Old maps
(Redirected from Historical maps)
Old maps are included in the Wikimedia Atlas
World maps
World map of Waldseemüller, which first used the name America, 1507
Ebstorfer world map
World map from the Middle Ages
Part of Tabula Peutingeriana
from Hartmann Schedels Worldchronic (1493)
World map by Johannes Kepler
Al-Idrisi's world map
Laurent Fries world map, 1522
Pedro de Medina & G.B. Pedrazano, 1554
by Jacques de Vaux (1583)
Ortelius world map (1570)
Oronce Fine(1536)
by Samuel de Champlain (1567?-1635)
by Jean Guérard (1627)
By Joan Blaeu (1664)
Magna Carta Mundi (1670)
Capt Dampier's new voyage to New Holland (1699)
Wang Jun Fu World Map (1680)
by Philippe Buache (1737)
by Pîrî Reîs
1750 Japanese map
by Pîrî Reîs
Historical map of the international dateline
Antique World Map with magnetic declination by Leonhard Euler (1753)
Map of Asia with Finnish text from "Pieni Tietosanakirja" (1925)
1932 artwork
See also
[edit]The Americas
Map of America by Sebastian Munster. 1561
Map of South America by Girolamo Ruscelli 1562
Map of America by Giovanni Battista Ramusio. 1565
Historical map of South America (1750)
Historical map of America. Ca. 1770
Historical map of the USA, Mexico and Central-America
Map of North and South America, French (18th century)
Mapa geographica completens Indiae Occidentalis
Caribbean and Central America
Barbados (1817)
Historical map of Central America (1860)
Historical map of Central America (1888)
Antilles. Map from the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1890-1907
Historical map of the proposed Panama and Nicaragua canals
North America
Western part of the USA
Eastern part of the USA
Captain Marcy's route though Texas (1854)
Oregon Trail (1907)
Historical map of the Hawaii-archipelago
Map of New Netherland and New England (around 1685)
New Holland map by William Dampier (1699)
Milton County, Georgia (1883)
Cherokee lands (1822)
Cherokee counties (1834)
Elizabeth City County (1895)
Norfolk County, Virginia (1895)
Princess Anne County, Virginia (1895)
North America (1797)
Map of "Greater America" (1899)
by Claude Bernou (16..-17..?)
Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova (1635)photos
rail map
1936 clippers
South America
Map of Peru by Abraham Ortelius, 1608.
Historical map of Peru (1635)
Map of Peru. (1647). By Ioannem Ianssonium. (1558-1664).
Map of Peru by Nicolas Sanson d'Abbeville (1600-1667)
Map of Peru and the Amazonas River by Nicolas Sanson d'Abbeville (1600-1667)
Map of Peru by Nicolas Sanson d'Abbeville (1600-1667)
Map of Peru. 1683. French version
Map of Peru. 1683. Das Königreich Perou
Historical map of Peru by Herman Moll. Ca. 1720
Historical map of Peru by Emanuel Bowen. Ca. 1750
Historical map of Peru by Benard. Ca. 1750
Historical map of Peru by Rigobert Bonne. Ca. 1780
Historical map of South America by Diogo Homem. Ca 1558
Leo Belgicus - map of the Low Countries (1611)
Leo Belgicus by P. Kaerius & Hendrik Floris van Langren (1617)
Historical map of the Bay of Bajä (1888)
Historical map of the Stait of Messina (1888)
Historical map of Cyprus (1888)
Historical map of Madeira (1888)
Historical map of the Balkan peninsula (1888)
Historical map of the Balkans War Theatre during the First Balkan War (1912-13)
Historical map of the Kingdom of Hungary (1888)
Historical map of the Isle of Corsica (1888)
Historical map of Iceland (1888)
Straßenkarte für Rompilger (Erhard Etzlaub, um 1500)
Historical map of the area surrounding Toulon (1888)
Europe at the death of Charlemagne in 814
Eastern Europe (1836)
Historical map of Switzerland 1291-1515 (1912)
Historical map of Switzerland 1291-1515 (1912)
[technical revised version] -
Ottoman Empire, 1481-1683 (1923)
Carniola before 1900
Route of the leaders of the first Crusade (1911)
The Zeno Map (1558)
Carte ancienne de la Nouvelle-Zemble
Map of Europe with Finnish text from "Pieni Tietosanakirja" (1925)
Canary Islands map by William Dampier (1699)
French picture map
Karte Oberösterreichs. Archiducatus Austriae Superioris Descriptio facta Anno 1667. Georg Matthäus Vischer, erschienen 1669
Historical map of the area surrounding Bad Ischl (1888)
Historical map of the area surrounding Innsbruck (1888)
Historical map of the area surrounding Vienna (1888)
Historical map of Tyrol
Historische Karte des oberösterreichischen Innviertels (1779)
Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi et Fabricati Fugura
Imperii Orientalis et Circumjacentium Regionum, sub Constantino Porphyrogenito et ejus praedecessoribus descriptio. (Paris : Guillelmo Del'Isle, 1715?).
