Free City of Danzig
The Free City of Danzig was a semi-autonomous city-state in Eastern Europe (now Gdańsk, Poland), existed between 1920 and 1939.
Plan of Danzig Brösen, 1932
Administrative divisions
Danzig in 1939
Location in Europe
1 million marks, 1923
500 million marks, 1923
1 Gulden 1923
500 Gulden 1924
50 Gulden 1937
1920 Reichspostamt overprinted
1920 German Empire overprinted
1921 airmail
1921 Tuberculosis week
1939 Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen (1845-1923)
Great Synagogue
Great Synagogue c. 1920
Die Synagoge, Reitbahn - Abbrucharbeiten 1.5.1939
Interior c. 1920
World War II
Danzig.- The Mottlau with the Krantor, 1939, before the Germans arrived
German civilians in February 1945 fleeing Gdansk
German civilians in February 1945 fleeing Gdansk
Soviet M-17 vehicles in the streets of Danzig, March 1945