Neues Museum (Berlin)
Deutsch: Das Neue Museum wurde als zweites Museum auf der Berliner Museumsinsel 1855 eröffnet. Durch Bombardierungen 1943 und 1945 wurden wichtige Teile seiner berühmten Innenausstattung zerstört. Die Wiedereröffnung erfolgte erst Oktober 2009. (
Exzellenter Artikel)

English: The New Museum (Neues Museum) was established as the second museum on Berlin's Museum Island and opened to the public in 1855. It was severely damaged by bombing in 1943 and 1945, and major sections of its famous interior decoration were destroyed. Following extensive renovations, it was reopened in October 2009.
Exterior Views, Plans and Architectural Designs
[edit]From 1850 on/Ab 1850
View around 1850
Elevation main facade
Details on south-east bay of the main facade
Plan first and second floor
Section northern wing with Egyptian Courtyard/Ägyptischer Hof
Section northern wing - detail
Section southern wing with Greek Courtyard/Griechiscer Hof
Iron constructions and their decorations
Relief (Art instructs Industry and Applied Arts (Die Kunst unterweist Industrie und Kunstgewerbe) in the western pediment by August Kiss
The griffin atop the entrance of the ruin of the Neues Musem in Berlin taken from the rear of the building in 1985, before the museum was restored.
This is the front facade of the Neues Museum in Berlin in 1985, before the building was restored.
From 2008 on/Ab 2008
View from Fernsehturm 2008
Die Fassade des Neubaus an der Spreeseite im Frühjahr 2008
Die Fassade des Neubaus an der Spreeseite im Herbst 2009
Neues Museum in 2009
Westfassade am Kupfergraben im Oktober 2009
View staircase around 1850
Longitudinal section
Transverse section
Mural painting Tower of Babel/Der Babelthurm by Wilhelm von Kaulbach
Mural painting Homer and the Greeks/Homer und die Griechen by Wilhelm von Kaulbach
Mural painting The Destruction of Jerusalem/Die Zerstörung Jerusalems by Wilhelm von Kaulbach
Mural painting The Battle of the Catalaunian Fields/Die Hunnenschlacht by Wilhelm von Kaulbach
Mural painting The Crusaders in front of Jerusalem/Die Kreuzfahrer vor Jerusalem by Wilhelm von Kaulbach
Mural painting The Reformation/Die Reformation by Wilhelm von Kaulbach
Fatherland Hall / Vaterländischer Saal
Fresco Nixes, Dragons, and Giants / Nixen, Drachen und Riesen by Gustav Heidenreich
Fresco The Three Norns / Die drei Nornen by Gustav Heidenreich
Fresco Hel and Loki / Hel und Loki
Ethnographic Hall / Ethnographischer Saal
Ceiling in the Ethnographic Room / Ethnographischer Saal
Egyptian Collection/Ägyptische Abteilung
Egyptian Courtyard/Ägyptischer Hof around 1850
Tomb Room/Gräbersaal around 1850
Ceiling painting in the Mythologic Room/Mythologischer Saal
Mural painting the Temple at Abu Simbel/Der Felsentempel von Abu Simbel by Max Schmidt in the Egyptian Courtyard/Ägyptischer Hof
Mural painting The Temple of Hathor at Dendera/Der Hathortempel zu Dendera by Carl Graeb in the Egyptian Courtyard/Ägyptischer Hof
Mural painting The Temple at Gerf Hussein/Der Tempel zu Gerf Hussein by Wilhelm Schirmer in the Egyptian Courtyard/Ägyptischer Hof
Mural painting The Temple at Karnak/Der Tempel zu Karnak by Eduard Pape in the Egyptian Courtyard/Ägyptischer Hof
Mural painting The Outer-Court ot the Temple of Edfu/Der Vorhof des Tempels von Edfu by Eduard Biermann in the Egyptian Courtyard/Ägyptischer Hof
Mural painting The Island of Philae/Die Insel Philae by Eduard Biermann in the Egyptian Courtyard/Ägyptischer Hof
Mural painting The Memnon Statues at Thebes/Die Memnonstatuen zu Theben by Wilhelm Schirmer in the Egyptian Courtyard/Ägyptischer Hof
Mural painting The Pyramids of Meroe/Die Pyramiden von Meroe by Max Schmidt in the Egyptian Courtyard/Ägyptischer Hof
Damages in the Egyptian Courtyard in 1949
Collection of Plaster Casts/Sammlung der Gipsabgüsse
Greek Room/Griechischer Saal around 1850
Mural painting The Acropolis at Athens/Die Akropolis von Athen by Carl Graeb in the Greek Room/Griechischer Saal
Wall and ceiling Laocoön Cabinet/Laokoonkabinett
Ceiling Apollo Room/Apollosaal
Section Northern Cupola Room/Nordkuppelsaal
Mural painting Heracles captures the Ceryneian Hind/Herkules bezwingt die goldbekrönte Hirschkuh von Kerynea by Adolf Schmidt in the Northern Cupola room/Nordkuppelsaal
Mural painting Bellerophon kills the Chimera/Bellerophon tötet die Chimäre in the Northern Cupola room/Nordkuppelsaal
Mural painting Theseus kills the Minotaur/Theseus tötet den Minotaurus in the Northern Cupola room/Nordkuppelsaal
Section Roman Room/Römischer Saal
Ceiling Roman Room/Römischer Saal
Mural painting Imperial Palaces and Circus maximus at Rome/Kaiserpaläste und Circus maximus in Rom by Eduard Pape in the Roman Room
Roman Room in 1939
Ceiling Room for Mediaeval Work of Art/Saal für Kunstwerke des Mittelalters
Section Southern Cupola Room/Südkuppelsaal
Southern Cupola Room/Südkuppelsaal around 1850
The destroyed Southern Cupola Room/Südkuppelsaal 1984
Modern Room/Moderner Saal around 1850
Wall Modern Room/Moderner Saal
Connection to Old Museum/Altes Museum
Collection of Prints and Drawings/Kuperstichkabinett und Kunstkammer
Ceiling Green Room/Grüner Saal
Iron constructions in the Kunstkammer Room/Kunstkammersaal
Removed parts (corbels, capitals from Egyptian Courtyard)/Ausgebaute Bauteile (Konsolen, Kapitelle aus dem Ägyptischen Hof)