legendary animal, that looks like a horse or a goat with a horn on the forehead | |||||
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Afrikaans: Eenhoring
· Alemannisch: Aihorn, Einhorn
· العربية: يونيكورن
· Հայերեն: Միեղջյուր
· Azərbaycanca: Təkbuynuz
· Bahasa Indonesia: Unicorn
· Bahasa Melayu: Unikorn
· Беларуская: Аднарог
· Bosanski: Jednorozi
· Brezhoneg: Likorn, Unkorneg
· Български: Еднорог
· Català: Unicorn, Alicorn
· Саха тыла: Единорог, Биир Муостаах
· Čeština: Jednorožec
· Cymraeg: Uncorn, ungorn, unicorn
· Dansk: Enhjørning
· Deutsch: Einhorn, Monozeros
· Diné bizaad: Łį́į́ʼ Bideeʼłáaʼii
· Eesti: Ükssarvik
· Ελληνικά: Μονόκερως
· · Español: Unicornio
· Esperanto: Unukornulo
· Euskara: Adarbakar, Adarbakoitz
· فارسی: تکشاخ
· Français : Licorne, Unicorne, Monocéros
· Frysk: Ienhoarn
· Gaeilge: Aonbheannach
· Gàidhlig: Aon-adharcach
· Galego: Unicornio
· ქართული: მარტორქა
· 한국어: 유니콘, 일각수
· हिन्दी: इकसिंगा
· Hrvatski: Jednorog
· Ido: Unikorno
· Íslenska: Einhyrningur
· · עברית: חד-קרן
· · Latviešu: Vienradzis
· Lëtzebuergesch: Eenhar
· Lietuvių: Vienaragis
· Limburgs: Einhoorn
· Magyar: Egyszarvú
· Македонски: Еднорог
· മലയാളം: യൂനികോൺ
· Nederlands: Eenhoorn
· 日本語:ユニコーン, 一角獣, モノケロス
· Norsk bokmål: Enhjørning, Enhorning
· Norsk nynorsk: Einhyrning
· Occitan : Unicòrn
· Plattdüütsch: Eenhoorn
· Polski: Jednorożec
· Português: Licórnio, Unicórnio
· Română: Inorog, Licorn, Unicorn
· Rumantsch: Unicorn
· Русский: Единоро́г
· Scots: Unicorn
· Shqip: Njëbrirësh
· Slovenčina: Jednorožec
· Slovenščina: Samorog
· Српски / srpski: Једнорог
· Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Jednorog
· Suomi: Yksisarvinen
· Svenska: Enhörning
· Tagalog: Unikornyo, Monoseros
· தமிழ்: யுனிக்கோர்ன்
· ไทย: ยูนิคอร์น
· Tiếng Việt: Kỳ lân
· Türkçe: Tekboynuz
· اردو: ارنا گھوڑا
· Українська: Єдиноріг
· · العربية: يونيكورن أصل لفظة (يونيكورن) لاتينية،.. مـُكوّنة من مقطعين unus بمعنى واحـد أو وحيد، و cornu بمعنى قرن .. أي أن اسمه باللاتينية وحيد القرن ، وهو كائن خرافي على هيئة حصان أبيض ذو قرن وحيد ، ذكر فى الأساطير الاغريقية وأتخذ كشعار لنبلاء العصور الوسطى فى أوربا
Català: L’unicorn també anomenat alicorn és un ésser mitològic amb el cos de cavall blanc i una llarga banya recta al mig del front.
Čeština: Jednorožec je bájný tvor podobný antilopě či koni s kopyty sudokopytníka. Obecně je považován za zosobnění dobra, později, v dobách křesťanství, také čistoty a panenství.
Cymraeg: Anifail mytholegol a bortreadir gan amlaf fel ceffyl gwyn ac iddo gorn hir sy’n tyfu o’i dalcen yw’r uncorn (hefyd ungorn ac unicorn, o’r gair Ffrangeg unicorne, o’r geiriau Lladin unus "un" + cornus "corn"). Mae’n symbol o ffrwythlonedd wrywaidd, fel y mae ei gorn hir yn awgrymu.
Dansk: Enhjørningen er et af de mere kendte fabeldyr. Den fremstilles normalt som en hvid hest, men med et hvidt (og ofte snoet) horn i panden. Tidligere havde enhjørninger ofte gedeskæg, løvehale og klove (i stedet for hove). Enhjørningen regnes for et ædelt og venligtsindet dyr, men den er tillige sky og lader sig sjældent finde eller tæmme.
Deutsch: Das Einhorn ist ein pferdeähnliches Fabeltier mit dem Schwanz eines Löwen, einem Ziegenbart, gespaltenen Hufen und einem spiralförmigen Horn mittig auf seiner Stirn. Es gilt als das edelste aller Fabeltiere und steht als ein Symbol der Jungfräulichkeit.
Ελληνικά: Ο μονόκερως είναι μυθικό ζώο, που παραδοσιακά παριστάνεται με πόδια αρσενικής αντιλόπης, σώμα αλόγου, ουρά λιονταριού και ένα ελικοειδές κέρατο στο κεφάλι. Αποτελούσε σύμβολο παρθενίας.
English: The unicorn (from Latin unus "one" and cornu "horn", also called monoceros by the Greek) is a mythological creature. Though the modern popular image of the unicorn is sometimes that of a horse differing only in the single spiral horn on the middle of its forehead, the traditional unicorn also has a beard of a buck, a tail of a lion, and cloven hooves — these distinguish it from a horse. The unicorn is the only fabulous beast that does not seem to have been conceived out of human fears. In even the earliest references he is fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful. He could be captured only by unfair means, and his single horn was said to neutralize poison.
