Commons:Зображення дня
Зображення дня |
2 жовтня 2024 |
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Змінити зображення |
Українська : Самка бродячого павука-краба (Philodromus aureolus) з її яєчним мішком, ліс Гартельхольц, Мюнхен, Німеччина. Представником цього екземпляр є крихітний павук довжиною 6 міліметрів і широко поширений у Західній та Центральній Європі.
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Українська : Замок Філіппсруе в Ганау-Кессельштадті, вид із заходу з парку, Німеччина.
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Українська : Розп'яття і тінь на стіні, абатство Святого Петра, Ассізі, Італія. Сьогодні свято Франциска Ассізького, покровителя екологів.
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English : Large cloud over Mexican landscape taken on this date in 2018.
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English : A rain-soaked jelly ear (Auricularia auricula-judae), family Auriculariaceae, on a stem of a Sambucus. Focus stack of 20 photos.
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English : Today is Durga Puja, is an annual Hindu festival originating in the Indian subcontinent which reveres and pays homage to the Hindu goddess Durga and is also celebrated because of Durga's victory over Mahishasur.
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Українська : «Mein Schiff 4» оператора «TUI Cruises» в порту Ростока, Німеччина. Спуск на воду відбувся цього дня, 10 жовтня 2014 року.
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English : View of the Basilica of Our Lady of Aparecida with the walkway called "Passarela da Fé", connecting the old and the new church, in the foreground. Today is the feast of Our Lady of Aparecida and public holiday in Brazil.
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English : In 1909, US Navy engineer Robert Peary completed an expedition that he claimed was to the North Pole. Although this is heavily disputed by modern historians, he was credited for the achievement at the time.
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Українська : Фіолетовий морський їжак (Sphaerechinus granularis), Морський природний заповідник Ґараджоу, Мадейра, Португалія.
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English : Window in Arkadi Monastery (gr. Μονή Αρκαδίου) in Rethmyno Regional District, Crete, Greece
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English : The Last Day of Pompeii is a large history painting by Karl Bryullov produced in 1830–1833 on the subject of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. The eruption occurred 1,945 years ago in the month of October.
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English : Interior of the Saint Perpetua and Felicitas church in Nîmes, Gard, France
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English : Immature fruit of a beech (Fagus sylvatica) Focus stack of 36 photos.
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English : View of Khumbu Glacier, Ama Dablam, Kangtega, Thamserku and other mountain peaks from the base of Mount Pumori. Sagarmatha Everest Zone of Nepal, Himalayas. 5,500 metres (18,000 ft) above sea level.
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English : Sri Lankan elephant (Elephas maximus maximus), female with her young. In Yala National Park, Sri Lanka. This is a subspecies of the Asian elephant.
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English : The picturesque Manarola village is one of 5 villages in the Cinque Terre National Park, Liguria, Italy. The village is situated in a sheltered cove in the rugged coastline. It is part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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English : Card representing the Scorpio zodiac sign from Urania's Mirror, a set of 32 astronomical star chart cards published in 1824. Holes punched in the card allowed viewers to see a depiction of the constellation's stars when they held it in front of a light.
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English : White hibiscus (Hibiscus sp.) flower in south-west monsoon rain, in a coffee estate in the hilly Coorg region in Karnataka, south India.
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English : Katy Perry sings to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, July 28, 2016. Today is her birthday.
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English : View from the Hintersee to the Hochkalter-Mountains in the Berchtesgaden Alps
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English : Brackenheim, Germany: Stocksberg castle with its famous vineyards in the autumn.
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English : An Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus) flaring its feathers.
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English : Poster advertising Thurston, the magician's reproduction of the (mythical) East Indian rope-trick. It claims that it's the first time out of India, though the truth value of early twentieth-century theatrical posters isn't always 100%. Today is Halloween.
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