Pediculus humanus capitis
Domain: Eukaryota • Regnum: Animalia • Phylum: Arthropoda • Subphylum: Hexapoda • Classis: Insecta • Subclassis: Pterygota • Infraclassis: Neoptera • Superordo: Paraneoptera • Ordo: Phthiraptera • Subordo: Anoplura • Familia: Pediculidae • Genus: Pediculus • Species: Pediculus humanus • Subspecies: Pediculus humanus capitis
SEM Images of a Hair Louse Egg
Louse egg attached to a hair shaft of its host
To attach each egg, the adult female secretes a glue from her reproductive organ which quickly hardens into a "nit sheath" that covers the hair shaft and the entire egg except for the operculum.
The operculum allows the embryo to breathe
A head louse hatching from an egg
A head louse hatching from an egg (detail)