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Nouns (media and techniques)
[modifier]abalone | ormeau |
academy board | |
accumulator | accumulateur |
acetate | |
acrylic | acrylique |
acrylic glass | verre acrylique |
actinolite | actinote |
agate | agate |
alabaster | albâtre |
album leaf | feuille d'album |
albumen print | impression à l'albumine |
albumen silver print | impression à l'albumine |
alcohol | alcool |
alder | aulne |
alder wood | |
aleppo pine | pin d'Alep |
alloy | alliage |
almandine | almandin |
aluminium | aluminium |
aluminography | |
aluminum | aluminium |
amber | ambre |
ambrotype | ambrotype |
amethyst | améthyste |
amethysts | améthystes |
amphibolite | amphibolite |
andesite | |
antimony | antimoine |
antique laid paper | papier vergé |
antler | bois de cervidé |
aogai | aogai |
aqua marine | aigue-marine |
aquamarine | aigue-marine |
aquatint | aquatinte |
aquatint (sepia) | |
aragonite | aragonite |
argyrotype | argyrotype |
arkose | arkose |
arolla pine | pin des Alpes |
art board | papier cartonné |
artist's board | papier cartonné |
asbestos cement | amiante-ciment |
ash | bois de frêne |
ash wood | bois de frêne |
autochrome | autochrome |
autotype | |
azulejo | azulejo |
backed canvas | toile rentoilée |
background | fond |
bakelite | bakélite |
baleen | fanon |
bamboo | bambou |
barbotine | barbotine |
bark | écorce |
bas-relief | bas-relief |
basalt | basalte |
base | base |
bead | perle |
beads | perles |
bear fur | fourrure d'ours |
beaver board | isorel mou |
beaverboard | isorel mou |
beech wood | bois de hêtre |
beetle wings | ailes de coléoptères |
beryl | béryl |
billon | billon |
birch | bouleau |
birch bark | écorce de bouleau |
birch wood | bois de bouleau |
birds | oiseaux |
biscuit | biscuit de porcelaine |
biscuit porcelain | biscuit de porcelaine |
bismuth | |
bisque | biscuit de porcelaine |
bister | |
bitumen | bitume |
black and white photography | photographie noir et blanc |
black chalk | pierre noire |
black crayon | crayon noir |
black ink | encre noire |
black paste | pâte noire |
black paste inlay | incrustations de pâte noire |
black pencil | crayon noir |
black-figure | céramique à figures noires |
black-figure ceramic | céramique à figures noires |
black-figure pottery | céramique à figures noires |
blood | sang |
blown glass | verre soufflé |
blueprint | cyanotype |
bluestone | pierre bleue |
board | carton |
body color | gouache |
body-color | gouache |
bodycolor | gouache |
bone | os |
boxwood | bois de buis |
brass | laiton |
brass and copper inlay | incrustations de laiton et de cuivre |
brass inlay | incrustrations de laiton |
brass sheet | feuille de laiton |
breccia | brèche |
brick | brique |
bristol board | papier bristol |
broadcloth | |
brocade | |
bronze | bronze |
bronze powder | |
brush | pinceau |
brush drawing | dessin au pinceau |
burin | burin |
burlap | toile de jute |
burr elm | loupe d'orme |
cabochon | |
cabochons | |
calcite | calcite |
calcite alabaster | albâtre calcaire |
calotype | calotype |
canvas | toile |
canvas board | carton entoilé |
canvas panel | toile sur panneau |
caoutchouc | caoutchouc |
carbon pencil | crayon carbone |
card stock | carton |
cardboard | carton |
cardboard panel | panneau de carton |
carnelian | cornaline |
carob | caroubier |
carob wood | caroubier |
carpentry | |
carrara marble | marbre de Carrare |
carton | |
carving | |
casein paint | |
cast iron | fonte |
cave painting | art pariétal |
cedar | cèdre |
cedar panel | panneau en cèdre |
cedar wood | bois de cèdre |
celluloid | |
cellulose acetate | |
ceramic | céramique |
