Rorschach inkblot test
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Deutsch: Der Rorschachtest ist ein psychodiagnostisches Testverfahren. Es gehört zu den sogenannten projektiven Tests und wird von Psychologen und Psychiatern angewendet, um die gesamte Persönlichkeit des Probanden zu erfassen.
English: The Rorschach inkblot test [ˈɹoːɹʃax] is a method of psychological evaluation. It is a projective test associated with the Freudian school of thought. Psychologists use this test to try to probe the unconscious minds of their patients.
Русский: Тест Роршаха — психодиагностический тест, используемый в психиатрии.
Ελληνικά: Tο Τεστ Κηλίδων Μελάνης Ρόρσαχ είναι μία μέθοδος ψυχολογικής διάγνωσης που σχετίζεται με την εικόνα.
Example Rorschach cards
First of the ten cards
Comparison of two slightly different versions
Solid tone rendering of the card
Solid tone rendering of the card
Solid tone rendering of the card
Complete set as created by Hermann Rorschach (1884—1922)
First card
Second card
Third card
Fourth card
Fifth card
Sixth card
Seventh card
Eighth card
Ninth card
Tenth card
All in one image
Original cards with backgrounds renormalized to white
First card
Second card
Third card
Fourth card
Fifth card
Sixth card
Seventh card
Eighth card
Ninth card
Tenth card
Other cards not made by Rorschach
Black on white
Green on black