Ellen G. White

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<nowiki>Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Елена Уайт; Ellen G. White; Элен Уайт; الن جی. وایت; Елън Г. Уайт; Ellen G. White; Ellen White; エレン・グールド・ホワイト; Ellen G. White; Ellen Whitová; Еллен Уайт; Ellen G. White; 懷愛倫; Ellen G. White; 艾伦·怀特; 엘런 화이트; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Елен Г. Вајт; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Ellen White; Ellen White; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. Whiteová; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Эллен Уайт; Elen Vajt; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Ellen Gould White; 懷愛倫; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; Ellen White; Ellen White; Ellen G. White; Ellen G. White; ايلين وايت; Էլեն Ուայթ; Ellen G. White; إيلين وايت; Έλεν Τζ. Γουάιτ; Ellen G. White; religiosa e predicatrice statunitense; théologienne américaine; ލިޔުންތެރިއެއް; escritora estauxunidense (1827–1915); идейный реформатор адвентизма и соорганизатор Церкви адвентистов седьмого дня; gilt als Mitbegründerin und Prophetin der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten; escritora norte-americana e co-fundadora da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia; نویسنده آمریکایی; 美国作家及基督复临安息日会建立者; Amɛrica author, ni seventh- day Adventist Asori kpɛma; アメリカの宗教家 (1827-1915); escritora norte-americana e co-fundadora da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia; Marubucin Ba’amurke, wanda ya kafa Cocin Adventist na kwana bakwai (1827–1915); americká spisovateľka a teologička, spoluzakladateľka Cirkvi adventistov siedmeho dňa; prorokini pochodzenia amerykańskiego; Amerikaans schrijfster (1827–1915); Onye ode akwụkwọ America, onye nchoputa nke Ụka Ụbọchị nke asaa Adventist (1827–1915); American author, co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (1827–1915); escritora estadounidense, cofundadora de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día (1827-1915); amerikansk författare; American author, co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (1827–1915); كاتبة من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية; americká spisovatelka a teoložka, spoluzakladatelka Církve adventistů sedmého dne; eskritor merikano; Ellen Gould White; Уайт Елена; Уайт, Елена; Уайт, Эллен; Эллен Уайт; Ellen G. White; Ellen Gould White; Ellen Gould Harmon; Ellen Gould white; Ellen Gould White; Елън Гулд Уайт; Елена Вайт; Елън Уайт; 엘렌 화이트; Еленæ Уайт; Ellen Gould White; Ellen White; Ellen Gould White; Ellen Gould Harmon; Elena G. de White; Elena de White; Elena G. White; Ellen Gould White; Ellen Gould Harmon White; Ellen white; Ellen gould white; E.G. White; Ellen gould harmon; Ellen Gould Harmon White; Diela Ellen G. Whiteovej; Ellen G. Whiteová; Ellen Gould White; Ellen G. White; Ellen Gould Whitová; Ellen Gould White-Harmon; Ellen G. White; E·G·懷特; 艾伦·怀特; 怀爱伦; Ellen Gould Harmon; Ellen Gould white; Ellen Gould Harmon White; ホワイトエレンジ-,; Ellen Gould Harmon; Ellen G. White; EGW; Ellen Gould Harmon; Ellen Gould white; Ellen White; Vändpunkten; Ellen G White; White, Ellen G; Ellen Gould White; Ellen White; Ellen Gould White; Ellen G. White; Ellen Gould Harmon; Ellen Gould White; Ellen White; 艾倫·懷特; Ellen G. White; Ellen Gould White; Ellen Gould Harmon; Ellen Gould white; Ellen White; Ellen Gould White; Ellen Gould Harmon; Ellen Gould White; Ellen White; Elena Blanko; E. G.(Ellen Gould) White; Ellen Gould White; Ellen White; Ellen Gould White</nowiki>
Ellen G. White 
religiosa e predicatrice statunitense
Carica un file multimediale
Data di nascita26 novembre 1827
Ellen Gould Harmon
Data di morte16 luglio 1915
Luogo di sepoltura
Paese di cittadinanza
Campo di lavoro
  • Eunice Harmon
Authority file
Wikidata Q292290
identificativo ISNI: 0000000080982753
identificativo VIAF: 19685785
identificativo GND: 118632132
identificativo della Biblioteca del Congresso: n79045558
identificativo BNF: 11929127r
identificativo idRef: 027196100
identificativo NDL: 00460750
identificativo NLA: 36507458
identificativo NKC: jn19990009094
identificativo SELIBR: 269544
identificativo NLI: 000141423
identificativo BNE: XX975455
identificativo NTA: 069539308
identificativo BIBSYS: 90088799
identificativo NUKAT: n93090279
identificativo NLP: a0000001179471
identificativo NLK: KAC199629838
identificativo Libris: 86lnrr8s1xsh3vl
identificativo PLWABN: 9810598534505606
identificativo J9U della Biblioteca nazionale israeliana: 987007269714205171
identificativo NACSIS-CAT: DA03733347
identificativo SBN di un autore: CFIV064920
identificativo Open Library: OL225992A
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Ellen Gould White (née Harmon; November 26, 1827 – July 16, 1915) was an American author and co-founder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The image shown is not Ellen G. White.





Funeral in St. Helena


Funeral in Battle Creek




Family Tree


Family portraits


James S. White


James Springer White (1821–1881), husband of Ellen G. White.

Henry N. White


Henry Nichols White (1847–1863), first son of James and Ellen White.

James E. White


James Edson White (1849–1928), second son of James and Ellen White.

William C. White


William Clarence White (1854–1937), third son of James and Ellen White.

Emma L. White


Emma Lou White (née McDearmon; 1848–1917), first wife of James Edson White and daughter-in-law of Ellen G. White.

Mary E. White


Mary Ellen White (née Kelsey; 1857–1890), first wife of William C. White and daughter-in-law of Ellen G. White.

Other relatives


