Commons:Värderade bilder
Värdefulla bilder är bilder som anses vara speciellt värdefulla av gemenskapen på Commons för att använda i innehåll online inom andra Wikimediaprojekt. En värdefull bild anses vara den mest värdefulla illustrationen i sitt slag av gemenskapen på Commons.
SyfteThe valued images project sets out to identify and encourage users' efforts in providing valuable images of high diversity and usability, and to build up a resource for editors from other Wikimedia projects seeking such images for use online. The project also provides recognition to contributors who have made an effort to contribute images of difficult subjects which are very hard or impossible to obtain.
Skillnad mellan värdefulla bilder, kvalitetsbilder och utvalda bilderThe quality images project aims to identify and encourage users who provide images of high technical quality to Commons. Featured pictures are the cream of the crop at Commons and the project is reserved for images of both extraordinary value and technical quality. Valued images, on the other hand, are those that are the most valuable of their kind for use in an online context, within other Wikimedia projects. The technical requirements for valued images are typically much lower, as there is no concern about suitability for print usage. A built-in camera in a modern mobile phone should be sufficient if the subject is of high value and the photo illustrates it well at a viewing size of 480×360 pixels or equivalent. Valued images are less about technical quality and more about your ingenuity in finding good and valuable subjects which matter, and about the usability of the information on the image page.
Exempel på värdefulla bilder som befordrats
All images on Commons are eligible to be nominated as a valued image, be they photographs, animations, schemes, diagrams, charts, scans, symbols, computer renderings, and whether original or derivative work. Documents, spreadsheets, presentations, scores, sound and video files do not fall within the remit of the valued images project.
TillvägagångssättValued image candidates can be nominated and reviewed on the valued image candidates page. The same page can be used for nominating and reviewing sets of images as valued image sets. Bedömning utförs av Commons gemenskap enligt kriterierna för värdefulla bilder.
Befordrade bilder och uppsättningarCommons har för tillfället 50 134 värdefulla bilder och 283 värdefulla bilduppsättningar. Se även: |