Español: El unicornio es una criatura mitológica representada habitualmente como un caballo blanco, con patas de antílope, barba de chivo, y un cuerno en su frente.
Euskara: Adarbakarra mitologiaren izakia da. Oro har zaldi zuri bat bezala agertzen da, lehoiaren tamaina, antilope hankekin, aker bizarra eta kopetan adar luzea. Adarra da, hain zuzen ere, adarbakararren ezaugarririk berezkoena. Luzea, itzulinguru itxuran eta zorrotza.
Français : La licorne, parfois nommée unicorne ou monocéros, est un animal mythologique semblable à un cheval blanc. Elle a un corps chevalin, une queue de lion, une barbiche de bouc, des sabots fendus, une corne très longue et très pointue, droite et spiralée au milieu du front. Elle est très féroce et aucun homme ne peut la capturer. Dans certaines parties du monde, on dit qu’elle aurait la faculté de voler.
Galego: O unicornio é unha criatura mitolóxica representada decote coma un cabalo branco, con patas de antílope, barba de chibo, e un único corno na súa fronte. Trátase dun animal fabuloso protagonista de numerosas historias e lendas. Así, na Idade Media estaba considerado coma un animal marabilloso capaz de derrotar ao elefante, símbolo de poderío. Ademais, dicíase que co seu único corno podían purificarse as augas contaminadas para volvelas potábeis.
한국어: 유니콘 (라틴어: Unicornus) 은 전설상의 동물로, 일각수 (一角獸) 라고도 불린다.
Hrvatski: Prema mitologiji, jednorog je bijeli konj s rogom na čelu, čijim tijelom teče srebrna krv. Vjeruje se da onaj tko ubije to veličantveno biće i pije njegovu krv, bit će zauvijek proklet. Osim toga, vjeruje se da njegova krv spašava čovjeka na samrti, ali spašena osoba je tada osuđena na prokletstvo poluživota. Prah napravljen od njegovog roga smatra se čudotvornim lijekom za sve bolesti. O njegovom postojanju nema materijalnih dokaza, budući da su navodni jednorogovi rogovi zapravo izduženi prednji zub narvala, rijetke vrste morskog sisavca.
Italiano: L’unicorno o liocorno è un animale immaginario dal corpo di cavallo con un singolo corno in mezzo alla fronte. Il nome deriva dal latino unicornis a sua volta dal prefisso uni- e dal sostantivo cornu, "un solo corno".
עברית: חד-קרן הוא יצור אגדתי, מהמיתולוגיות של אירופה העתיקה וימי הביניים.
Latina: Unicornis ( -is, m. ; Graece Monoceros) est fabularis creatura equo candido similans, cauda leonis, barba hirci, ungulis bisulcis, in media frontis ejus longe acutum uno cornu spirali praedita. Est bestia nimis ferox, quamquam elephantus vel leo est, quidquid fortiter impetit. Et ita properipes et acer ut nullus omnino in hominum potestatem captum potest. Sed virginem videt, in sinum virginis salit, et supra genu virginis caput ponere dormit. Et sic homo Unicornem capere potest. Sed si Unicornis comprehenderet ut ista virgo sit imitatio, violenter irascitur et eam dispergere trucidat. Cornu habet potestatem specialem et quidquid morbo efficit. Et aquam purificare potest et vim veneni depellere valet.
Magyar: Egyszarvú (lat. Unicornis, gör. Monocerosz), ló alakú mesés állat, vörös lófeje, fehér ló teste, őzlába és oroszlán farka van, homloka közepén egyenes hegyes szarvval, mely hatalmas fegyveréül szolgál.
Nederlands: De eenhoorn wordt in de cryptozoölogie beschreven als een soort wilde ezel, zo groot als een paard. Hij is wit en heeft donkerblauwe ogen. Op zijn voorhoofd draagt hij een hoorn van ongeveer 45 cm, spiraalvormig gedraaid en uitlopend op een punt. Zijn hoeven zijn gespleten zoals die van een bok, zijn staart is een leeuwenstaart en hij heeft een geitensik.
日本語:ユニコーンとは一角獣(いっかくじゅう)とも呼ばれる額の中央に一本の角が生えた馬に似た伝説の生き物である。語源はラテン語の unus 「一つ」と cornu 「角」の合成語で、ギリシア語で「モノケロス」とも言う。そのほとんどは、ライオンの尾、牡ヤギの顎鬚、二つに割れた蹄を持ち、額の中央に螺旋状の筋の入った一本の長く鋭く尖った真っ直ぐな角をそびえ立たせた、紺色の目をした白いウマの姿で描かれる。非常に獰猛だが、処女の懐に抱かれて初めて大人しくなる。このことから、純潔の象徴とされている。
Norsk bokmål: Enhjørningen (egentlig enhorning) er et fabelvesen brukt i litteratur, kunst, som allegorisk og grafisk figur, som symbol og i våpenskjold.
Norsk nynorsk: Einhyrningen er eit fabeldyr med sers gamalt opphav, kjent frå biletkunst, legender og «naturskildringar» av ymse slag i fleire område i Det fjerne Austen, Mellom-Austen og i Europa frå antikken og mellomalderen. Dette oppkonstruerte dyret vart i si tid rekna for å finnast i røynda i ei eller anna form som vilt dyr i skogane, og var elles tillagt visse kvalitetar av symbolsk art.
Polski: Jednorożec to stworzenie fantastyczne, występujące w mitach i legendach mające jeden róg wyrastający pośrodku czoła.
