File talk:EugenSandowgravestone.jpg

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A point to note on the "new" Sandow gravestone which I placed in his memory ( after removing the other efforts ) as registered owner of the gravesite and direct descendant ( great-grandson) of Sandow, is that there is now a small " lifting stone " weighing in at 47kg behind the main stone. It is inscribed "Eugen" as he signed his autograph and the weight is also inscribed. The stone has been used in some weight lifting competitions in Belgium by the Sandow group of enthusiasts. It is of the same Doddington pink sandstone from the Dod Law quarry in north east England as the main monolith. Furthermore there has become available to me new documentation as to Sandow's correct birthdate which, according to two separate pieces of evidence in Amsterdam ( official Census and Police registration card from when he lived at Damrak 40 Amsterdam in 1888/9 ). This based on a copy of Sandow's alleged birth certificate copied in Koenigsberg and presented to the clerks in Amsterdam. The date of birth is now as exactly two years earlier than the date shown on the main stone. Thus his birth-year is now according to the only hard evidence available from these two different sources : April 2nd, 1865. This anomaly may have been due to Sandow wishing to avoid compulsory military service and was also perhaps connected with his desire to hide his true identity. Sandow was born illigitimate and to a Jewish mother. Her family name is known to me but I am not publishing it yet. The heraldic symbol of this Polish/Jewish family name appears top left on the reverse of the main grave monolith, and has also been researched by myself both within the greater Sandow family and in archives. The father is not known. I plan to have the new date of birth added soon to reflect the latest research and historical hard facts, but probably not to the main gravestone.

Chris Davies ( J.C.M. DAVIES ) — Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 17:53, 8 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]