English: M203 generally refers to the U.S. Military's designation for a single shot 40 mm underslug grenade launcher
Polski: M203 - amerykański granatnik podlufowy. Polskim odpowiednikiem jest Pallad.
Deutsch: Der M203 ist ein Granatwerfer den man unter eine M4 oder M16 anbringt. Er wird jetzt durch den XM320 ersetzt.
M4 + M203
M16A1 + M203
Range qualification with a M203.
A Navy SEAL with a Colt Commando and M203 grenade launcher.
A soldier show how you load a M203
M16A2 Rifle with M203 an animunition
US Marine
M16A2 and M203
U.S. Marines practice with the M203.
Two Force Recon Marines lying prone. Both are outfitted for Greenside operations, and both are utilizing the CamelBak MULE Hydration Carrier/Backpack. Both Marines are using similar weapons: M4A1s outfitted with M203 grenade launchers. Man in foreground also seems to have a SureFire M500B Millennium forend mounted on his weapon, with the bottom handguard removed to accommodate the M203.
Soldier of the 173rd Airborne during Operation Enduring Freedom (2005) with an M4 and M203
A radioman armed with a M16A2 and a M203 grenade launcher