Phoenix (mythology)
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Català: Fènix
Čeština: Fénix
Deutsch: Phönix
Ελληνικά: Φοίνιξ, Φοίνικας
Español: Fénix
Français : Phénix
Italiano: Fenice
日本語:不死鳥, フェニックス
Latina: Phoenix
Polski: Feniks
Русский: Феникс
Digital Art
[modifica]Paintings and Mosaics
Phoenix and roses, detail, pavement mosaic (marble and limestone), 2nd half of the 3rd century
Death of a Phoenix, burning in the flames
Rebirth of a Phoenix, rising from its ashes
"Fénix" (Phoenix) by Josignacio
[modifica]Sculptures and Statues
The Phoenix (Abbaye aux Dames de Saintes, France).
Bronze sculpture Phoenix from Oliver Ritter in Camp Phoenix-Park Eschborn, Germany
Other Images Containing Poenixes
Bakst: Feuervogel