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From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Feeds and the translation is 25% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Feeds and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Common web feed icon

This page lists the various ways to access Wikimedia Commons content via "web feeds", often called "RSS" after the original web feed format. Feeds are available in RSS and Atom formats; if you are not sure which to use, use Atom.


Category-specific feeds

  • On a category page, look for the "RSS feed" in the Toolbox on the left

User-specific feeds

  • Atom feed for a user's contributions: go to Special:Contributions and type a username, press Search, then click "Atom" in the Toolbox on the left
  • Atom feed for your own watchlist: go to Special:Watchlist and click "Atom" in the Toolbox on the left

Historia strony

  • On a revision history page, look for the "Atom" link in the Toolbox on the left.
    • Replacing feed=atom with feed=rss in the address bar will return the feed in RSS format.

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