Götterdämmerung is an opera by Richard Wagner.
cast of the last performance in the old building of the Vienna State Opera before bombing during World War II; insert of the playbill
Illustration by Ferdinand Leeke
Arthur Rackham's illustrations
The three Norns
The Norns vanish.
Siegfried leaves Brünnhilde.
The seduction of Siegfried by Gutrune
Brünnhilde kisses her ring.
The ravens of Wotan
Brünnhilde's sister tries to persuade her to throw away her ring.
Alberich woos Grimhilde, mother of Hagen.
Alberich and Hagen
Hagen informs Brünnhilde of Siegfried's betrayal.
The Rhinemaidens tease Siegfried.
The Rhinemaidens warn Siegfried.
Siegfried's death
Brünnhilde leaps onto Siegfried's funeral pyre.
The Rhinemaidens take back their ring.