Comparison of icon sets

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English: This page is for a visual overview of various open source icon sets. See also Icons by subject.
Icon sets
Name License File format Originally designed for Download as bundle
Adwaita GPL PNG GNOME (default theme of GNOME 3.13+)
BlueSphere BSD SVG GNOME 2, KDE 3
Breeze LGPL PNG + SVG KDE (default theme of KDE 5)
Crystal Project LGPL PNG KDE (Crystal 64 and Crystal SVG being the default themes of KDE 3.1–3.5)
Exquisite GPL PNG KDE
FairytaleWorld LGPL PNG KDE (default theme on MagicLinux 1.2)
Gartoon GPL PNG + SVG GNOME (default theme on Edubuntu)
Giøn GPL SVG GNOME[dead link]
GNOME GPL 2 SVG GNOME (default theme of GNOME 2.16–3.12) archive copy at the Wayback Machine
GNOME HighContrast GPL 2 SVG GNOME 2 archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Mini "free use" GIF general archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Nuvola LGPL PNG + SVG KDE 3[dead link]
Oxygen LGPL PNG + SVG KDE (default theme of KDE 4)
Silk CC-BY 2.5 PNG general archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Tango Public Domain SVG GNOME, KDE archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Torchlight LGPL PNG KDE
English: Other places freely licensed icon sets are available:


English: Based on Icon Naming Specification standard.


Name Iconsets
Description Nuvola Oxygen Breeze Antü Tango GNOME Faenza Breathe
address-book-new The icon used for the action to create a new address book.
application-exit The icon used for exiting an application. Typically this is seen in the application's menus as File->Quit.
appointment-new The icon used for the action to create a new appointment in a calendaring application.
bookmark-new The icon used for the action to create a new bookmark in a application.
call-start The icon used for initiating or accepting a call. Should be similar to the standard cellular call pickup icon, a green handset with ear and mouth pieces facing upward.
call-stop The icon used for stopping a current call. Should be similar to the standard cellular call hangup icon, a red handset with ear and mouth pieces facing downward.
contact-new The icon used for the action to create a new contact in an address book application.
dialog-cancel The icon used for the action to create a new contact in an address book application.
document-new The icon used for the action to create a new document.
document-open The icon used for the action to open a document.
document-open-recent The icon used for the action to open a document that was recently opened.
document-page-setup The icon for the page setup action of a document editor.
document-print The icon for the print action of an application.
document-print-preview The icon for the print preview action of an application.
document-properties The icon for the action to view the properties of a document in an application.
document-revert The icon for the action of reverting to a previous version of a document.
document-save The icon for the save action. Should be an arrow pointing down and toward a hard disk.
document-save-as The icon for the save as action.
document-send The icon for the send action. Should be an arrow pointing up and away from a hard disk.
edit-clear The icon for the clear action.
edit-copy The icon for the copy action.
edit-cut The icon for the cut action.
edit-delete The icon for the delete action.
edit-find The icon for the find action.
edit-find-replace The icon for the find and replace action.
edit-paste The icon for the paste action.
edit-redo The icon for the redo action.
edit-select-all The icon for the select all action.
edit-undo The icon for the undo action.
folder-new The icon for creating a new folder.
format-indent-less The icon for the decrease indent formatting action.
format-indent-more The icon for the increase indent formatting action.
format-justify-center The icon for the center justification formatting action.
format-justify-fill The icon for the fill justification formatting action.
format-justify-left The icon for the left justification formatting action.
format-justify-right The icon for the right justification action.
format-text-direction-ltr The icon for the left-to-right text formatting action.
format-text-direction-rtl The icon for the right-to-left formatting action.
format-text-bold The icon for the bold text formatting action.
format-text-italic The icon for the italic text formatting action.
format-text-strikethrough The icon for the strikethrough text formatting action.
format-text-underline The icon for the underlined text formatting action.
go-bottom The icon for the go to bottom of a list action.
go-down The icon for the go down in a list action.
go-first The icon for the go to the first item in a list action.
go-home The icon for the go to home location action.
go-jump The icon for the jump to action.
go-last The icon for the go to the last item in a list action.
go-next The icon for the go to the next item in a list action.
go-previous The icon for the go to the previous item in a list action.
go-top The icon for the go to the top of a list action.
go-up The icon for the go up in a list action.
help-about The icon for the About item in the Help menu.
help-contents The icon for Contents item in the Help menu.
help-faq The icon for the FAQ item in the Help menu.
insert-image The icon for the insert image action of an application.
insert-link The icon for the insert link action of an application.
insert-object The icon for the insert object action of an application.
insert-text The icon for the insert text action of an application.
list-add The icon for the add to list action.
list-remove The icon for the remove from list action.
mail-forward The icon for the forward action of an electronic mail application.
mail-mark-important The icon for the mark as important action of an electronic mail application.
mail-mark-junk The icon for the mark as junk action of an electronic mail application.
mail-mark-not-junk The icon for the mark as not junk action of an electronic mail application.
mail-mark-read The icon for the mark as read action of an electronic mail application.
mail-mark-unread The icon for the mark as unread action of an electronic mail application.
mail-message-new The icon for the compose new mail action of an electronic mail application.
mail-reply-all The icon for the reply to all action of an electronic mail application.
mail-reply-sender The icon for the reply to sender action of an electronic mail application.
mail-send The icon for the send action of an electronic mail application.
mail-send-receive The icon for the send and receive action of an electronic mail application.
media-eject The icon for the eject action of a media player or file manager.
media-playback-pause The icon for the pause action of a media player.
media-playback-start The icon for the start playback action of a media player.
media-playback-stop The icon for the stop action of a media player.
media-record The icon for the record action of a media application.
media-seek-backward The icon for the seek backward action of a media player.
media-seek-forward The icon for the seek forward action of a media player.
media-skip-backward The icon for the skip backward action of a media player.
media-skip-forward The icon for the skip forward action of a media player.
object-flip-horizontal The icon for the action to flip an object horizontally.
object-flip-vertical The icon for the action to flip an object vertically.
object-rotate-left The icon for the rotate left action performed on an object.
object-rotate-right The icon for the rotate rigt action performed on an object.
process-stop The icon used for the “Stop” action in applications with actions that may take a while to process, such as web page loading in a browser.
system-lock-screen The icon used for the “Lock Screen” item in the desktop's panel application.
system-log-out The icon used for the “Log Out” item in the desktop's panel application.
system-run The icon used for the “Run Application…” item in the desktop's panel application.
system-search The icon used for the “Search” item in the desktop's panel application.
system-reboot The icon used for the “Reboot” item in the desktop's panel application.
system-shutdown The icon used for the “Shutdown” item in the desktop's panel application.
tab-new The icon used for the “Shutdown” item in the desktop's panel application.
tools-check-spelling The icon used for the “Check Spelling” item in the application's “Tools” menu.
view-fullscreen The icon used for the “Fullscreen” item in the application's “View” menu.
view-refresh The icon used for the “Refresh” item in the application's “View” menu.
view-restore The icon used by an application for leaving the fullscreen view, and returning to a normal windowed view.
view-sort-ascending The icon used for the “Sort Ascending” item in the application's “View” menu, or in a button for changing the sort method for a list.
view-sort-descending The icon used for the “Sort Descending” item in the application's “View” menu, or in a button for changing the sort method for a list.
window-close The icon used for the “Close Window” item in the application's “Windows” menu.
window-new The icon used for the “New Window” item in the application's “Windows” menu.
zoom-fit-best The icon used for the “Best Fit” item in the application's “View” menu.
zoom-in The icon used for the “Zoom in” item in the application's “View” menu.
zoom-original The icon used for the “Original Size” item in the application's “View” menu.
zoom-out The icon used for the “Zoom Out” item in the application's “View” menu.


