Wikimaps participant list
[edit]Please let us know if you are interested in collaborating with creating maps, especially working with historical maps in the Wikimedia family. Introduce yourself. Tell how you or your organization can contribute. Even if you could not work on the topic, let us know you're there.
[edit]- Susannaanas (talk) 10:50, 18 April 2013 (UTC). I have re-introduced the concept of Wikimaps in GLAM-Wiki 2013, presented earlier by User:Multichill. I am active in the Finnish Wikimedia. I am a designer by profession.
- Planemad 09:44, 26 May 2013 (UTC) . I am an interaction designer with experience designing user interfaces and working with the openstreetmap environment. I can help create wireframes of the UI of the wikimaps system to help people understand the concept better . Some en:D3js experience.
- Kolossos (talk) 07:35, 27 May 2013 (UTC) I'm active in working with Wikipedia coordinates and and handling OpenStreetMap on Toolserver. I want to see historical stuff in OSM-Gadget.
- Yug (talk) 10:49, 28 May 2013 (UTC) Graphic designer, QGis (.shp, .tiff) & Inkscape (.svg) cartographer, started and maintain en:Wikipedia:WikiProject_Maps/Conventions, a project to define the needs, style, and feel of wikipedia/encyclopedic wikimaps. Some en:D3js-mapmaking experience.
- Chippyy (talk) 14:13, 28 May 2013 (UTC) Tim Waters / Chippy. I am a Geographer, OpenStreetMapper, and developer. Involved with Open Historical Maps. Developer of mapwarper open source georeferencing web application. Installed instance of warper at for wikimaps to develop on etc.
- Andy Mabbett (talk) 14:36, 28 May 2013 (UTC) Involved in Wikipedia's coordinates and Geo microformats, also an OSM mapper.
- Tomi Kauppinen. I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Aalto University in Finland. I am the developer of CHANGE vocabulary. I did my dissertation about modeling and reasoning about changes about historical regions.
- Multichill (talk) 17:34, 29 May 2013 (UTC) started User:Multichill/Wikimaps some time ago and I'm doing a Wikimania presentation about this.
- Nelg (talk) 20:39, 31 May 2013 (UTC) Chris Helenius, just a hippie artist who some years ago saw beauty in a turn-of-the-century city plan by Eliel Saarinen, Pro Helsingfors, started to trace it into vectors in the name of conservation, things have escalated since. Interested in aesthetics, reconstructing/compiling historical data, open data, and user-friendliness. Some proficiency in graphic design, visuals. A blog/portfolio of sorts:
- Jkan997 (talk) 17:00, 1 June 2013 (UTC) one of authors of ShareMap creative commons maps authoring solutions. Take a look on map on Wikipedia Commons created with ShareMap
- John Andersson (WMSE) (talk) 05:46, 4 June 2013 (UTC) I will try to spend some time to find funding/partners in the Nordic countries for this project (Nordic Cooperation projects have a lot of grant opportunities). My idea is to focus on grants to cover costs for development of the infrastructure and to work with GLAMs to get them to release their map material. Some years ago I took a semester of GIS classes at Umeå University (but with a focus on predicting the effects on natural catastrophes).
- Urjanhai (talk) 16:28, 4 June 2013 (UTC) User of Finnish language Wikipedia since 2008 with 57 000 edits by 2013. An account also in wikimedia commons. Experience in GIS, espercially historical GIS, and visualisation of geographic data, both historical and other. I know well historical maps of Finland as a source corpus of landscape history especially in rural areas and I have been involved in projects where historical maps have been rectified systematically from large areas. I have been rectifying historical maps mainly according to these instructions developed by the Swedish National Heritage Board. I have also created and visualised vector datasets from rectified historical maps. My possibilities to take part in this project may be limited but I know well the general principles of the rectifying process especially for different kinds of historical maps and the historical maps of Finland as a source corpus and have experience on organising geographic data in Wikimedia projects and elswhere.
- Dschwen --Dschwen (talk) 08:29, 7 August 2013 (UTC) Developer of meta:WikiMIniAtlas. Could visualize vector data as overlays in the WMA.
- Sgillies I'm a programmer specializing in open source GIS software, an OSM contributor, and developer of a gazetteer of Greek and Roman places called Pleiades.
- H@r@ld Previousely I have been studying Historical GIS and restoring digitized maps.
- Ilario Wikimedia CH employee and member, I am following also the thematic group of Alps and some projects about history and hystorical maps in Switzerland. --Ilario (talk) 13:53, 28 November 2013 (UTC)
- Ziko (talk) 18:14, 3 December 2013 (UTC) Historian interested in historical maps
- Hispalois (talk) 01:18, 10 December 2013 (UTC). I am a member of Wikimedia Spain, where I focus on the release of images and documents for upload to Commons. I am interested in old maps and have authored the articles on the map of Juan de la Cosa and the Atlas Miller.
- Justincy Developer involved with and Find-A-Record.
- Jheald (talk) 16:29, 13 August 2014 (UTC) Have been working on the BL Mechanical Curator image-set, and liasing with the British Library. The set includes many maps from C19 guidebooks and history books. A first tranche has already been geo-rectified using the Klokan mapwarper at the BL (some here), and it is hoped to georectify the remainder by the end of 2014. Hope to get mass crowd use of the WikiLabs MapWarper starting soon.
- Bplewe (talk) 14:01, 29 January 2022 (UTC) I've been doing historical GIS for 20+ years and want to contribute to the development of open data and open maps.
- Muell132 (talk) 08:19, 29 February 2023 (UTC) OHM mapper, some GIS chops; interested in Michigan and other upper Midwest history- transportation, settlement and industrial development also Forest History, particularly of the United States Forest Service and other public land agencies