
country in South America | |||||
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Chile is a country in South America.
[edit]Chile’s official emblems as stated in the Chilean Political Constitution[1] are the flag, the coat of arms, and the national anthem.
Official emblems
National Anthem,
instrumental version -
National Anthem with lyrics
Historical flags and coats of arms
Flag of the Old Republic (1812 - 1814)
Transition period flag (1817 - 1818)
Coat of arms of the old republic (1812 - 1814)
Transition period coat of arms (1818 - 1834)
Chile official logo in red, primary version
Chile official logo in red
Chile official logo in blue, primary version
Chile official logo in blue
Chile official logo in cerulean, primary version
Chile official logo in cerulean
Chile official logo in yellow, primary version
Chile official logo in yellow
Chile official logo in grey, primary version
Chile official logo in grey
Chile official logo for Korea
Chile official logo for Korea, in blue
Chile official logo for Japan
Chile official logo for Japan, in blue
Other coats of arms, emblems and flags
Emblem of the Chilean Republic
Cockade of Chile
Presidential Flag
Coat of arms of the Chilean army
Coat of arms of the Chilean navy
Coat of arms of the Chilean air force
Roundel of the Carabineros de Chile
Logo of the Chilean Investigative Police
Coat of arms of the Chilean Gendarmerie
Naval Jack of Chile
Flag of the Spanish Empire, 16th Century
National Congress, Legislative Power
La Moneda, Executive Power
Tribunals Palace, Judicial Power
Comptroller General of Chile
Constitutional Court
National Statistics Institute
Central Bank
General Map Of Chile
Situation on South-America
Orthographic Projection
Topographic Map
Chilean Territories and Reclamations
Blank Map of Chilean Regions
Blank Map of Chilean Provinces
Blank Map of Chilean Communes
Administrative Map with Cities
Population Density Map (2006)
Human Development Index Map (2010)
Satellite Image of Chile
Mt. Osorno and Mt. Calbuco
metal exports
earthquake fault

Click on some regional coat to see its respective gallery page
Chilean Cities
(Listed on north-south order)
Inacap, National
University of Talca
CCNI, Valparaíso
Aguas Andinas, Santiago
Teléfonica Chile S.A., Santiago
Bethia Holdings, Santiago
Chilean Gastronomy
Caldillo de congrio
Paila marina
Almejas a la parmesana
Empanadas de horno
Pan batido/
Pan francés -
Umu (Isla de Pascua/Easter Island)
Curanto (Chiloé)
Chorrillana (Valparaíso)
Pastel de choclo
Terremoto (Santiago)
Cola de mono
Chicha con vino pipeño
Old Pictures
Main Square of Santiago, 1850
View of Valparaíso about 1852
Mapuche Family, 1860
Firemen of Valparaíso on 1861
Puerto Montt, 1862
Chañarcillo Station, 1862
De la Compañía Church After Fire of 1863
San Francisco Square, Valparaíso, 1863
Valparaíso stock exchange, 1867
Alameda, Santigo, 1867
Arica, 1868
Regiment Nº5 of Chilean army, Antofagasta, 1879
Easter Island, 1880
Take of the Morro de Arica, 1880
Inauguration of the Navy Memorial in Valparaíso, 1886
Voting table for deputies in Valparaíso, 1888
Arturo Prat Funeral on Valparaíso, 1888
Balmacedists imprisoned in Valparaíso Jail, 1891
Mapuches and Europeans, 1897
Puerto Montt, 1899
Hug of the Magelly Strait, between Chilean President Errázuriz and Argentinian General Roca, 1899
Saltpetre Workers, 1900
Prat square, Iquique, 1901
Family of Italian Inmigrants, 1905
Viña del Mar, 1906
Pulpería (Shop) on nitrate camp in Tarapacá, 1906
Mapuche Family, 1908
Transandine Railway
Vadivia, 1908-1919
Concepción Independence Square
Punta Arenas, 1910
Selknam People on 1930
Bombardment of Coquimbo, 1931
Talcahuano, 1933
Sewell, 1942
Coup d'Etat of Santiago, 1973
Earthquakes in Chile
Arica 9,0 MW Earthqueake, 1868
Valparaíso 8,2 MW Earthquake, 1906
Vallenar 8,5 MW Earthquake, 1922
Talca 7,6 MW Earthquake, 1928
Chillán 7,8 MW Earthquake, 1939
Algarrobo 8,0 MW Earthquake (Photo of San Antonio), 1985
Punitaqui 7,1 MW Earthquake, 1997
Tarapacá 7,8 MW Earthquake, 2005
Cauquenes 8,8 MW Earthquake (Photo from Concepción), 2010
José Miguel Carrera, military, politician
Manuel Rodríguez, lawyer, politician, military
Bernardo O'Higgins, military, politician
Diego Portales, businessman, politician
Manuel Blanco Encalada, sailor, politician
Agustín Edwards Ossandón, businessman, politician
Patricio Lynch, sailor, military, diplomat
Eusebio Lillo, poet, journalist, politician
José Manuel Balmaceda, lawyer, politician
Arturo Prat, sailor, lawyer
Gabriela Mistral, poet, pedagogue, diplomat, feminist
Alberto Hurtado priest, saint of the catholic church.
