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<nowiki>faro; viti; Uwu utoon̄; маяк; lighthouse; اوبيز څراغ; deniz feneri; روشنی کا مینار; maják; маяк; 灯塔; Lüchtturm; Mayoq; Шамшырақ; maják; svjetionik; phare; svjetionik; кинь невтиця толнэ; दीपगृह; دریايي فانۊس; ବତିଘର; Švītorīs; светионик; Liichttuerm; fyr; mayak; čuovâtornâ; منارة; tour-tan; မီးပြတိုက်; 燈塔; Маяк; faru; Lighthouse; Leuchtturm; goleudy; Faro; teach solais; فانوس دریایی; 灯塔; fyr; 灯台; pharo; ප්‍රදීපාගාර; pharus; प्रकाशस्तम्भ; 灯塔; majakka; lighthouse; miârrčuõvvi; فنار; viertorre; маяк; ประภาคาร; svjetionik; Маяк; Ljuchttouden; faro; Parola; golowji; морски фар; far; 燈塔; fyr; 燈塔; faro; 등대; lumturo; Faro; faro; Daengdap; mercusuar; Çуткăç; hải đăng; bāka; vuurtoring; 灯塔; Teng-thah; Mercusuar; lighthouse; para tesapeha; világítótorony; દીવાદાંડી; itsasargi; маяк; pharu; Leuchtturm; маяк; маяк; प्रकाशघर; veue; מגדלור; Mnara wa taa; φάρος; దీపస్తంభం; čuovgatoardna; parola; փարոս; taigh-solais; ਚਾਨਣ ਮੁਨਾਰਾ; faro; fjoertoer; vuurtoren; rumah api; 燈塔; Speidyns; Füürtoorn; светионик; چانݨ گھر; जःछेँ; far; farol; Faru; светилник; bliza; švyturys; svetilnik; parola; Vuurtore; fyr; mercusuar; latarnia morska; വിളക്കുമാടം; 燈塔; fanar; Кылбар; বাতিঘর; tuletorn; faro; far; 灯塔; கலங்கரை விளக்கம்; construcción diseñada para emitir luz para ayudar a la navegación; fénykibocsátó navigációs segédeszköz; háreist bygging sem sendir út ljósmerki til leiðbeiningar sjófarendum; struktur yang direka bentuk di mana ia memancarkan cahaya bagi membantu pelayaran; Turm, der ein Leuchtfeuer trägt; strukturë e projektuar për të lëshuar dritë për të ndihmuar navigimin; ساختمان‌هایی که با تابش نور، به ناوبری دریایی کمک می‌کنند; høj bygning beregnet til med lys at assistere navigation på havet; geceleri deniz taşıtlarına yol gösteren, tepesinde güçlü bir ışık kaynağı olan aydınlatma aracı; 船舶の航行目標となる建造物; structura construite pro emitter lumine como ajuta navigational; sjömärke konstruerat för att nattetid sprida ljus eller andra signaler för sjöfarten; засіб обладнання морських шляхів у вигляді капітальної споруди баштового типу, призначений для позначення небезпечних місць, проходів для суден.; turris circiter a 15 usque ad 40 metra alta, quae nautis luce pericula praenuntiat; elevita turmo sur rivo od insuleto e suportanta ad sua kolmo projektoro por guidar navi; En Turm mit emene Lüchtfür; rakennus, jonka tarkoitus on valaista helpottaakseen merenkulkua; turo, kiu staras ĉe bordo, foje ankaŭ en la maro je eta distanco antaŭ la bordo, kaj nokte per forta lumo helpas la navigadon de preterpasantaj ŝipoj; navigační budova, jejímž účelem je pomocí svého světla ulehčovat plavbu po moři; strumento di segnalazione ottica per la navigazione notturna; système d'aide à la navigation maritime; навігацыйнае збудаваньне для сьветлавога суправаджэньня марскіх судзін; construção para a sinalização na navegação; struktuur wat ontwerp is om lig uit te straal om navigasie te help; budynek z latarnią ułatwiającą nawigację na morzu; ଆଲୋକ ପ୍ରଜ୍ୱଳନ ପାଇଁ ଥିବା ସ୍ତମ୍ଭ; sjømerke med lys; sjømerke med lys; toren bedoeld om met licht schepen te waarschuwen; навигационное сооружение на побережье; structure designed to emit light to aid navigation; construcció dissenyada per emetre llum i ajudar a la navegació; מגדל מפיץ אור המסייע לניווט; construción deseñada para emitir luz e axudar á navegación; برج أو مبنى يقع بالقرب من الشاطئ أو في عرض البحر ويبعث الضوء من منافذ في أعلى المنارة عن طريق مصدر ضوئي كالمصابيح أو الكشافات أو العدسات الضوئية حاليا أو بواسطة إشعال النار في السابق; κτήριο για την δημιουργία φωτός και για ναυτιλία; 불빛을 비추도록 만들어진 탑 또는 건축물; farero; Faru; Faro; Orientierungsfeuer; far; fener; Fener deti; Feneri deti; فانوس‌های دریایی; فانوس‌ های دریایی; 燈塔; Fyrtårne; Fyrtårn; 燈台; 灯明台; havsfyr; ledfyr; vippfyr; fyrtorn; pharos; प्रकाशदीप; लाइट हाउस; दीपघर; प्रकाश दीप; दीपस्तम्भ; దీప స్తంభం; దీపస్తంభము; లైట్ హౌస్; fyyri; pohjamajakka; kasuunimajakka; வெளிச்சவீடு; கலங்கரை விளக்கு; வெளிச்ச வீடு; faro marittimo; Fanal; Phare maritime; Маяк; кинь невтиця башня; маяк; ବତୀଘର; ligtoring; Светионици; Свјетионик; Svetionik; Mercu suar; Menara suar; Fyrtårn; Kystfyr; ദീപസ്തംഭം; Lighthouse; vuurtorens; lichthuis; Teng-tâi; majakas; faroleiro; faróis; fyrlykt; fyrstasjon; fyrtårn; LtHo; lighthouses; light house; light houses; منارةٌ; المنارات; مناره; Leuchttuerm; đèn biển; ngọn hải đăng</nowiki>
structure designed to emit light to aid navigation
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Wikidata Q39715
GND ID: 4035481-7
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85076918
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 119330900
NDL Authority ID: 00573146
BNCF Thesaurus ID: 27362
NL CR AUT ID: ph303430
U.S. National Archives Identifier: 10637323
BabelNet ID: 00009288n
J9U ID: 987007529350205171
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Lighthouses from around the world.