ceramic glaze | |
cerograph | |
chalcedony | calcédoine |
chalk | craie |
chalk lithograph | |
chamois leather | peau de chamois |
charcoal | fusain |
charcoal pencil | |
cheesecloth | |
chert | chaille |
chestnut wood | |
chiffon | |
chifon | |
china ink | encre de Chine |
china paper | papier de Chine |
chine collé | chine collé |
chine collé paper | chine collé |
chine-collé | chine collé |
chine-collé paper | chine collé |
chinese white | blanc de zinc |
chipboard | |
chlorite | chlorite |
chrome | chrome |
chromolithograph | chromolithographie |
chrysoprase | chrysoprase |
chuban | chūban |
chûban | chūban |
cinnabar | cinabre |
clay | argile |
clay paste | pâte argileuse |
clay pottery | céramique |
clear glaze | |
cloisonne | cloisonné |
cloisonne enamel | cloisonné |
cloisonné | cloisonné |
cloisonné enamel | cloisonné |
cloth | tissu |
coarse grain marble | marbre à gros grain |
coarse-grain marble | marbre à gros grain |
cobalt | cobalt |
cobalt blue | |
coconut | noix de coco |
collage | collage |
collodion silver | |
collotype | phototypie |
color | couleur |
color linocut | |
color lithograph | |
color pencil | crayon de couleur |
color pencils | |
color photography | |
color woodcut | |
colors | couleurs |
colour | couleur |
colour lithograph | |
colour pencil | crayon de couleur |
colour pencils | |
colour photography | |
colours | couleurs |
commesso | |
composition board | panneau de bois (composition board) |
concrete | béton |
coniferous wood | bois de conifères |
conte | crayon |
conte crayon | crayon |
conte crayons | crayons |
conte sticks | crayons |
conté | crayon |
conté crayon | crayon |
conté crayons | crayons |
conté stick | crayon |
conté sticks | crayons |
copper | cuivre |
copper alloy | alliage de cuivre |
copper beech | hêtre pourpre |
copper beech wood | hêtre pourpre |
copper beechwood | hêtre pourpre |
copper engraving | gravure sur cuivre |
copper inlay | incrustations de cuivre |
copper plate | plaque de cuivre |
copper powder | poudre de cuivre |
copper thread | fil de cuivre |
copperplate | plaque de cuivre |
coral | corail |
cornelian | cornaline |
corten steel | acier Corten |
cosmatesque | |
cotton | coton |
cotton batiste | |
cotton cheesecloth | |
counterproof | |
cowry | |
cradled panel | panneau parqueté |
crayon | craie de cire |
cream wove paper | |
cryptomeria wood | cèdre du Japon |
crystal | cristal |
crêpe paper | papier crépon |
crêpepaper | papier crépon |
cyanotype | cyanotype |
cypress | |
cypress wood | |
daguerreotype | daguerréotype |
damascus steel | |
damask | damas |
decoration | décor |
deer antler | bois de cervidé |
dentalium | |
dentalium shell | |
diamond | diamant |
diamonds | diamants |
digital color photo | photographie numérique en couleur |
digital color photograph | photographie numérique en couleur |
digital colour photo | photographie numérique en couleur |
digital colour photograph | photographie numérique en couleur |
digital photo | photographie numérique |
digital photograph | photographie numérique |
diorite | diorite |
dip pen | porte-plume |
distemper | détrempe |
dotted print | |
drawing | dessin |
drawing paper | papier à dessin |
drawings | dessins |
dry brush | pinceau sec |
dry plate | plaque sèche |
dry plate collodion | plaque au collodion sec |
dry point | pointe sèche |
dry point engraving | pointe sèche |
drybrush | pinceau sec |
drypoint | pointe sèche |
dye | teinture |
earthenware | céramique argileuse |
ebonite | ébonite |
ebony | ébène |
ebony wood | bois d'ébène |
eclogite | éclogite |
egg shell | coquille d'œuf |
egg tempera | détrempe à l'œuf |
eggshell | coquille d'œuf |
