 12448843c
IdRef ID: 033641358
J9U ID: 987007549007405171
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.

Media in category "X86 architecture"

The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.