Potentilla argentea
APG IV Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • (unranked): Archaeplastida • Regnum: Plantae • Cladus: Angiosperms • Cladus: eudicots • Cladus: core eudicots • Cladus: superrosids • Cladus: rosids • Cladus: eurosids I • Ordo: Rosales • Familia: Rosaceae • Subfamilia: Rosoideae • Tribus: Rosoideae • Genus: Potentilla • Species: Potentilla argentea L. (1753)

Wikispecies has an entry on:
- English: Hoary Cinquefoil, silver cinquefoil, hoary cinquefoil, silvery cinquefoil
- مصرى: بوتينتيلا ارجنتيا
- azərbaycanca: Gümüşü qaytarma
- беларуская: Дуброўка серабрыстая
- български: сребристолистен очиболец
- čeština: mochna stříbrná
- kaszëbsczi: Strzébrzny pòwroznik
- Cymraeg: Pumbys Arian-ddail
- dansk: Sølv-Potentil
- Deutsch: Silber-Fingerkraut, Silberfingerkraut
- español: Cinco en rama española
- eesti: Hõbemaran
- suomi: Hopeahanhikki, hoikkahopeahanhikki
- français: Potentille argentée, potentille argentée
- hornjoserbsce: Slěborny porstnik
- íslenska: Loðmura
- Nederlands: Viltganzerik, viltganzerik
- polski: Pięciornik srebrny
- русский: Лапчатка серебристая
- slovenčina: Nátržník strieborný
- slovenščina: Srebrni petoprstnik
- svenska: Femfingerört
- українська: Перстач сріблястий
- 中文: 银背委陵菜
- 中文(简体): 银背委陵菜
Plant as a whole
Bottomside of leaf
Flower & leaves
Stem with leaves
Leaf (top and bottom side)
Stipules (top and bottom side)
Bottom side of leaf
Bottom side of leaf
Bottom side of leaf
Illustration in Jakob Sturm: "Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen", Stuttgart, (1796)
Srebrasti petoprstnik. (Potentilla argentea) Illustration #379 in Martin Cilenšek, Naše škodljive rastline, Celovec (1892)