Português: O unicórnio, também conhecido como licórnio, é um animal mitológico que tem a forma de um cavalo, geralmente branco, com um único chifre em espiral. Sua imagem está associada à pureza e à força. Segundo as narrativas são seres dóceis; porém são as mulheres virgens que têm mais facilidade para tocá-los.
Română: Inorogul, numit și licorna sau unicorn, este un animal mitologic. Inorogul este reprezentat ca un cal alb având un corn în mijlocul frunții. Legendele descriu acest corn ca având puteri miraculoase: vindecă bolile, curăță răul, dă viață.
Русский: Единоро́г — мифическое существо, символизирует целомудрие.
Slovenčina: Jednorožec je bájny tvor podobný antilope alebo koňovi s kopytami párnokopytníka, ktorý má na čele jeden roh. Všeobecne je považovaný za zosobnenie dobra, neskôr, v dobách kresťanstva, aj čistoty a panenstva.
Slovenščina: Samorog je mitološka žival, upodobljena kot konj z enim samim, napogosteje v spiralo oblikovanim rogom na čelu (iz tega tudi izvira angeško poimenovanje »unicorn«, vzeto iz latinskih besed za eden »unus« in rog »cornus«). V mitologiji naj bi samorog imel tudi kri s čarobnimi zdravilnimi lastnostmi. Po ljudski legendi naj bi njegovo divjo naravo lahko ukrotila le devica.
Српски / srpski: Према митологији, једнорог је бели коњ са рогом на челу, чим телом тече сребрна крв. Верује се да ће онај ко убије то величантвено биће и пије његову крв, бити заувек проклет. Осим тога, верује се да његова крв спашава човека на самрти, али спашена особа је тада осуђена на проклетство полуживота. Прах направљен од његовог рога сматра се чудотворним леком за све болести. О његовом постојању нема материјалних доказа, будући да су наводни једнорогови рогови заправо издужени предњи зуб нарвала, ретке врсте морских сисара.
Suomi: Yksisarvinen (lat. unicornis, kreik. monokeros) on taruolento, jolla on hevosen vartalo ja pää, vuohen sorkat ja parta, leijonan häntä, sekä yksi usein kierteinen sarvi keskellä otsaa. Yksisarviset kuvataan tyypillisesti puhtaiksi, valkoisiksi olennoiksi, jotka antavat vain neitsyen koskea itseensä. Yksisarvisen sarvesta tehdyn juoman tai viinin juomisen yksisarvisen sarvesta tehdystä astiasta on uskottu suojaavan myrkyiltä ja toimivan lemmen nostattajana. Sarvivalaan ja sarvikuonon sarvia on usein esitelty yksisarvisen sarvina. Tarinoiden mukaan yksisarvisen saattoi saada kiinni siten, että sitoi neitsyen puuhun. Kun yksisarvinen kuuli neitsyen olevan hädässä, se tuli paikalle ja silloin piilossa väijyvä metsästäjä saattoi hyökätä.
Svenska: Enhörningen är ett mytologiskt väsen, oftast avbildad som en vacker vit häst med ett spiralvridet horn i pannan. Enhörningen avbildades även ofta med både djupgående religiösa och symboliska attribut , samt var ett föremål för en mångfald legender sedan före medeltiden.
Українська: Єдиноріг — міфічна істота, символізує доброчесність.
中文:简体: 独角兽,神话生物,常见的造型是头上长角的像白马的生物。
中文:繁體: 獨角獸,神話生物,常見的造型是頭上長角的像白馬的生物。

start-up emblem
Conrad Gesner, Historiae animalium; liber primus, qui est de quadrupedibus viviparis, woodcut, Zürich, 1551.
Domenichino, A Virgin with a Unicorn, (working under Annibale Carracci), 1604 – 1605, fresco, Farnese Palace, Rome.
Raffaello Sanzio, Portrait of Young Woman with Unicorn (Lady with unicorn), around 1505 – 1506, oil on canvas, 67 × 56 cm, Borghese Gallery, Rome.
Raffaello Sanzio, Portrait of Young Woman with Unicorn (Lady with unicorn), around 1505 – 1506, oil on canvas, 67 × 56 cm, Borghese Gallery, Rome.
Moretto da Brescia, Saint Justina with the Unicorn, circa 1530 – 1534, oil on panel, 200 × 139 cm, Museum of Art History, Vienna.
Moretto da Brescia, Saint Justina with the Unicorn, circa 1530 – 1534, oil on panel, 200 × 139 cm, Museum of Art History, Vienna.
Gustave Moreau, The unicorns, circa 1888, oil on canvas, 115 × 90 cm, National Museum Gustave Moreau, Paris.
golden unicorn
Grotte de Lascaux
La Licorne, La salle des Taureaux, Grotte de Lascaux.
La Licorne, La salle des Taureaux, Grotte de Lascaux.
La Licorne, La salle des Taureaux, Grotte de Lascaux.
La Licorne, La salle des Taureaux, Grotte de Lascaux.
The Ancient Indus Unicorn Seals, Mohenjo-daro
The Unicorn Seal and the impresssion made by it, from the Indus Valley civilisation, 2500 – 2000 BCE, Mohenjo-daro, British Museum, London.
The Unicorn Seals and the impresssions made by it, from the Indus Valley civilisation, 2500 – 2000 BCE, Mohenjo-daro, British Museum, London.
Collection of seals of the Indus Valley Civilization, 2500 – 2000 BCE, Mohenjo-daro, British Museum, London.