Vicente Huidobro, poet, author, screenwriter
Salvador Allende, politician
Augusto Pinochet, military and politician
Pablo Neruda, poet, politician
Nicanor Parra, (anti)poet, physicist, professor
Violeta Parra, singer, composer, painter, poet
Alejandro Jodorowsky, filmmaker, actor, author, musician, spiritual guru, etc.
Víctor Jara (Cat.), singer, composer, poet, academic, etc.
Mario Kreutzberger (Don Francisco), TV host, philanthropist
Antonio Skármeta, author
Elías Figueroa, former footballer
Isabel Allende, author, journalist.
Michelle Bachelet, politician
Sebastián Piñera, politician
Manuel Pellegrini, engineer, football coach
Roberto Bolaño, author
Cecilia Bolocco, former Miss Universe, TV host, fashion designer, etc.
Miryam Hernández, singer, composer
Iván Zamorano, footballer
Marcelo Ríos, tennist
Leopoldo (DJ)Méndez, singer, composer, producer, celebrity, etc.
Leonor Varela, actress, model
Benjamín Vicuña, actor
Tonka Tomicic, TV host, model
Américo, singer
Tomás González, artistic gymnast
Nicolás Massú, tennist
Arturo Vidal, footballer
Alexis Sánchez, footballer
Denise Rosenthal, singer, composer, actress
UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Santa Laura
Easter Island
Chiloé Wood Churches
Promotional videos
Easter Island
Chilean Patagonia
High definition images
Abandoned room, Humberstone
Achauta Church interior
Barón Elevator, Valparaíso
Dog Head
Rano Raraku, Easter Island
Perquilauquén Railway Bridge
Achao Church
París-Londres street
Clock Tower, Iquique
Parinacota Church
Fort Bulnes
San Pedro de Atacama Church
Cemetery Nº 1, Valparaíso
Factory of Giants, Easter Island
Pereira Palace
Gabriela Mistral House
Pablo Neruda
National Railroad Museum -
Tupungato volcano, Andes
La Junta Hill, Cochamó Valley -
Dientes de Navarino, Navarino Island -
Las Peinetas Hill, Villarrica National Park -
Colmillo del Diablo, Siete Tazas National Park -
Demetrio Hill -
Picacho or Puntiagudo Hill -
Fitz Roy Mount
Ojos del Salado Volcano, the highest volcano of the world -22608 ft- -
Llullaillaco Volcano -
Tupungato Volcano -
Parinacota Volcano -
Licancabur Volcano -
Descabezado Grande and Cerro Azul Volcanoes -
Copahue Volcano -
Llaima Volcano -
Osorno Volcano -
2011 Eruption Puyehue-Cordón CaulleVolcanoes -
Tres Cruces Volcano -
Incahuasi Volcano
Mapocho River -
Andalién River -
Negro River -
Los Palos River -
Maule River -
Bio-Bío River -
Calle-Calle River -
Blanco River -
Aysén River -
Báker River -
Serrano River
Tocoihue Waterfalls, Dalcahue, Chiloé -
Queulat Glacier Waterfall -
Princess's Fall, Malalcahuello -
León Fall, Pucón -
Laja Falls, Los Ángeles -
Bride's Veil -
Huilo-Huilo Falls -
Las Chilcas Falls
Chungará Lake -
Rapel Lake -
Caburga Lake -
Conguillío Lake -
Llanquihue Lake -
Todos Los Santos Lake -
Puyehue Lake -
O´Higgins/San Martín Lake -
Yelcho Lake -
San Rafael Lake -
Cisnes Lake -
Espejo Lake -
Grey Lake -
Dickson Lake -
Northern Ice Field, 4 200 km² (1,600 sq mi) -
Southern Ice Fields, 16 800 km² (6,500 sq mi)
Brüggen/Pio XI Glacier, biggest glacier on southern hemisphere outside Antarctica -
Holanda Glacier -
Gabriel Quiroz Glacier -
Nef Glacier -
Nena Glacier -
Piloto Glacier -
Oriental Glacier -
San Quintín Glacier -
Italia Glacier -
Viedma Glacier -
Amalia Glacier -
Marinelli Glacier -
Grey Glacier
Puyuhuapi Fjord -
Comau Fjord -
Última Esperanza Fjord -
Reloncaví Fjord -
Queulat Fjord
Tierra del Fuego
Islas Gordon, Hoste, O'Brian, London, Londonberry, Darwin, Thompson, Olga, Waterman, Tomás, Carolina, Morton, Henderson, Juaréguiberry e islas Ildefonso.
Islas Navarino, Button, Mascart, Edwards, Bertrand, Slipe, Solitario y Hermanos.
Islas Picton, Lennox y Nueva
Isla Grande de Chiloé
Islas Quinchao, Chelín, Lemuy, Quehui, Chaulinec, Apiao, Alao, Linlín, Lingua, Quenac, Meulín, Teuquelín, Cahuach.
