Ingeram Codex
The Ingeram Codex, or Codex Cotta after a former owner is an armorial first owed by Duke Albrecht VI of Austria. It is now part of the collection of the Kunsthistorische Museum in Vienna (Inv.-Nr. 2302).
It was executed by the persevant Hans Ingeram, but also by various other artists, one being named the Exemplameister, because he was responsible for the set of partly imaginary armors depicting exemplary personages.
The armorial has been taken apart and resorted in numerous ways in the past. This gallery is trying to display various orders how the armors might have been depicted.
This is the present binding. This binding was done in the early 19th century, but it follows a paging scheme, done in black ink that dates back before 1751, probably even to the 16th century
This sorting follows a scheme executed in red ink and in roman numerals.
Since both of the above sorting schemes are not in logical order, this sorting is a suggestion how the pages could have been arranged. Becher identified two main artists: Hans Ingeram and a so called Exemplameister. She notes, that the present Codex was created, already in the 15th century, by joining these two codicies. Hans Ingeram had already included elder material into his Codex. Also some later additions were made to the joint codices.
[edit]- Die Wappenbücher Herzog Albrechts VI. von Österreich: Ingeram-Codex d. ehem. Bibliothek Cotta; hrsg. v. Charlotte Becher u. Ortwin Gamber; Wien; Köln; Graz; 1986. Jahrbuch der Heraldisch-Genealogischen Gesellschaft Adler; Folge 3, Bd. 12 Jg. 1984/85; ISBN 3-205-05002-9