egyptian faience | faïence égyptienne |
electrum | électrum |
elephant ivory | ivoire d'éléphant |
elephant tusk | ivoire d'éléphant |
elk | wapiti |
elk hide | |
elm | orme |
elm wood | orme |
embroidery | broderie |
emerald | émeraude |
emeralds | émeraudes |
enamel | émail |
enamel paint | peinture émaillée |
enamels | émaux |
encaustic | peinture à l'encaustique |
encaustic painting | peinture à l'encaustique |
engraving | gravure |
esparto | alfa |
esparto grass | alfa |
etched contour | |
etching | eau-forte |
eternit | |
european ash | frêne élevé |
european beech | hêtre européen |
european beech wood | |
fabric | tissu |
faesite | |
faience | faïence |
faïence | faïence |
feather | plume |
feathers | plumes |
felsite | felsite |
felt | feutre |
fiber | fibre |
fiberboard | panneau de fibres de bois |
fiberglass | |
fibre | fibre |
fibreglass | plastique à renfort de verre |
filigree | filigranes |
filmstrip | |
fine grain marble | marbre à grain fin |
fine grained marble | marbre à grain fin |
fine-grain marble | marbre à grain fin |
fine-grained marble | marbre à grain fin |
finger painting | peinture au doigt |
fingerpainting | peinture au doigt |
fir | sapin |
fir panel | panneau en sapin |
fir wood | bois de sapin |
fish skin | |
flint | silex |
forging | |
frame | cadre |
fresco | fresque |
fresco transferred to canvas | fresque transférée sur toile |
frescocanvas | fresque transférée sur toile |
frit | fritte |
fritware | céramique siliceuse (fritware) |
fruitwood | |
fur | fourrure |
garnet | grenat |
gelatin | |
gelatin dry glass plate negative | plaque sèche au gélatino-bromure d'argent |
gelatin silver print | épreuve à la gélatine argentique |
gem | gemme |
gems | gemmes |
gemstone | gemme |
gemstones | gemmes |
georgette | |
gesso | gesso |
gilding | dorure |
gilt | doré |
gilt brass | laiton doré |
gilt bronze | bronze doré |
gilt silver | argent doré |
glass | verre |
glass bead | |
glass beads | billes de verre |
glass paste | pâte de verre |
glass pearls | perles de verre |
glass plate negative | |
glaze | glaçure |
glazes | |
glue paint | peinture à la colle |
glue size | |
glue-size | |
gnathia style | |
gnathian style | |
goatskin | |
gofun | gofun |
gold | or |
gold glass | |
gold inlay | |
gold lacquer | |
gold leaf | feuille d'or |
gold paint | |
gold powder | |
gold sheet | tôle d'or |
gold thread | fil d'or |
gold-glass | |
gouache | gouache |
gouache paint | |
graffiti | graffiti |
grandiorite | |
granite | granite |
granodiorite | |
graph paper | papier pour graphiques |
graphite | graphite |
graphite pencil | crayon en graphite |
gravel | gravier |
graywacke | grauwacke |
grease crayon | |
greek insular marble | marbre insulaire grec |
greek marble | marbre grec |
greenstone (archaeology) | |
greywacke | grauwacke |
grisaille | grisaille |
gros de tours | gros-de-Tours |
guaiacum | gaïac |
guayacan | gaïac |
gum | gomme |
gum arabic | gomme arabique |
gutta-percha | |
gypsum | gypse |
gypsum alabaster | albâtre gypseux |
hair | cheveux |
halfah grass | alfa |
hand scroll | rouleau |
handscroll | rouleau |
hanging scroll | rouleau suspendu |
hard-paste | porcelaine dure |
hard-paste porcelain | porcelaine dure |
hardboard | |
hardwood | |
heliography | héliographie |
heliotrope | héliotrope |
hematite | hématite |
hemp | |
hessian fabric | |
hide | peau |
high relief | haut-relief |
highlight | rehaut |
hippo ivory | ivoire d'hippopotame |
hippopotamus ivory | ivoire d'hippopotame |
horn | corne |
horse hair | |
horsehair | |
hosoban | hosoban |
hot wax painting | |
hot-wax painting | |
hyacinth | hyacinthe |
