Carolus Magnus
(Redirected from Karl der Große)
Deutsch: Karl I. der Große, (* wahrscheinlich 2. April 748 in Prüm; † 28. Januar 814 in Aachen) aus dem Geschlecht der Karolinger, Enkel von Karl Martell.
English: Charlemagne (c. 742 or 747 – January 28, 814) (or Charles the Great, in Latin Carolus Magnus, giving rise to the adjective form "Carolingian"), was king of the Franks from 771 to 814, nominally King of the Lombards, and Holy Roman Emperor — Imperator and Augustus.
Français : Charlemagne, roi des francs, principal souverain de la dynastie carolingienne.
Nederlands: Karel de Grote, koning der Franken en keizer va het Heilige Roomse Rijk.
Português: Carlos Magno, rei dos francos, imperador do sagrado império romano.
Latina: Carolus Magnus Caesar et imperator semper augustus ab dei gratia, rex francorum et langobardorum.
Українська: Карл Великий, король франків і цісар Священної Римської Імперії.
Images from the Carolingian era
Charlemagne and Pippin the Hunchback, 10th century copy of a lost original, which was made back between 829 and 836 in Fulda for Eberhard von Friaul
Signature of Charlemagne
Another signature
"Cleaned" version
SVG version
Artifacts related to Charlemagne from the Carolingian era
Throne of Charlemagne in Aachen Cathedral.
Coin of Charlemagne
Charlemagne: Denier (Toulouse. 793/4-812 AD)
Bertrada castle in Mürlenbach, Germany, named after Bertha of Prüm and possibly the place of birth of Charlemagne
Münze mit Karl dem Großen
Medieval and modern reception (post Carolingian era)
Charlemagne and Pope Adrian I.jpg
Shrine of Charlemagne (1215)
Engraving, 16th century
Crowning of Charlemagne, 15th century
Ary Scheffer, Charlemagne reçoit la soumission de Widukind à Paderborn, (1840)
Charlemagne painting by Dürer, 1511-1513
Charlemagne coronated by Pope Leo III
The coronation of Charlemagne by Rafael, 1516-1517
Charlemagne et son fils Louis le Pieux
water color by Albrecht Dürer
The constitution of the imperial bulding in Aachen
Image from Die deutschen Kaiser
Karl der Große am Kölner Dom
In the Cathedral of Moulins, France, end of the 15th century
Monogram of Charlemagne, Aachen, Germany
Statues (modern)
Equestrian statue of Charlemagne, Agostino Cornacchini (1725), St. Peter's Basilica, Italia.
Statue of Charlemagne in Frankfurt, a Romantic interpretation of his appearance from the 19th century
statue of Charlemagne in Zurich at the Grossmünster
Charlemagne in front of the city hall of Aachen
statue of Charlemagne in front of the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris
Karl I. der Grosse in front of the Notre-Dame de Paris
Karl I. der Grosse in front of the Notre-Dame de Paris
Statue of Charlemagne in Liège, Belgium
Statue of Charlemagne in Hamburg, Germany