The unicorns in the bas-reliefs on the Ishtar Gate
The aurochs (unicorn) in the bas-relief on the Ishtar Gate in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek, Copenhagen.
Passing animals, brick panels from the Procession Way which ran from the Marduk temple to the Ishtar Gate and the Akitu Temple, Istanbul Archaeology Museums, Istanbul.
The unicorns in the bas-reliefs at Persepolis
The lion attacking the unicorn
The lion attacking the bull (unicorn) in bas-relief at Persepolis. A symbol Zoroastrian Nowruz. In day of a spring equinox power of eternally fighting bull (personifying the Earth), and a lion (personifying the Sun), are equal (Though lions were not a symbol of royalty in the achamenid era and were in fact a game to be hunted).
The lion attacking the bull (unicorn) in bas-relief at Persepolis. A symbol Zoroastrian Nowruz. In day of a spring equinox power of eternally fighting bull (personifying the Earth), and a lion (personifying the Sun), are equal (Though lions were not a symbol of royalty in the achamenid era and were in fact a game to be hunted).
The lion attacking the bull (unicorn) in bas-relief at Persepolis. A symbol Zoroastrian Nowruz. In day of a spring equinox power of eternally fighting bull (personifying the Earth), and a lion (personifying the Sun), are equal (Though lions were not a symbol of royalty in the achamenid era and were in fact a game to be hunted).
The lion attacking the bull (unicorn) in bas-relief at Persepolis. A symbol Zoroastrian Nowruz. In day of a spring equinox power of eternally fighting bull (personifying the Earth), and a lion (personifying the Sun), are equal (Though lions were not a symbol of royalty in the achamenid era and were in fact a game to be hunted).
Combat du lion et de la licorne d’après un bas relief des ruines de Persépolis. Gravure du livre de l’explorateur Carsten Niebuhr : Voyage en Arabie et en d’autres pays circonvoisins, Amsterdam, 1779.
The King fighting with the unicorn
The King fighting with the unicorn in bas-relief at Persepolis.
The King fighting with the unicorn in bas-relief at Persepolis.
The King fighting with the unicorn in bas-relief at Persepolis.
The King fighting with the unicorn in bas-relief at Persepolis.
The King fighting with the unicorn in bas-relief at Persepolis.
The King fighting with the unicorn in bas-relief at Persepolis.
The Qilin-shaped incense burner, 17th – 18th centuries, Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts, Stanford University, Stanford, California.
The unicorns in the Bible
The Creation of the animals
Hans Baldung, Die Erschaffung der Menschen und Tiere, 1532 – 1533, Tempera auf Holz, 186,5 x 62 cm, Angermuseum, Erfurt.
Raffaello Sanzio, The Creation of the Animals, 1518 – 19, fresco, Loggia of Raphael on the second floor, Vatican Museums, Vatican.
Raffaello Sanzio, The Creation of the Animals, 1518 – 19, fresco, Loggia of Raphael on the second floor, Vatican Museums, Vatican.
Tintoretto, The Creation of the Animals, circa 1551 – 52, oil on canvas, 151 × 258 cm, Gallerie dell’Accademia, Venice.
The Garden of Eden
Lucas Cranach der Ältere, Der Garten Eden (Das Paradies), 1536, Öl auf Holz, 80 × 118cm, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien.
Jan Brueghel the Elder, Landscape of Paradise and the Loading of the Animals in Noah’s Ark, 1596, oil on copper, 27 × 35.5 cm.
Jan Brueghel the Younger, Creation of Adam in the Paradise, 17th century, oil on copper, 69.9 × 87.5 cm, Stedelijk-Museum, Leuven.
Hieronymus Bosch, El jardín de las delicias
Deutsch: Hieronymus Bosch, Der Garten der Lüste, 1503 – 1504, Öl auf Holz, triptychon, 220 × 389 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
English: Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 389 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Français : Jérôme Bosch, Le jardin des délices, 1503 – 1504, huile sur bois, triptyque, 220 × 389 cm, Musée du Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 389 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 389 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, left panel: The Garden of Eden, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 97.5 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, left panel: The Garden of Eden, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 97.5 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, center panel: The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 195 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, center panel: The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 195 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, center panel: The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 195 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, center panel: The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 195 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Panel izquierdo: El jardín del Edén
Deutsch: Linker Innenflügel: Der Garten Eden, 220 × 97.5 cm.
English: Left panel: The Garden of Eden, 220 × 97.5 cm.
Français : Panneau gauche: Le jardin d’Eden, 220 × 97.5 cm.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, left panel: The Garden of Eden, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 97.5 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, left panel: The Garden of Eden, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 97.5 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, left panel: The Garden of Eden, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 97.5 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Panel central: El jardín de las delicias
Deutsch: Mittelteil: Der Garten der Lüste, 220 × 195 cm.
English: Center panel: The Garden of Earthly Delights, 220 × 195 cm.
Français : Panneau central: Le jardin des délices, 220 × 195 cm.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, center panel: The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 195 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, center panel: The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 195 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, center panel: The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 195 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, center panel: The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 195 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights, center panel: The Garden of Earthly Delights, 1503 – 1504, oil on wood, triptych, 220 × 195 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
The Noah’s Ark
Jan Brueghel the Elder, Landscape of Paradise and the Loading of the Animals in Noah’s Ark, 1596, oil on copper, 27 × 35.5 cm.
Lambert de Hondt the Elder, Journey to Noah's Ark, circa 1650, oil on canvas, 94.0 × 122.0 cm, Kadrioru kunstimuuseum, Tallinn.
