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English: Spartacus, the slave who rebeled against the Roman republic.
Suomi: Spartacus, oli orja joka kapinoi Rooman tasavaltaa vastaan.
Spartacus, by Denis Foyatier, Louvre
The Oath of Spartacus by Louis-Ernest Barrias
Spartacus, by Michel Lock
from: The Comic History of Rome by John Leech
Slave Revolt in the Final Battle Crassus Defeats the Slaves and Spartacus is Killed by Nikolo Sanesi
Spartacus' death by Hermann Vogel
Thracian Tribes
The last events of the Third Servile War in 71BC
Ancient Thrace
Thracian tribes
3rd Servile war, Plutarch
3rd Servile war, Appian
3rd Servile war
Intial movements of Roman and Slave forces in the Third Servile War
3rd Servile war, army movements
3rd Servile war final battle