hymettus marble | marbre de l'Hymette |
illumination | enluminure |
illustration board | |
impasto | empâtement |
india ink | encre de Chine |
india ink wash | lavis d'encre de chine |
india proof paper | papier de Chine |
indian ink | encre de Chine |
indian ink wash | lavis d'encre de chine |
ink | encre |
ink drawing | |
ink wash | lavis |
inks | |
insular marble | marbre insulaire grec |
intaglio | |
intarsia | |
iron | fer |
iron alloy | alliage de fer |
iron gall ink | encre métallo-gallique |
iron sheet | tôle de fer |
island marble | marbre insulaire grec |
italic marble | |
ivory | ivoire |
jacaranda | |
jacinth | hyacinthe |
jade | jade |
jadeite | jadéite |
japan paper | washi |
japanese paper | washi |
jasper | jaspe |
jute | jute |
kakejiku | kakemono |
kakemono | kakemono |
kirikane | kirikane |
korean paper | papier coréen |
lace | |
lacquer | laque |
laid paper | papier vergé |
laminated board | |
lampas | |
lapis | lapis-lazuli |
lapis albanus | pépérin |
lapis lazuli | lapis-lazuli |
lapis-lazuli | lapis-lazuli |
larch | |
larch panel | |
larch tree | |
larch wood | |
larch wood panel | |
larch-tree | |
larch-tree panel | |
larchwood | |
larchwood panel | |
lead | plomb |
lead glass | |
lead glaze | |
leaded glass | |
leather | cuir |
leggotype | |
letterpress | |
letterpress print | |
lignum vitae | gaïac |
lime | tilleul |
lime panel | tilleul |
lime tree | tilleul |
lime tree wood | tilleul |
lime wood | tilleul |
lime wood panel | tilleul |
lime-tree | tilleul |
lime-tree panel | tilleul |
lime-tree wood | tilleul |
limestone | calcaire |
limewood | tilleul |
limewood panel | |
linden | tilleul |
lindenwood | tilleul |
line engraving | gravure en ligne |
linen | lin |
linocut | linogravure |
linoleum | |
lithograph | lithographie |
lithographic paper | |
lithography | lithographie |
lithophane | |
lithotint | lithotinte |
lost-wax casting | cire perdue |
low relief | bas-relief |
luna marble | marbre de Carrare |
luni marble | marbre de Carrare |
luster | lustre |
luster glaze | |
luster-paint | lustre |
lusterware | |
lustre | lustre |
lustreware | céramique à décor de lustre métallique |
magnetite | magnétite |
mahogany | acajou |
mahogany panel | panneau d'acajou |
mahogany wood | |
maille | |
maiolica | majolique |
majolica | majolique |
mammoth ivory | |
mammoth tusk | |
mane | crinière |
manuscript | manuscrit |
maple | érable |
maple wood | |
marble | marbre |
marker pen | |
maroquin | |
marqueterie | marqueterie |
marquetry | marqueterie |
masonite | masonite |
medium grain marble | |
medium grained marble | |
medium-grain marble | |
medium-grained marble | |
meerschaum | |
metal | métal |
metal sheet | tôle |
metallic paint | peinture métallique |
metallic thread | fil métallique |
mezzotint | manière noire |
mica | mica |
milk glass | |
millboard | carton |
mineral pigment | |
miniature | miniature |
mixed media | |
mixed technique | technique mixte |
modelling clay | |
moire | |
moiré | |
moiré silk | |
molded glass | verre moulé |
molding | |
mold-blown glass | |
monotype | monotype |
moose hide | |
morocco leather | |
mosaic | mosaïque |
mother of pearl | nacre |
mother-of-pearl | nacre |
moulded glass | verre moulé |
moulding | moulage |
mudstone | mudstone |
mulberry paper | papier mûrier |
mural | peinture murale |
muschelkalk | |
muslin | |
nacre | nacre |
negative | |
neon tubing | |
nephrite | néphrite |
nettle cloth | |
newsprint | papier journal |
nickel silver | maillechort |
nicolo | nicolo |
niello | nielle |
non-ferrous metal | |
nut | |
nut panel | |
nylon | |
oak | chêne |
oak board | planche de chêne |