Islas Coldita, San Pedro, Laitec, Cailín, Chaullín, Tranqui, Acuy.
Islas Chulín, Chuit, Imerquiña, Nayahué, Autén, Talcán, LLahuén.
Isla de Pascua
Isla Sala y Gómez
Isla Mocha.
Isla Robinson Crusoe.
Isla Quiriquina.
Atacama Desert
Atacama Valley -
Desert, Near Tal-Tal -
ALMA Observatory on Chajnantor Plateau -
Ice Penitents -
Flowered Desert -
Observatory on Paranal Hill -
Chuquicamata Mine -
Talar Salar -
Atacama Salar -
Moon Valley -
Tatio Geysers -
Laguna Verde -
Rock Formation -
Observatory on a snowy La Silla Hill -
Desert after rain -
La Portada, Antofagasta -
Desert Hand -
Morro de Arica -
Atacama or Martian Landscape?
Other Countryside
Chile from the Space -
Robinson Crusoe Island -
Cape Horn Lighthouse, the southernmost lighthouse in the american continent -
Diego Ramírez islands and it's lighthouse, last place before the Antarctic. -
Ancud Cliffs, Chiloé -
Beagle Channel -
Strait of Magellan -
Cape Horn -
Milodón Cave -
Marble Cathedral -
Rainbow Valley -
Tinoco Tunnel -
Malleco Viaduct -
Villa Las Estrellas (Stars Town), Antarctica -
Rebolledo bridge
Español: Araucaria AraucanaEnglish: Araucaria Araucana
Español: AlerceEnglish: Fitzroya
Español: Palma ChilenaEnglish: Chilean Palmtree
Español: RaulíEnglish: Raulí
Español: CopihueEnglish: Copihue or Chilean Bellflower
Español: Azara PetiolarisEnglish: Azara Petiolaris
Español: Papas de ChiloéEnglish: Potatos from Chiloé
Español: Frutillas/FresasEnglish: Strawberries
Español: PumaEnglish: Puma/Cougar/
Mountain Lion -
Español: HuemulEnglish: South Andean Deer
Español: Pudú
(Pudu puda)English: Southern Pudu (Pudu puda) -
Español: GüiñaEnglish: Kodkod
Español: Gato MontésEnglish: Geoffroy's Cat
Español: Zorro ChiloteEnglish: Darwin's Fox
Español: Zorro CulpeoEnglish: Culpeo
Español: VicuñaEnglish: Vicuña
Español: AlpacaEnglish: Alpaca
Español: LlamasEnglish: Llamas
Español: GuanacoEnglish: Guanaco
Español: Murciélago VampiroEnglish: Common Vampire Bat
Español: Quirquincho AndinoEnglish: Andean Hairy Armadillo
Español: QuirquinchoEnglish: Piche
Español: QuiqueEnglish: Lesser Grison
Español: VizcachaEnglish: Southern Viscacha
Español: Chinchilla Cola LargaEnglish: Long Tailed Chinchilla
Español: Ballena AzulEnglish: Blue Whale
Español: OrcaEnglish: Killer Whale
Español: Delfín OscuroEnglish: Dusky Dolphin
Español: Lobo FinoEnglish: Lobo Fino
Español: Monito del MonteEnglish: Monito del Monte
Flamenco andino/Andean Flamingo.
Avoceta andina/Andean Avocet.
Southern Lapwing.
Picaflor de Juan Fernández/Juan Fernández Firecrown.
Austral Pygmy-Owl -
Zorzal chileno/Austral Thrush.
Bandurrias/Black-faced Ibises.
Águila Mora/
Black Chested Buzzard Eagle -
Cisnes de cuello negro/Blackneck swan.
Cachaña/Austral Parakeet.
Gaviota de cola negra/Belcher's Gull.
Pato overo/Chiloe Wigeon.
Tagua Gigante/
Fulica gigantea -
Cauquén comùn.
Gaviotín Monja/
Larosterna inca -
Cauquén de Magallanes/Magellan Goose.
Jote de Cabeza Negra/Coragyps atratus
Chimango Caracara -
Pinguino de Magallanes /Magellanic Penguin.
Tollo de Cachos
Lamprea Chilena
Merluza Chilena
Tiburón de Aleta Corta
Trucha Arcoíris
Tiburón Azulejo/Blue shark
Carpa/Common carp
Español: Araña del RincónEnglish: Corner Spider
Español: Araña PollitoEnglish: Chilean Rose Tarantula
Español: Araña Poto Colorado o del TrigoEnglish: Black Widow
Español: Araña TigreEnglish: Tiger Spider
Español: Araña LoboEnglish: Wolf Spider
- ↑ Chile’s political constitution Article 2, Political Constitution of Chile -1980, BCN Chilean congress library
- ↑ Official website for Chile archive copy at the Wayback Machine This is Chile, Creative Commons Atribución-Compartir Igual 3.0 (share alike), retrieved on January 18, 2015
- ↑ Chile’s official brand. Archived from the original on 2015-09-27. Retrieved on 2014-10-01.