File talk:Sandra Day O'Connor.jpg

出典:ウィキメディア・コモンズ (Wikimedia Commons)
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At present, this file's usage on wikipedia in "thumbnail" contexts is (for me) producing "squished" pictures of the current portrait file, which appear to match the "landscape" resolution of the recent edit. The root cause appears to involves the most recent five edits or so. This is affecting multiple pages on Wikipedia and so I ask help for a debug/fix, which I'm not figuring out just now. In my case, the file's resolution is bad on Firefox and IE on a desktop Windows machine.MinnesotanUser (トーク) 06:34, 4 August 2018 (UTC)[返信]

To clarify the above, the current file itself does not have a bad resolution, as near as I can make out. Rather, its invocations throughout Wikipedia in the context of small, thumbnail usages produces the unwanted squishing.MinnesotanUser (トーク) 06:40, 4 August 2018 (UTC)[返信]