oak panel | panneau de chêne |
oak wood | bois de chêne |
oakpanel | panneau de chêne |
oakwood | bois de chêne |
obsidian | obsidienne |
ocher | ocre |
ochre | ocre |
oil | huile |
oil shale | schiste bitumineux |
oilcloth | toile cirée |
onyx | onyx |
opaque white | |
opaque watercolor | gouache |
opaque watercolors | gouache |
opaque watercolour | gouache |
opaque watercolours | gouache |
opus alexandrinum | |
opus regulatum | |
opus sectile | |
opus tessellatum | opus tessellatum |
opus vermiculatum | |
organza | |
organic matter | |
orichalcum | |
ormolu | |
outline | |
overlay glass | verre overlay |
paint | peinture |
painting | peinture |
palisander | palissandre |
palosanto | gaïac |
panel | panneau |
panelcanvas | panneau transferré sur toile |
pannotype | pannotype |
paper | papier |
paper cut | |
paper embossing | |
paper mounted on canvas | papier marouflé sur toile |
paper mounted on cardboard | papier marouflé sur carton |
paperboard | carton |
papier mache | |
papier mâché | |
papier-mache | |
papier-mâché | |
papyrus | |
parchment | parchemin |
parian marble | marbre de Paros |
paros marble | marbre de Paros |
particle board | |
pasteboard | carton |
pastel | pastel |
pastiglia | |
patina | patine |
pavonazzetto | marbre pavonazzetto |
pavonazzo marble | marbre pavonazzetto |
pear | bois de poirier |
pear panel | bois de poirier |
pear wood | bois de poirier |
pearl | perle |
pearls | perles |
pearwood | bois de poirier |
pebble | galet |
pen | dessin à la plume |
pen drawing | dessin à la plume |
pencil | crayon |
pencil drawing | dessin au crayon |
pentelian marble | marbre pentélique |
pentelic marble | marbre pentélique |
peperino | pépérin |
peridot | péridot |
petroglyph | pétroglyphe |
photo | photographie |
photo engraving | |
photo-lithograph | photolithographie |
photo-lithography | photolithographie |
photocollage | |
photocopy | photocopie |
photograph | photographie |
photographic paper | |
photogravure | |
photolithograph | photolithographie |
photolithography | photolithographie |
photostat copy | |
pierre de saint leu | pierre de Saint-Leu |
pierre de saint-leu | pierre de Saint-Leu |
pietra dura | |
pietra fetida | |
pietre dure | pierres dures |
pigment | pigment |
pigments | pigments |
pine | bois de pin |
pine panel | panneau en pin |
pine wood | bois de pin |
pinewood | bois de pin |
plaster | plâtre |
plastic | |
platinum | platine |
plique-à-jour | |
plique-à-jour enamel | |
plush | |
plywood | contreplaqué |
plywood sheet | |
pockenholz | gaïac |
polychromy | polychromie |
polyester fabric | |
polyester resin | |
poplar | bois de peuplier |
poplar panel | bois de peuplier |
poplar wood | bois de peuplier |
poplarpanel | bois de peuplier |
porcelain | porcelaine |
porphyry | porphyre |
postcard | |
pottery | poterie |
precious coral | |
precious stone | |
estampe | |
printed matter | |
proconnesian marble | marbre du Proconnèse |
pulpboard | carton-pâte |
punching | |
pyrite | |
quartz | quartz |
quartz frit | |
quartzite | quartzite |
rag paper | |
rattan | rotin |
rayskin | galuchat |
red chalk | sanguine |
red-figure | céramique à figures rouges |
red-figure ceramic | céramique à figures rouges |
red-figure pottery | céramique à figures rouges |
reed pen | calame |
reindeer antler | bois de renne |
relief | |
relief intarsia | |
repoussé silver | argent repoussé |
reserving | |
resin | résine |
rhyolite | |
rice paper | papier de riz |
rock crystal | cristal de roche |
rock painting | |
rope | |
rose granite | granite rose |
rosewood | palissandre |
rubies | |
ruby | rubis |
sacking | toile de sac |
