File talk:UIATF Pow Wow 2007 - 61A.jpg

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User: wrote, in the permission section on the file page, "This is picture of fancydancer Dillon Begay from Granger, Washington. Did the photographer ask his permission to take his photo and then post it? In our culture you don't get the photographer's permission, you get the subject's. Get it right, white boy before you get your camera taken from you and broken apart at the next powwow."

I discussed the taking of pictures with a representative of UIATF before I took any, and I provided UIATF with copies of the photos I took, as well as full permission for them to use these. What UIATF's representative told me before I took these was:

  1. For images taken outside of the arena, I should ask each individual before taking pictures.
  2. For images in the arena (which basically meant images of the Grand Entry and of dancers), pictures are permitted, with the exception of certain times that are considered prayers, and where it is explicitly announced that one may not photograph during that time.

I have fully abided by that, and as far as I know the UIATF was happy with my photos. That said, if any individual objects to their picture being posted, I will cooperate fully with their request to have the image removed from the Commons and from circulation. - Jmabel ! talk 05:53, 16 December 2009 (UTC)[回覆]

I notice that this image is outside of the arena, so I'm pretty certain I did ask his permission. Again, if I made a mistake about that and if he wishes the picture taken down, I will cooperate fully with that request. - Jmabel ! talk 05:55, 16 December 2009 (UTC)[回覆]