Name Iconsets
Description Nuvola Oxygen Breeze Antü Tango GNOME Faenza Breathe
process-working This is the standard spinner animation for web browsers and file managers to show that the location is loading


Name Iconsets
Description Nuvola Oxygen Breeze Antü Tango GNOME Faenza Breathe
accessories-calculator The icon used for the desktop's calculator accessory program.
accessories-character-map The icon used for the desktop's international and extended text character accessory program.
accessories-dictionary The icon used for the desktop's dictionary accessory program.
accessories-text-editor The icon used for the desktop's text editing accessory program.
help-browser The icon used for the desktop's help browsing application.
internet-mail The icon used for the desktop's mail application.
internet-web-browser The icon used for the desktop's help browsing application.
multimedia-volume-control The icon used for the desktop's hardware volume control application.
office-calendar The icon used for the desktop's hardware volume control application.
preferences-desktop-accessibility The icon used for the desktop's accessibility preferences.
preferences-desktop-font The icon used for the desktop's font preferences.
preferences-desktop-keyboard The icon used for the desktop's keyboard preferences.
preferences-desktop-keyboard-shortcuts The icon used for the desktop's keyboard shortcut preferences.
preferences-desktop-locale The icon used for the desktop's locale preferences.
preferences-desktop-multimedia The icon used for the desktop's multimedia preferences.
preferences-desktop-remote-desktop The icon used for the desktop's locale preferences.
preferences-desktop-screensaver The icon used for the desktop's screen saving preferences.
preferences-desktop-sound The icon used for the desktop's screen saving preferences.
preferences-desktop-theme The icon used for the desktop's theme preferences.
preferences-desktop-wallpaper The icon used for the desktop's wallpaper preferences.
preferences-system-network-proxy The icon used for the network proxy preferences.
preferences-system-session The icon used for the system session preferences.
preferences-system-windows The icon used for the system windows preferences.
system-file-manager The icon used for the desktop's file management application.
system-software-install The icon used for the desktop's software installer application.
system-software-update The icon used for the desktop's software updating application.
system-users The icon used for the desktop's users.
utilities-system-monitor The icon used for the desktop's system resource monitor application.
utilities-terminal The icon used for the desktop's terminal emulation application.