sacrificial matter | matière sacrificielle |
saint leu | pierre de Saint-Leu |
saint-leu stone | pierre de Saint-Leu |
salt | sel |
salt print | épreuve sur papier salé |
sand | |
sandstone | grès |
sanguine | sanguine |
sapphire | saphir |
sapphires | |
sard | |
sardonyx | sardonyx |
satin | satin |
scagliola | |
schist | schiste cristallin |
screen-printing | sérigraphie |
sculpture | sculpture |
sculpture in the round | ronde-bosse |
seed | |
seeds | |
sentoku | |
sepia | sépia |
sepia ink | encre sépia |
sequin | |
sequins | paillettes |
serpentine | serpentine |
sgraffito | |
shakudo | shakudō |
shakudō | shakudō |
shammy | |
shea wood | |
sheet film | |
sheet iron | |
sheet metal | |
shell | coquille |
shellac | gomme-laque |
shelly limestone | calcaire coquillier |
shibuichi | shibuichi |
silhouette | |
silk | soie |
sillimanite | sillimanite |
silver | argent |
silver albumen photograph | |
silver cardboard | carton argenté |
silver fir wood | |
silver inlay | incrustations d'argent |
silver leaf | |
silver powder | |
silver thread | fil d'argent |
silver-gilt | vermeil |
six technique | |
six's technique | |
silverpoint | pointe d'argent |
slate | ardoise |
slide | |
slip | engobe |
smalt | |
soapstone | |
soft-paste | porcelaine tendre |
soft-paste porcelain | porcelaine tendre |
softwood | |
spruce | bois d'épicéa |
spruce wood | bois d'épicéa |
sprucewood | |
stained glass | vitrail |
stainless steel | acier inoxydable |
stamping | |
steatite | stéatite |
steel | acier |
steel engraving | gravure sur acier |
steel plate | |
steel wool | |
stereophotography | photographie stéréo |
sterling silver | argent sterling |
stipple | |
stipple engraving | pointillé |
stone | pierre |
stone-paste | céramique frittée |
stonepaste | céramique frittée |
stones | pierreries |
stoneware | grès |
straw | |
stucco | stuc |
stump | estompe |
sunstone | héliolite |
surimono | |
swiss pine | |
synnada marble | marbre de Synnada |
synthetic material | |
synthetic materials | |
taffeta | |
taffety | |
tan wove paper | |
tapestry | tapisserie |
teak | |
teeth | |
tempera | tempera |
terra cotta | terre cuite |
terra-cotta | terre cuite |
terracotta | terre cuite |
textile | textile |
thasian marble | marbre de Thasos |
thasos marble | marbre de Thasos |
thassos marble | |
tin | étain |
tin plate | plaque d'étain |
tinplate | |
tintype | ferrotype |
tin glaze | |
tooled gold | or en feuilles |
tooth | |
topaz | topaze |
tortoise | tortue |
tortoise shell | |
tortoiseshell | |
tourmaline | |
tracing cloth | |
tracing paper | papier calque |
transparent paper | |
transparent watercolor | aquarelle |
transparent watercolors | aquarelle |
transparent watercolour | aquarelle |
transparent watercolours | aquarelle |
travertine | travertin |
tree fungus | |
tree-fungus | lichen |
tufa | tuffeau |
tuff | tuf |
tulle | |
tulle netting | |
turquoise | turquoise |
turquoises | |
twine | |
varnish | |
vegetable fiber | fibre végétale |
vellum | vélin |
velvet | velours |
veneer | |
vermeil | |
verre eglomise | |
verre églomisé | verre églomisé |
volcanic stone | pierre volcanique |
wackestone | |
wadmal | |
wall | |
walnut | bois de noyer |
walnut oil | |
walnut panel | bois de noyer |
walnut root | |
walnut wood | bois de noyer |
walnutpanel | bois de noyer |
walrus ivory | ivoire de morse |
walrus tusk | |
wash | lavis |
wash painting | lavis |
wastepaper | |
water | |
water-base paint | |
water-based pigments | pigments à l'eau |
watercolor | aquarelle |
watercolors | aquarelle |
watercolour | aquarelle |
watercolours | aquarelle |
wax | cire |
wax crayon | |
wet plate collodion | collodion humide |
