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Jewish history

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The main category is: Category:Jewish history

Periods of massive immigration to the land of IsraelPeriods in which the majority of Jews lived in exilePeriods in which the majority of Jews lived in the land of Israel, with full or partial independencePeriods in which a Jewish Temple existeden:Jewish historyShoftimMelakhimFirst TempleSecond Templeen:Zugoten:Tannaimen:Amoraimen:Savoraimen:Geonimen:Rishonimen:AcharonimAliyoten:Israelen:The HolocaustDiasporaExpulsion from SpainRoman exileAssyrian Exile (Ten Lost Tribes)en:Babylonian captivitySecond Temple periodAncient Jewish Historyen:Chronology of the Bibleen:Common Era



First Commonwealth


Babylonian and Persian exile


Early Second Commonwealth


Roman Empire


Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages


High and Late Middle Ages


Early modern era


19th century


20th century