 See also category: Lighthouses in Algeria.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Angola.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Cameroon.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Cape Verde.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Guinea-Bissau.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Morocco.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Mozambique.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Namibia.
 See also category: Lighthouses in South Africa.
 See also category: Lighthouses in China.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Macau.
 See also category: Lighthouses in East Timor.
 See also category: Lighthouses in India.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Goa.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Indonesia.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Israel.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Japan.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Malaysia.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Pakistan.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Taiwan.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Thailand.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Cyprus.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Denmark.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Estonia.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Finland.
 See also category: Lighthouses in France.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Hauts-de-France.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Normandie.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Bretagne.

Pays de la Loire

 See also category: Lighthouses in Pays de la Loire.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Occitanie.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

 See also category: Lighthouses in Occitanie.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Corse.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Georgia.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Germany.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Greece.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Iceland.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Northern Ireland.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Italy.
 See also category: Lighthouses in the Netherlands.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Norway.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Poland.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Portugal.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Russia.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Spain.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Sweden.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Turkey.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Ukraine.
 See also category: Lighthouses in England.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Scotland.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Wales.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Northern Ireland.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Belize.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Canada.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Jamaica.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Mexico.
 See also category: Lighthouses in the United States.

Minnesota (state)

 See also category: Lighthouses in Minnesota.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Wisconsin.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Illinois.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Michigan.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Maine.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Massachusetts.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Connecticut.

New York (state)

 See also category: Lighthouses in New York.

New Jersey

 See also category: Lighthouses in New Jersey.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Maryland.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Virginia.

North Carolina

 See also category: Lighthouses in North Carolina.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Florida.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Louisiana.

Mississippi (state)

 See also category: Lighthouses in Mississippi.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Texas.
 See also category: Lighthouses in California.


 See also category: Lighthouses in Oregon.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Washington (state).


 See also category: Lighthouses in Alaska.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Puerto Rico.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Argentina.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Brazil.

Rio Grande do Sul

 See also category: Lighthouses in Rio Grande do Sul.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Chile.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Uruguay.
 See also category: Lighthouses in Australia.
 See also category: Lighthouses in New Zealand.




To display all subcategories click on the "▶":
Lighthouses (67 C, 2 P, 2 F)
Lighthouses in Brazil (23 C, 13 F)
Lighthouses in Canada (24 C, 36 F)
Lighthouses in Chile (28 C, 48 F)
Lighthouses in China (10 C, 19 F)
Lighthouses in Cuba (9 C, 11 F)
Lighthouses in France (24 C, 13 F)
Lighthouses in Greece (12 C, 46 F)
Lighthouses in Norway (30 C, 56 F)
Lighthouses in Poland (15 C, 1 P, 25 F)
Lighthouses in Russia (15 C, 1 P, 9 F)
Lighthouses in Sweden (20 C, 1 P, 33 F)
Lighthouses in Taiwan (11 C, 17 F)
Aerial lighthouses (4 C, 2 F)
Fog bell towers (6 C, 20 F)
Harbour lights (35 C, 6 F)
Landfall lights (915 C, 7 F)
Leading lights (131 C, 61 F)
Lightships (3 C, 1 P, 35 F)
Sector lights (10 C, 8 F)
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Lighthouse symbols (2 C, 2 F)
Lighthouse icons (1 C, 60 F)
U+26EF (3 F)