Commons:Pune Nadi Darshan 2022

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Pune Nadi Darshan 2022







Team & Jury





Pune Nadi Darshan is a campaign cum photography contest organised jointly by Rotary Water Olympiad and CIS-A2K on the occasion of ‘World Water Week’ celebrated from 16 March to 22 March 2022. This is a part of the larger WikiProject Rivers to document rivers in India on Wikimedia Commons.

The rivers are the lifelines of civilisation. In recent years, the rivers are only exploited as a source of water and sand as well as drainage lines for sewage and unwanted industrial effluents. A large part of the community is becoming ignorant about the rivers and don’t care to protect them as an important ecosystem and crucial part of nature. Many civil society organisations are active in the sector of river conservation, river rejuvenation and citizen science initiatives around the rivers.

Various campaigns and outreach programs are being organised to connect society with the rivers. The ‘Water Olympiad’ is one such initiative by Rotary Club in Pune. The ‘Jalbodh’ project by CIS-A2K to build a water knowledge repository on Wikimedia projects is being implemented in collaboration with similar organisations active in the water sector.

File:ROTARY water olympiad 2022 logo.jpg
How to participate
How to participate
Don't have a Wikimedia Commons account yet? Create one – takes just a few moments! Make sure that your email address is confirmed.
For images: You can directly upload the files using the Upload Wizard linked below.
Please title the images in the following format Name of the River/Water source - Specific Location - City/village (Example:Mutha river in Pune at Onkareshwar.jpg)
Please write detailed description of the file in description part to let people know about the objective behind and the message conveyed by the image.

Files should have been created by you, or you own the exclusive copyright of files, and be without any signature or watermark or border.

Please read "Photographs of identifiable people" and "Exif" pages on Wikimedia Commons.

Basic Competition rules

We try to keep the competition clean and simple to participate. There are few ground rules to participate in the contest for India. Let's quickly go through them. Every submission should:

  • be self taken and self uploaded;
  • be uploaded from 16 March 2022 to 16 May 2022;
  • have proper title and description;
  • have your permission with a CC BY-SA license to re-use the image;

Next to that, there are a few practical rules:

  • You should have a verified e-mail address on Wikimedia Commons;
  • If the photo gets deleted for any reason, it is automatically disqualified from the competition;
  • You are responsible for following the law while taking and uploading the photographs.