Metroxylon sagu
- English: true sago palm
- Acèh: Meuriya
- العربية: ساغوتية
- беларуская: Сагавая пальма
- Banjar: Rumbia
- čeština: ságovník pravý
- Deutsch: Sagopalme
- Kadazandusun: Rumbio
- Esperanto: Sagua palmo
- español: Metroxylon
- suomi: Saagopalmu
- français: Sagoutier
- Gaeilge: Ságphailm
- עברית: דקל הסאגו
- hornjoserbsce: Sagowa palma
- magyar: Valódi szágópálma
- Jaku Iban: Mulung
- Bahasa Indonesia: Rumbia, pohon sagu
- 한국어: 사고야자
- lietuvių: Tikrasis sagas
- Bahasa Melayu: Rumbia
- Nederlands: echte sagopalm
- ирон: Сагæ-заз
- polski: Sagownica sagowa
- русский: Саговая пальма настоящая
- Sunda: Kirai
- ไทย: สาคู
- українська: Сагова пальма
- 粵語: 西米椰子
- 中文: 西谷椰
- 中文(繁體): 西穀椰子
APG IV Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • (unranked): Archaeplastida • Regnum: Plantae • Cladus: Angiosperms • Cladus: monocots • Cladus: commelinids • Ordo: Arecales • Familia: Arecaceae • Genus: Metroxylon • Species: Metroxylon sagu

Wikispecies has an entry on:
The leaves are cut for thatching
Young sago palm
Thatch from dried leaflets. Bogor.
Thatch, underside.
Sago palms in Tilomar, East Timor
Extracting the starch
The pith of sago palm
Crushing the pith. Simeulue, Indonesia.
Crushed pith
Washing the pith to extract the starch
Dried starch, ready to cook
Sago starch products
Cooked starch, in the form of 'rice' of sago. Served with fish barbeque
'Sagu lempeng', small, long-keeping loaves made in the Moluccas, Indonesia (feb2002).