Alessandro Varotari, Orpheus enchanting the animals, oil on canvas, 165 × 108 cm, Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Sebastiaan Vrancx, Orpheus and the Beasts, circa 1595, oil on panel, 55 × 69 cm, Galleria Borghese, Rome.
Tapís de la Creació
Deutsch: Der Schöpfungsteppich, 11 – 12. Jahrhundert, Wandteppich, 365 × 470 cm, Kathedrale von Girona, Girona.
English: Tapestry of the Creation, 11th – 12th century, tapestry, 365 × 470 cm, Cathedral of Girona, Girona.
Français : Tapis de la Création, XI – XIIème siècle, tapisserie, 365 × 470 cm, Cathédrale de Gérone, Gérone.
Italiano: Arazzo della Creazione, XI – XII secolo, arazzo, 365 × 470 cm, Cattedrale di Girona, Girona.
Català: Adam buscant un altre home entre els animals del Paradís i la inscripció Adam non inveniebatur similem sibi - Adam no troba cap igual a ell entre ells.Español: Adán buscando otro hombre entre los animales del Paraíso y la inscripción Adam non inveniebatur similen sibi - Adán no encuentra a nadie similar a él.
The Medieval Bestiary
The Aberdeen Bestiary (Univ. Lib. MS 24), folio 15 recto: Monoceros, circa 1200, England, miniature, 30.2 × 21 cm, Aberdeen University Library, Aberdeen.
The Ashmole Bestiary (MS. Ashmole 1511), folio 14 verso: Unicornis, early 13th century, England (Peterborough ?), miniature, 27.5 × 18 cm, Bodleian Library, Oxford.
The Ashmole Bestiary (MS. Ashmole 1511), folio 21 recto: Monoceros, early 13th century, England (Peterborough ?), miniature, 27.5 × 18 cm, Bodleian Library, Oxford.
MS. Bodley 764, folio 10 verso: Unicornis, circa 1225 – 50, England, miniature, 29.8 × 19.5 cm, Bodleian Library, Oxford.
MS. Douce 167, folio 4 verso: Unicornis, 1st half 13th century, England (?), miniature, 26.7 × 19.4 cm, Bodleian Library, Oxford.
The Worksop Bestiary (Morgan Library, MS M. 81), folio 12 verso: Unicornis, circa 1185, England, miniature, 21.5 × 15.5 cm, Morgan Library, New York.
La Mise à mort de la licorne. Bestiaire (italien 450), folio 13 verso, XIVème siècle, miniature, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris.
Rochester Bestiary
English: Rochester Bestiary (Royal MS 12 F. xiii), folio 10 verso: Unicornis, folio 21 recto: Monoceros, about 1230, England, miniature, 29.8 × 21.4 cm, British Library, London.
Rochester Bestiary (Royal MS 12 F. xiii), folio 10 verso: Unicornis, about 1230, England, miniature, 29.8 × 21.4 cm, British Library, London.
Rochester Bestiary (Royal MS 12 F. xiii), folio 10 verso: Unicornis, about 1230, England, miniature, 29.8 × 21.4 cm, British Library, London.
Rochester Bestiary (Royal MS 12 F. xiii), folio 10 verso: Unicornis, about 1230, England, miniature, 29.8 × 21.4 cm, British Library, London.
Rochester Bestiary (Royal MS 12 F. xiii), folio 21 recto: Monoceros, about 1230, England, miniature, 29.8 × 21.4 cm, British Library, London.
Rochester Bestiary (Royal MS 12 F. xiii), folio 21 recto: Monoceros, about 1230, England, miniature, 29.8 × 21.4 cm, British Library, London.
Barthélémy l’Anglais, Le Livre des propriétés des choses
Barthélémy l’Anglais, Le Livre des propriétés des choses (français 22532), folio 310 verso: chapitre 88. De la licorne, début du XVème siècle, miniature, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
Pierre de Beauvais, Bestiaire
La chasse à la licorne. Pierre de Beauvais, Bestiaire (arsenal 3516 k), folio 205 verso: Licorne, vers 1285, France du Nord, miniature, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, Paris.
Guillaume le Clerc, Bestiaire divin
Guillaume le Clerc, Bestiaire de Guillaume le Clerc (MS. Douce 132), folio 70 recto: Licorne, vers 1250, Angleterre, miniature, 24.8 × 17.4 cm, Bibliothèque Bodléienne, Oxford.
Richard de Fournival, Bestiaire d’amour
La chasse à la licorne. Richard de Fournival, Bestiaire d’amour (français 1951), folio 14 recto, fin du XIIIème siècle, Paris, miniature, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
La chasse à la licorne. Richard de Fournival, Bestiaire d’amour (français 15213 b), folio 74 verso, 1325 – 1350, Paris, miniature, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
La chasse à la licorne. Richard de Fournival, Bestiaire d’amour (français 412 c), folio 232 recto, vers 1285, France du Nord, miniature, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
La chasse à la licorne. Richard de Fournival, La Réponse de la Dame (français 412 d), folio 240 recto, vers 1285, France du Nord, miniature, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
The triumphs of unicorn
Français : Les triomphes de la licorne
Bottega di Apollonio di Giovanni e Marco del Buono, I Trionfi, 1450 – 1460 circa, Firenze, tempera su tavola, 41 × 141 cm, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Firenze.
Bottega di Apollonio di Giovanni e Marco del Buono, I Trionfi, 1450 – 1460 circa, Firenze, tempera su tavola, 41 × 141 cm, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Firenze.