Name Iconsets
Description Nuvola Oxygen Breeze Antü Tango GNOME Faenza Breathe
applications-accessories The icon for the “Accessories” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-development The icon for the “Programming” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-education The icon for the “Education” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-education-language The icon for the “Languages” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-education-mathematics The icon for the “Mathematics” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-education-science The icon for the “Education Science” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-engineering The icon for the “Engineering” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-games The icon for the “Games” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-graphics The icon for the “Graphics” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-internet The icon for the “Internet” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-multimedia The icon for the “Multimedia” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-office The icon for the “Office” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-science The icon for the “Science” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-other The icon for the “Other” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-system The icon for the “System Tools” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
applications-utilities The icon for the “Utilities” sub-menu of the Programs menu.
preferences-desktop The icon for the “Desktop Preferences” category.
preferences-desktop-peripherals The icon for the “Peripherals” sub-category of the “Desktop Preferences” category.
preferences-desktop-personal The icon for the “Personal” sub-category of the “Desktop Preferences” category.
preferences-other The icon for the “Other” preferences category.
preferences-system The icon for the “System Preferences” category.
preferences-system-network The icon for the “Network” sub-category of the “System Preferences” category.
system-help The icon for the “Help” system category.


Name Iconsets
Description Nuvola Oxygen Breeze Antü Tango GNOME Faenza Breathe
audio-card The icon used for the audio rendering device.
audio-input-microphone The icon used for the microphone audio input device.
battery The icon used for the system battery device.
camera-photo The icon used for a digital still camera devices.
camera-video The fallback icon for video cameras.
camera-web The fallback icon for web cameras.
computer The icon used for the computing device as a whole.
drive-harddisk The icon used for hard disk drives.
drive-optical The icon used for optical media drives such as CD and DVD.
drive-removable-media The icon used for removable media drives.
drive-removable-media-usb The icon used for removable media drives.
drive-removable-media-usb-pendrive The icon used for removable media drives.
input-gaming The icon used for the gaming input device.
input-keyboard The icon used for the keyboard input device.
input-mouse The icon used for the mousing input device.
input-tablet The icon used for graphics tablet input devices.
media-flash The fallback icon used for flash media, such as memory stick and SD.
media-floppy The icon used for physical floppy disk media.
media-jazz The icon used for physical jazz disk media.
media-optical The icon used for physical optical media such as CD and DVD.
media-tape The icon used for generic physical tape media.
media-zip The icon used for physical zip disk media.
modem The icon used for modem devices.
multimedia-player The icon used for generic multimedia playing devices.
network-wired The icon used for wired network connections.
network-wireless The icon used for wireless network connections.
pda This is the fallback icon for Personal Digial Assistant devices. Primary use of this icon is for PDA devices connected to the PC. Connection medium is not an important aspect of the icon. The metaphor for this fallback icon should be a generic PDA device icon.
phone This is the default fallback for phone devices. Primary use of this icon group is for phone devices which support connectivity to the PC. These may be VoIP, cellular, or possibly landline phones. The metaphor for this fallback should be a generic mobile phone device.
printer The icon used for a printer device.
scanner The icon used for a scanner device.
video-display The icon used for the monitor that video gets displayed to.


Name Iconsets
Description Nuvola Oxygen Breeze Antü Tango GNOME Faenza Breathe
emblem-default The icon used as an emblem to specify the default selection of a printer for example.
emblem-documents The icon used as an emblem for the directory where a user's documents are stored.
emblem-downloads The icon used as an emblem for the directory where a user's downloads from the internet are stored.
emblem-favorite The icon used as an emblem for files and directories that the user marks as favorites.
emblem-generic The icon used as an emblem for directories that contain generic files.
emblem-important The icon used as an emblem for files and directories that are marked as important by the user.
emblem-locked The icon used as an emblem to specify the directory where the user's electronic mail is stored.
emblem-mail The icon used as an emblem to specify the directory where the user's electronic mail is stored.
emblem-new The icon used as an emblem to specify new files.
emblem-package The icon used as an emblem for directories that contain packages.
emblem-photos The icon used as an emblem to specify the directory where the user stores photographs.
emblem-readonly The icon used as an emblem for files and directories which can not be written to by the user.
emblem-shared The icon used as an emblem for files and directories that are shared to other users.
emblem-symbolic-link The icon used as an emblem for files and direcotires that are links to other files or directories on the filesystem.
emblem-synchronized The icon used as an emblem for files or directories that are configured to be synchronized to another device.
emblem-system The icon used as an emblem for directories that contain system libraries, settings, and data.
emblem-unlocked The icon used as an emblem to specify the directory where the user's electronic mail is stored.
emblem-unreadable The icon used as an emblem for files and directories that are inaccessible.
emblem-urgent The icon used as an emblem for urgent files.
emblem-web The icon used as an emblem for web-related files and directories.


