File talk:CIExy1931.png

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The colors of this diagram are probably wrong. A chromaticity diagram represents colors with a constant Y. I don't know which exact Y would show pure (wavelength) colors but I guess it would be around Y at the half of its maximum. Because at it's maximum we would see only white light and at it's minimum only blackness. So I come to the conclusion that the centre of the image can not be white but should be rather grayish. --BartYgor 11:50, 17 July 2007 (UTC)[回覆]

In fact it would be more black than grey (approximately r=g=b=0.33, which looks like this:         ). Basically it's impossible to depict this colour space correctly on an RGB monitor, so some form of compromise is inevitable. -- Sakurambo 13:09, 17 July 2007 (UTC)[回覆]