Bottega di Apollonio di Giovanni e Marco del Buono, I Trionfi, 1450 – 1460 circa, Firenze, tempera su tavola, 41 × 141 cm, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Firenze.
Bottega di Apollonio di Giovanni e Marco del Buono, I Trionfi, 1450 – 1460 circa, Firenze, tempera su tavola, 41 × 141 cm, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Firenze.
Francesco Pesellino, Triumphs of Love, Chastity and Death, circa 1450, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston.
Pétrarque, Les Triomphes (français 223), folio 94 verso, Allégorie: Le Triomphe de la Chasteté, XVème – XVIème siècle, Rouen, miniature, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
Pétrarque, Les Triomphes (français 594 a), folio 102 recto, Allégorie: Le Triomphe de la Chasteté, 1503, Rouen, miniature, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
Pétrarque, Les Triomphes (français 12423), folio 29 verso, Allégorie: Le Triomphe de la Chasteté, 1er quart de XVIème siècle, France, miniature, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
Pétrarque, Les Triomphes (français 22541), folio 58 verso, Allégorie: Le Triomphe de la Chasteté, vers 1520, Rouen, miniature, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
Francesco Petrarca, I Trionfi, Trionfo della Pudicizia, 1500 circa, miniatura dal codice di Anne de Polignac, in originale e nella traduzione di Simon Bourgouyn.
Jacopo del Sellaio, Trionfo della Pudicizia
English: Jacopo del Sellaio, Triumph of Chastity, circa 1480 – 85, tempera on panel, 76 cm × 86.5 cm, Museo Bandini, Fiesole.
Italiano: Jacopo del Sellaio, Trionfo della Pudicizia, 1480 – 85 circa, tempera su tavola, 76 cm × 86.5 cm, Museo Bandini, Fiesole.
Jacopo del Sellaio, Trionfo dell’Amore e Trionfo della Pudicizia, 1480 – 85 circa, tempera su tavola, 75.5 cm × 89.5 cm e 76 cm × 86.5 cm, Museo Bandini, Fiesole.
Jacopo del sellaio, Trionfo della Pudicizia, 1480 – 85 circa, tempera su tavola, 76 cm × 86.5 cm, Museo Bandini, Fiesole.
Jacopo del Sellaio, Trionfo di Pudicizia, 1480 – 85 circa, tempera su tavola, 76 cm × 86.5 cm, Museo Bandini, Fiesole.
Piero della Francesca, Trionfi dei duchi di Urbino
English: Piero della Francesca, Triumph of Battista Sforza, 1465 – 66, oil on panel, 47 cm × 33cm, Uffizi Gallery, Florence.
Français : Piero della Francesca, Portrait de Battista Sforza et Federico da Montefeltro sur verso Le Triomphe de la Chasteté, entre 1460 et 1470, huile sur bois, Galerie des Offices, Florence.
Italiano: Piero della Francesca, Doppio ritratto dei duchi di Urbino sul verso Trionfo di Federico da Montefeltro e di Battista Sforza, 1465 – 1472 circa, olio su tavola, 47 cm × 33 cm ciascun pannello, Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze.
Piero della Francesca, Doppio ritratto dei duchi di Urbino sul verso Trionfo di Federico da Montefeltro e di Battista Sforza, 1465 – 1472 circa, olio su tavola, 47 cm × 33 cm ciascun pannello, Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze.
Piero della Francesca, Doppio ritratto dei duchi di Urbino sul verso Trionfo di Federico da Montefeltro e di Battista Sforza, 1465 – 1472 circa, olio su tavola, 47 cm × 33 cm ciascun pannello, Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze.
Piero della Francesca, Doppio ritratto dei duchi di Urbino sul verso Trionfo di Federico da Montefeltro e di Battista Sforza, 1465 – 1472 circa, olio su tavola, 47 cm × 33 cm ciascun pannello, Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze.
Piero della Francesca, Doppio ritratto dei duchi di Urbino sul verso Trionfo di Federico da Montefeltro e di Battista Sforza, 1465 – 1472 circa, olio su tavola, 47 cm × 33 cm ciascun pannello, Galleria degli Uffizi, Firenze.
Francesco del Cossa, Marzo – Trionfo di Minerva e segno dell’Ariete
Deutsch: Francesco del Cossa, Der März – Triumphzug der Minerva und Zeichen des Widder, um 1468 – 1470, Fresko, 500 × 320 cm, Monatsbilder im Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara.
English: Francesco del Cossa, Allegory of March – Triumph of Minerva and sign of Aries, around 1468 – 1470, fresco, 500 × 320 cm, Hall of the Months, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara.
Français : Francesco del Cossa, Le Mois de Mars – Triomphe de Minerve et signe du Bélier, vers 1468 – 1470, fresque, 500 × 320 cm, Salon des Mois, Palais Schifanoia, Ferrare.
Italiano: Francesco del Cossa, Marzo – Trionfo di Minerva e segno dell’Ariete, 1468 – 1470 circa, affresco, 500 × 320 cm, Salone dei Mesi, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara.
Francesco del Cossa, Marzo – Trionfo di Minerva e segno dell’Ariete, 1468 – 1470 circa, affresco, 500 × 320 cm, Salone dei Mesi, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara.
Francesco del Cossa, Marzo – Trionfo di Minerva e segno dell’Ariete, 1468 – 1470 circa, affresco, 500 × 320 cm, Salone dei Mesi, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara.
Francesco del Cossa, Marzo – Trionfo di Minerva e segno dell’Ariete, 1468 – 1470 circa, affresco, 500 × 320 cm, Salone dei Mesi, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara.
