Commons:Picture of the Year/Translations

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Picture of the Year 2023
POTY 2023 || IntroductionRulesDiscussionTranslationsCommitteeHelp || R1 CandidatesGallery || R2 Gallery || Results

Translation tasks

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We are using the translation extension for many of this year's translations. Your translations make it possible for contributors who speak your language to participate in the contest. Thank you!

Begin translating to your language »

See translation statistics

MediaWiki warnings, messages and POTY App

Note: To translate MediaWiki messages, place your suggested translation on the according talk page and add {{Edit request}}.

Please check that your language translation of MediaWiki:Gadget-EnhancedPOTY.js is up-to-date. You can do this by either comparing your translation with the translation-section of MediaWiki:Gadget-EnhancedPOTY.js or by comparing it with MediaWiki talk:Gadget-EnhancedPOTY.js/AppPreload.

New category names

New category names except en need translation:

None this year