Deutsch: Die MP5, kurz für Maschinenpistole 5 ist eine Maschinenpistole der Waffenfirma Heckler und Koch.
English: The MP5 is a submachine gun, developed by German weapons designer Heckler und Koch (HK) in the 1960s. A typical MP5 fires NATO 9 x 19 mm Parabellum ammunition from curved box-type magazines.
Français : Le MP5 est un pistolet mitrailleur allemand produit par la firme Heckler&Koch.
Polski: Pistolet maszynowy MP 5 kal. 9 mm – niemiecki pistolet maszynowy produkowany przez firmę Heckler und Koch GmbH z Oberndorf-Necker.
Slovenščina: Heckler & Koch MP5 je ena najbolj razširjenih brzostrelk na svetu. Produkt oborožitvenega koncerna Heckler & Koch imajo v oborožiti predvsem specialne sile in policija.
中文:H&K MP5系列是由德國軍械廠黑克勒-科赫(Heckler & Koch,H&K)所設計製造的衝鋒槍,以可靠及高命中精度而聞名。獲多國的軍隊、保安部隊、警隊選擇作為制式槍械使用。
Bahasa Melayu: Heckler & Koch MP5 merupakan sepucuk submesingun yang paling popular buatan Heckler & Koch dari Jerman. Senjata ini menggunakan peluru berkaliber 9x19 mm.
MP5A3 without magazine
British policemen with MP5
Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF) roundel: A red star with a MP5
Kurdish Peshmerga “Special Forces" Sergeant Karzan Girdy armed with a MP5A3 sub-machine gun.
Spanish Navy Marines armed with two MP5's
Malaysian policemen armed with MP5A3
Singaporean policemen armed with MP5A4
Italina Carbinieri with MP5A5
A USMC and a Saudi soilder are training with an MP5
Deutsch: Close Up vom MagazinhalterEnglish: Close up of Magazine holder
MP5 insignia
Iron sight of MP5
ASU with MP5
Also ASU with MP5
Malaysian UNGERIN officers with MP5A3
A MP5 in the US Army Ordnance Museum
Chilean Marines using MP5A3
Gary Sinis checking his MP5A3
Gary Sinis shooting a MP5A3
Romanian Soldier with MP5 SD
Chilean Special Forces during training
Chilean Special Forces during training
Malaysian Police Special Forces using the MP5-N
Navy Seals armed with MP5-N
Navy Seals armed with MP5-N
A SEAL Team 8 member armed with an MP5N variant.
A US Navy Military Police Special Reaction Team using the MP5-N.
A Member of a SRT of the USMC MP is using a MP5-N without a magazine
Brügger & Thomet MP5
MP5 with Brügger & Thomet style stock and railed handguard.
Navy PASKAL armed with Swiss-made B&T MP5A5
Navy PASKALs during training