Map of railway lines of Bulgaria (1877-1878)
A map of the Principality of Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia before the unification of Bulgaria in 1885. The map is from an 1882 atlas
Mapa del principado de Bulgaria tras 1885, con la anexión de Rumelia oriental
Map of Bulgaria (1885)
Ethnic map of Bulgaria, according to the census from 1892
Bulgarien, alte Schulkarte; um 1922
Bulgaria during World War I
Map of National costume of Bulgaria
Czech Republic
Historical map of Great Moravia under the rule of Svatopluk
Historical map of the Czech state in the 10th century under the rule of Boleslav I. and Boleslav II.
Historical map of the Czech Lands and other lands ruled by the King of Bohemia (turn of the 14th century)
Historical map of the Kingdom of Bohemia during the Hussite Wars (1419-34)
Historical map of the Czech Lands (14th century - 1742)
Historical map of the Czech Lands and other lands ruled by the King of Bohemia (reign of John of Bohemia)
Historical map of the Czech Lands and other lands ruled by the King of Bohemia (second half of the 14th century)
Historical map of the Czech Lands and other lands ruled by the King of Bohemia (beginning of the Thirty Years War)
Historical map of the Czech Lands as a part of the Habsburg ruled territories (16th century)
Historical map of the Czech Lands (from the half of the 18th century to the First World War)
Historical map of the Czech Lands (1892)
Historical map of the Czech lands and Slovakia (published in exile magazine La Nation Tchèque during the First World War)
Historical map of the Czech lands within the first Czechoslovak Republic in 1919 (published in Czech daily 'Svornost' in Chicago)
Historical map of the Czech lands within the first Czechoslovak Republic until 1928 (in 1928 Moravia and Czech Silesia were merged into one administrative unit - the Moravian-Silesian Land)
Magna Germania um 150 n. Chr. Kopie bzw. Rekonstruktion von Nicolaus Germanus (15. Jahrhundert) nach dem Text des Ptolemäus.
Grafschaft Mark (1681)
Upper Silesia (1746)
Grafschaft Mark (1791)
Harburg von 1757
Oberamt Ravensburg (1834)
Historical geological map of Thuringia (1888)
Historical map of the area surrounding Wiesbaden (1888)
Historical map of the area surrounding Stuttgart (1888)
Historical map of the Kiel Canal (1888)
Historical map of Württemberg and Hohenzollern (1888)
Administrative map of the German Empire (1900)
Historical map of Brandenburg (1903)
Historical map of Westphalia (1888)
Historical map of Heligoland (1888)
Historical map of the area surrounding Kiel
Historical map of the area surrounding Potsdam
Historical map of the German Empire: General industry, mines and smelting industry
Historical map, Population density 1881
Historical map of the German Empire: Population density
Historical map of the German Empire: Historical maps 1
Historical map of the German Empire: Historical maps 2
Historical map, Religions 1881
Historical map of the German Empire: Religious denomination
Ancient Germania (1849)
Historical map of the German Empire: Agriculture
Historical map of the German Empire: Political map
Historical map of Prussia, before 1905
Baden before 1900
Rheinisch-Westfälischs Kohlen- und Industriegebiet (1886)
Province Saxony before 1918
Map of a part of North Rhine-Westphalia, (early 19th century) showing Ratingen, Wuppertal, Mülheim, Essen and Bochum
Map of a part of Hamburg (Altona)
Historical map of territorial losses (the areas in black) of Germany after the 1919 Treaty of Versailles
See also
Historical map of area surrounding Bozen (1888)
Historical map of area surrounding Meran (1888)
Historical map of the Isle of Capri (1888)
Historical map of the Isle of Sardinia (1888)
Historical map of La Spezia (1888)
Historical map of Trieste (1888)
See also
Upper Silesia (1746)
Western Governorships (of Russian Empire) and Polish Kingdom in 1902
English: Hydrography of PolandPolski: Hydrografia Polski
English: Historical MapPolski: Mapa historyczna
English: Historical MapPolski: Mapa historyczna
English: Historical MapPolski: Mapa historyczna
English: Historical MapPolski: Mapa historyczna
English: Historical MapPolski: Mapa historyczna
English: Historical MapPolski: Mapa historyczna
English: Historical MapPolski: Mapa historyczna
English: Historical MapPolski: Mapa historyczna
Poland 1201-1241
Poland 1275-1300
Poland 1304-1333
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 17th and 18th century