See also: Emoji.
Name Iconsets
Description Nuvola Oxygen Breeze Antü Tango GNOME Faenza Breathe
face-angel The icon used for the 0:-) emote.
face-angry The icon used for the X-( emote.
face-cool The icon used for the B-) emote.
face-crying The icon used for the :'( emote.
face-devilish The icon used for the >:-) emote.
face-embarrassed The icon used for the :-[ emote.
face-kiss The icon used for the :-* emote.
face-laugh The icon used for the :-)) emote.
face-monkey ) emote.
face-plain emote.
face-raspberry The icon used for the :-P emote.
face-sad The icon used for the :-( emote.
face-sick The icon used for the :-& emote.
face-smile The icon used for the :-) emote.
face-smile-big The icon used for the :-D emote.
face-smirk The icon used for the :-! emote.
face-surprise The icon used for the :-0 emote.
face-tired The icon used for the tired emote.
face-uncertain The icon used for the :-/ emote.
face-wink The icon used for the ;-) emote.
face-worried The icon used for the :-S emote.


Name Iconsets
Description Nuvola Oxygen Breeze Antü Tango GNOME Faenza Breathe
flag-aa The flag for the country with the ISO 3166 country code AA. All flags should use ISO 3166 two-letter country codes, in lowercase form, as the specifier for the country.


Name Iconsets
Description Nuvola Oxygen Breeze Antü Tango GNOME Faenza Breathe
application-certificate The icon used for executable file types.
application-pdf The icon used for PDF file types.
application-x-executable The icon used for executable file types.
audio-x-generic The icon used for generic audio file types.
font-x-generic The icon used for generic font file types.
image-x-generic The icon used for generic image file types.
package-x-generic The icon used for generic package file types.
text-html The icon used for HTML text file types.
text-x-generic The icon used for generic text file types.
text-x-preview The icon used for preview text file types.
text-x-generic-template The icon used for generic text templates.
text-x-script The icon used for script file types, such as shell scripts.
video-x-generic The icon used for generic video file types.
x-office-address-book The icon used for generic address book file types.
x-office-calendar The icon used for generic calendar file types.
x-office-document The icon used for generic document and letter file types.
x-office-document-template The icon used for template generic document file types.
x-office-drawing The icon used for generic document and letter file types.
x-office-drawing-template The icon used for generic document and letter file types.
x-office-presentation The icon used for generic presentation file types.
x-office-presentation-template The icon used for generic presentation file types.
x-office-spreadsheet The icon used for generic spreadsheet file types.
x-office-spreadsheet-template The icon used for generic spreadsheet file types.


Name Iconsets
Description Nuvola Oxygen Breeze Antü Tango GNOME Faenza Breathe
folder The standard folder icon used to represent directories on local filesystems, mail folders, and other hierarchical groups.
folder-documents The folder icon used to represent directories dedicated to documents.
folder-download The folder icon used to represent directories dedicated to downloaded files.
folder-music The folder icon used to represent directories dedicated to music files.
folder-pictures The folder icon used to represent directories dedicated to pictures files.
folder-publicshare The folder icon used to represent public shared directories.
folder-remote-ftp The icon used for normal directories on a remote FTP filesystem.
folder-remote-nfs The icon used for normal directories on a remote NFS filesystem.
folder-remote-smb The icon used for normal directories on a remote SMB filesystem.
folder-remote-ssh The icon used for normal directories on a remote SSH filesystem.
folder-remote The icon used for normal directories on a remote filesystem.
folder-saved-search The icon used for normal directories on a remote filesystem.
folder-templates The folder icon used to represent directories dedicated to templates files.
folder-videos The folder icon used to represent directories dedicated to videos files.
mail-folder-sent The standard folder icon used to represent directories on local filesystems, mail folders, and other hierarchical groups.
mail-inbox The standard folder icon used to represent directories on local filesystems, mail folders, and other hierarchical groups.
mail-outbox The standard folder icon used to represent directories on local filesystems, mail folders, and other hierarchical groups.