wet-collodion negative | |
whale bone | |
whalebone | os de baleine |
white ground | céramique à fond blanc |
white-ground | céramique à fond blanc |
wickerwork | vannerie |
wicker | |
willow | saule |
willow wood | saule |
wire | |
wood | bois |
wood block color print | gravure sur bois en couleurs |
wood block print | gravure sur bois |
wood carving | sculpture sur bois |
wood engraving | gravure sur bois |
wood panel | panneau |
woodblock color print | gravure sur bois en couleurs |
woodblock print | gravure sur bois |
woodcarving | sculpture sur bois |
woodcut | gravure sur bois de fil |
woodcut print | gravure sur bois |
wooden core | âme de bois |
woodengraving | gravure sur bois |
wool | laine |
woolen | |
woollen | |
worsted | |
wove paper | papier vélin |
wrought iron | fer forgé |
yarn | |
yew | if |
yew wood | |
yoko-e | yoko-e |
zinc | zinc |
zinc alloy | |
zincograph | |
zincotype |
Adjectives (mostly colours)
[modifier]amethyst | améthyste |
backed | |
beige | beige |
black | noir |
black and white | en noir et blanc |
black-and-white | en noir et blanc |
blown | soufflé |
blue | bleu |
blue-gray | gris-bleu |
blue-grey | gris-bleu |
braided | tressé |
brown | marron |
buff | |
bw | en noir et blanc |
carved | incisé |
cast | coulé |
champleve | |
charred | calciné |
chased | ciselé |
cloisonne | |
cobalt blue | bleu de cobalt |
cobalt-blue | bleu de cobalt |
coined | |
color | en couleurs |
colored | coloré |
colorless | incolore |
colour | en couleurs |
coloured | coloré |
combed | peigné |
cream | de couleur crème |
cream colored | de couleur crème |
cream coloured | de couleur crème |
cream-colored | de couleur crème |
cream-coloured | de couleur crème |
cut | |
damascened | damasquiné |
dark | foncé |
double | double |
embossed | |
enameled | émaillé |
enameled and gilded | émaillé et doré |
engraved | gravé |
engraving | |
ferrous | |
gilded | doré |
gilt | doré |
glazed | glaçuré |
gold | |
gold-plated | |
gray | gris |
gray-brown | gris-brun |
gray-green | gris-vert |
green | vert |
grey | gris |
grey-brown | gris-brun |
grey-green | gris-vert |
guilloched | guilloché |
hammered | martelé |
hand colored | colorié à la main |
hand coloured | colorié à la main |
hand-colored | colorié à la main |
hand-coloured | colorié à la main |
heavy | épais |
hollow cast | |
hollow-cast | |
incised | |
inlaid | incrusté |
ivory | |
lacquered | laqué |
light | |
light green | |
marbled | marbré |
marouflé | |
metallic | métallique |
mineral | |
molded | moulé |
nielloed | niellé |
non ferrous | |
non-ferrous | |
nonferrous | |
opacified | opacifié |
opaque | opaque |
openwork | ajouré |
orange | orange |
overglaze | sur glaçure |
painted | peint |
pale blue | |
pale green | |
parcel-gilt | partiellement doré |
partially gilt | partiellement doré |
patinated | |
pinched | pincé |
pink | rose |
plique-a-jour | de plique |
plique-à-jour | de plique |
polished | poli |
polychromatic | |
polychrome | polychrome |
polychromed | |
printed | imprimé |
purple | violet |
red | rouge |
reddish | rouge |
repousse | |
repoussé | repoussé |
retouched | |
sculpted | sculpté |
sepia | sépia |
silver | |
silver-plated | argenté |
silvered | |
stenciled | dessiné au poncif |
stencilled | |
struck | |
tan | de couleur fauve |
tan-gray | |
tan-grey | |
thick | épais |
transparent | transparent |
turned | tourné |
turquoise | turquoise |
underglaze | sous glaçure |
unglazed | non glaçuré |
violet | |
washed | |
wheel cut | gravé à la roue |
wheel-cut | gravé à la roue |
wheelcut | gravé à la roue |
white | blanc |
watercolored | |
watercoloured | |
yellow | jaune |