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - administrative division
Poland in 1939
Poland between 1921 and 1939
Historical map of Russia (1725)
Historical map of the European part of Russia (1888)
Historical map of the Grand Duchy of Moscow (1888)
Historical map of the area surrounding St. Petersburg (1888)
Historical map of Russia
Historical map of Vladivostok when seized by the Czechoslovak Legions (29 June 1918)
Historical map of the area surrounding Copenhagen (1888)
Historical map of the area surrounding Stockholm (1888)
Historical map of Slovakia (1921)
New railways in Slovakia (1932)
Historical map of the Upper Váh Basin (1933)
Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal)
Historical map of Spain (1850)
History map of European Turkey
Historical map of the Bosporus
Historical map of the promontory of Gibraltar (1888)
Map of the County of Northumberland by Christopher & John Greenwood (1828)
Britannia Saxonica (1833)
Saxon England according to the Saxon Chronicle (1830)
Britannia Saxonica (1695)
see also
[edit]Category:Old Ordnance Survey map images
Middle East
Map of the empire of Alexander the Great
Hartmann Schedel: DESTRVCCIO IHEROSOLIME (from the Liber cronicarum, Nuremberg 1493)
The oldest printed prospect of Jerusalem - By Hartmann Schedel, Nürnberg 1493 (from the Liber cronicarum)
Historical map of Central Asia
Historical map of the Crimean peninsula (1888)
Historical map of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) (1888)
map of "Hindoostan" by Arrowsmith and Lewis (1812)
Tonking, Östl. Hinterindien, Hue, Ha-Noi
Map of French Indochina after the First World War
Political map of India after the First World War
Ethnographical map of High Asia in the beginning of 20th century
Old map of major glaciers of the Tian Shan
Map of railways in West Asia in the beginning of 20th century
Chinese Empire (aka Qing Dynasty), 1892, from the Encyclopædia Britannica North American edition
Political map of China after the First World War
map on 18th century
map on 1911
The first 'correct' map of Taiwan in the world, which was drawn by a Dutch sailor (1625)
The Island Formosa and the Pescadores by Johannes Vingboons (ca 1640)
Historical map of Taiwan (1896)
Historical map of New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands
Spanish/Portuguese map ca.1600 of New Guinea and the Malay Archipelago
Map of Africa (1508)
Africae tabula nova (1570)
Map of Africa (1910s)
Map of Africa (1890)
Map of Africa (1812)
Map of Eastern Africa (1829)
Historical map of Zanzibar (1888)
Historical map of Cameroun
Historical map of Madagascar (1888)
Historical map of the gulf of Aden (1888)
The Gold Coast and Ashanti Confederacy (1896)
Map of the Great Rift Valley (1931)
Special maps
Language world map (1888)
Declination world map (1888)
Weather map for Europe (09. & 10 Dec 1887)
Synoptic chart of Europe and the North Atlantic, October 1874.
War maps
Historical map of the campaign by Breitenfeld (17.09.1631)
Historical map of the campaign by Lützen (16.11.1632)
Historical map of the campaign by Fehrbellin (28.06.1675)
Historical map of the campaign by Höchstädt (13.08.1704)
Historical map of the campaign by Hohenfriedeberg (04.06.1745)
Historical map of the campaign by Kolin (18.06.1757)
Historical map of the campaign by Roßbach(05.11.1757)
Historical map of the campaign by Leuthen(05.12.1757)
Historical map of the campaign by Hochkirch (14.10.1758)
Historical map of the campaign by Kunersdorf (12.08.1759)
Mannheim (1794)
Battle of Marengo (1800)
Historical map of the campaign by Austerlitz (02.12.1805)
Historical map of the campaign by Jena (14.10.1806)
Historical map of the campaign by Auerstädt (14.10.1806)
Historical map of the campaign by Aspern (12.05.1809)
Historical map of the campaign by Wagram (05. & 06.07.1809)
Historical map of the battle of the nations by Leipzig (16.10.1813)
Historical map of the battle of the nations by Leipzig (18.10.1813)
Historical map of the campaign by Waterloo (18.06.1815)
Historical map of the siege of Sevastopol (1854-1855)
Historical map of the campaign by Solferino (24.06.1859)
Battle of Pea Ridge (1862)
Historical map of the campaign by Königgrätz (03.07.1866)
Historical map of the campaign by Wörth(06.08.1870)
Historical map of the campaign by Sedan (01.09.1870)
Historical map of the campaign by Orléans (Dec 1870)
Historical map of the campaign by Plewen (11. & 12.09.1877)