Francesco del Cossa, Marzo – Trionfo di Minerva e segno dell’Ariete, 1468 – 1470 circa, affresco, 500 × 320 cm, Salone dei Mesi, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara.
Francesco del Cossa, Marzo – Trionfo di Minerva e segno dell’Ariete, 1468 – 1470 circa, affresco, 500 × 320 cm, Salone dei Mesi, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara.
Francesco del Cossa, Marzo – Trionfo di Minerva e segno dell’Ariete, 1468 – 1470 circa, affresco, 500 × 320 cm, Salone dei Mesi, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara.
Giuseppe Mazzolani (1842 – 1916), Marzo – Trionfo di Minerva e segno dell’Ariete, 1894, pen, 68.5 × 117.4 cm (26.97 × 46.22 in.), Museo Civico, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara.
Giuseppe Mazzolani (1842 – 1916), Il Capricorno, 1909, pen, 35.5 × 119 cm (13.98 × 46.85 in.), Museo Civico, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara.
La Dame à la licorne
English: The Lady and the Unicorn, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flanders (weaving), tapestries (wool and silk), National Museum of the Middle Ages, Paris. Acquired 1882 (Cl. 10831 – 10836).
Español: La dama y el unicornio, 1484 – 1500, París (cartones), Flandes (tejidos), tapices (lana y seda), Museo Nacional de la Edad Media, París. Adquisición 1882 (Cl. 10831 – 10836).
Français : La Dame à la licorne, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flandre (tissage), tapisseries (laine et soie), Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris. Acquis 1882 (Cl. 10831 – 10836).
Italiano: La dama e l’unicorno, 1484 – 1500, Fiandre, arazzi (lana e seta), Museo nazionale del Medioevo, Parigi. Acquistato 1882 (Cl. 10831 – 10836).
Le goût
[edit]English: The Lady and the Unicorn, Taste, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flanders (weaving), tapestry (wool and silk), 375 × 460 cm, National Museum of the Middle Ages, Paris. Acquired 1882 (Cl. 10831).
Français : La Dame à la licorne, Le goût, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flandre (tissage), tapisserie (laine et soie), 375 × 460 cm, Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris. Acquis 1882 (Cl. 10831).
Italiano: La dama e l’unicorno, Il gusto, 1484 – 1500, Fiandre, arazzo (lana e seta), 375 × 460 cm, Museo nazionale del Medioevo, Parigi. Acquistato 1882 (Cl. 10831).
[edit]English: The Lady and the Unicorn, Hearing, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flanders (weaving), tapestry (wool and silk), 370 × 290 cm, National Museum of the Middle Ages, Paris. Acquired 1882 (Cl. 10833).
Français : La Dame à la licorne, L’ouïe, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flandre (tissage), tapisserie (laine et soie), 370 × 290 cm, Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris. Acquis 1882 (Cl. 10833).
Italiano: La dama e l’unicorno, L’udito, 1484 – 1500, Fiandre, arazzo (lana e seta), 370 × 290 cm, Museo nazionale del Medioevo, Parigi. Acquistato 1882 (Cl. 10833).
L'Ouïe (La Dame à la licorne) (Hearing (The Lady and the Unicorn) - Detail
La vue
[edit]English: The Lady and the Unicorn, Sight, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flanders (weaving), tapestry (wool and silk), 310 × 330 cm, National Museum of the Middle Ages, Paris. Acquired 1882 (Cl. 10836).
Français : La Dame à la licorne, La vue, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flandre (tissage), tapisserie (laine et soie), 310 × 330 cm, Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris. Acquis 1882 (Cl. 10836).
Italiano: La dama e l’unicorno, La vista, 1484 – 1500, Fiandre, arazzo (lana e seta), 310 × 330 cm, Museo nazionale del Medioevo, Parigi. Acquistato 1882 (Cl. 10836).
[edit]English: The Lady and the Unicorn, Smell, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flanders (weaving), tapestry (wool and silk), 367 × 322 cm, National Museum of the Middle Ages, Paris. Acquired 1882 (Cl. 10832).
Français : La Dame à la licorne, L’odorat, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flandre (tissage), tapisserie (laine et soie), 367 × 322 cm, Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris. Acquis 1882 (Cl. 10832).
Italiano: La dama e l’unicorno, L’olfatto, 1484 – 1500, Fiandre, arazzo (lana e seta), 367 × 322 cm, Museo nazionale del Medioevo, Parigi. Acquistato 1882 (Cl. 10832).
Le toucher
[edit]English: The Lady and the Unicorn, Touch, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flanders (weaving), tapestry (wool and silk), 372 × 358 cm, National Museum of the Middle Ages, Paris. Acquired 1882 (Cl. 10835).
Français : La Dame à la licorne, Le toucher, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flandre (tissage), tapisserie (laine et soie), 372 × 358 cm, Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris. Acquis 1882 (Cl. 10835).
Italiano: La dama e l’unicorno, Il tatto, 1484 – 1500, Fiandre, arazzo (lana e seta), 372 × 358 cm, Museo nazionale del Medioevo, Parigi. Acquistato 1882 (Cl. 10835).
La Dame à la licorne]], Le toucher
À mon seul désir
[edit]English: The Lady and the Unicorn, To my only desire, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flanders (weaving), tapestry (wool and silk), 378 × 466 cm, National Museum of the Middle Ages, Paris. Acquired 1882 (Cl. 10834).
Français : La Dame à la licorne, À mon seul désir, 1484 – 1500, Paris (cartons), Flandre (tissage), tapisserie (laine et soie), 378 × 466 cm, Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris. Acquis 1882 (Cl. 10834).
