Atlas of regional history
(Redirected from Maps showing history)
See also: Atlas of world history.
See also category: Maps by century shown.
The Americas
USA territorial acquisitions map
USA territorial acquisitions map (French version)
[edit]- See also Maps of the Roman Empire.
Pre-roman iron age (see Età del ferro
La división del Mediterráneo en la Alta Edad Media (año 800)
Grand Duchy of Baden, 1806 to 1945
Grand Duchy of Baden, 1806 to 1945 (French caption)
Baltic States
border changes of Estonia and Latvia between 1939 and 2001
Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal)
Iberian peninsula circa 1030
Iberian peninsula circa 1210
Iberian Kingdoms circa 1360
Iberian peninsula circa 1360
Habsburg Kingdoms under Charles I of Spain (emperor Charles V)
Iberian medieval Universities with foundation dates