Italiano: La dama e l’unicorno, Il mio solo desiderio, 1484 – 1500, Fiandre, arazzo (lana e seta), 378 × 466 cm, Museo nazionale del Medioevo, Parigi. Acquistato 1882 (Cl. 10834).
La Dame à la licorne, À mon seul désir
La Dame à la licorne, À mon seul désir
La légende de saint Etienne, scène VIII: Le corps du martyre exposé aux bêtes
[edit]English: Wall Hanging of St Stephen, Scene VIII: The Body of St Stephen is exposed to the beasts, circa 1500, Brussels, tapestry (wool and silk), 167 × 176 cm, National Museum of the Middle Ages, Paris. Acquired 1880 (Cl. 9932).
Français : La tenture de saint Etienne (La légende de saint Etienne), scène VIII: Le corps de saint Etienne exposé aux bêtes (Le corps du martyre exposé aux bêtes), vers 1500, Bruxelles, tapisserie (laine et soie), 167 × 176 cm, Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris. Acquis 1880 (Cl. 9932).
La tenture de saint Etienne, pièce V: Le martyre de saint Etienne, vers 1500, Bruxelles, tapisserie (laine et soie), 167 × 176 cm, Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris. Acquis 1880 (Cl. 9932).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries)
English: The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts, The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.1 – 37.80.6 and 38.51.1,2).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn in Captivity, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 7/8 inch × 8 feet, 3 inches (368 × 251.5 cm), The Cloisters, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.6).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn in Captivity, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 0.88 inches × 8 feet, 3.02 inches (368 × 251.5 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.6).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), circa 1495 – 1505, tapestries in the Queen's Presence Chamber of the Palace at the Stirling Castle, Stirling, Scotland.
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), circa 1495 – 1505, paintings in the Queen's Presence Chamber of the Palace at the Stirling Castle, Stirling, Scotland.
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), circa 1495 – 1505, paintings in the Chapel Royal at the Stirling Castle, Stirling, Scotland.
The Hunters Enter the Woods (The Start of the Hunt)
[edit]English: The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Hunters Enter the Woods (The Start of the Hunt), circa 1495 – 1505, Southern Netherlands, Wool warp; wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 10 feet, 4 inches (368.3 × 315 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.1).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Hunters Enter the Woods (The Start of the Hunt), circa 1495 – 1505, Southern Netherlands, Wool warp; wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 10 feet, 4 inches (368.3 × 315 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.1).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Hunters Enter the Woods (The Start of the Hunt), circa 1495 – 1505, Southern Netherlands, Wool warp; wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 10 feet, 4 inches (368.3 × 315 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.1).
The Unicorn Is Found
[edit]English: The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn Is Found, circa 1495 – 1505, Southern Netherlands, Wool warp; wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 12 feet, 5 inches (368.3 × 378.5 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.2).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn Is Found, circa 1495 – 1505, Southern Netherlands, Wool warp; wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 12 feet, 5 inches (368.3 × 378.5 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.2).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn Is Found, circa 1495 – 1505, Southern Netherlands, Wool warp; wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 12 feet, 5 inches (368.3 × 378.5 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.2).
The Unicorn Is Attacked (The Unicorn Leaps out of the Stream)
[edit]English: The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn Is Attacked (The Unicorn Leaps out of the Stream), circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 14 feet (368.3 × 426.7 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.3).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn Is Attacked (The Unicorn Leaps out of the Stream), circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 14 feet (368.3 × 426.7 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.3).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn Is Attacked (The Unicorn Leaps out of the Stream), circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 14 feet (368.3 × 426.7 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.3).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn Is Attacked (The Unicorn Leaps out of the Stream), circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 14 feet (368.3 × 426.7 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.3).
The Unicorn Defends Itself (The Unicorn at Bay)
[edit]English: The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn Defends Itself (The Unicorn at Bay), circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 13 feet, 2 inches (368.3 × 401.3 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.4).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn Defends Itself (The Unicorn at Bay), circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 13 feet, 2 inches (368.3 × 401.3 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.4).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn Defends Itself (The Unicorn at Bay), circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 13 feet, 2 inches (368.3 × 401.3 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.4).
The Mystic Capture of the Unicorn (Two fragments of a lost tapestry from the Unicorn Tapestries)
[edit]English: The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Mystic Capture of the Unicorn (Two fragments of a lost tapestry from the Unicorn Tapestries), circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; at the left, height 6 feet, 6 inches; width 2 feet, 1 1/2 inches (198.1 × 64.8 cm), at the right, height 5 feet, 6 1/2 inches; width 2 feet, 1 1/2 inches (168.9 × 64.8 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1938 (38.51.1,2).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Mystic Capture of the Unicorn (left fragment), circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; height 6 feet, 6 inches; width 2 feet, 1 1/2 inches (198.1 × 64.8 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1938 (38.51.1).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Mystic Capture of the Unicorn (right fragment), circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; height 5 feet, 6 1/2 inches; width 2 feet, 1 1/2 inches (168.9 × 64.8 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1938 (38.51.2).
The Unicorn is Killed and Brought to the Castle
[edit]English: The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn is Killed and Brought to the Castle, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 12 feet, 9 inches (368.3 × 388.6 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.5).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn is Killed and Brought to the Castle, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 12 feet, 9 inches (368.3 × 388.6 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.5).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn is Killed and Brought to the Castle, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 12 feet, 9 inches (368.3 × 388.6 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.5).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn is Killed and Brought to the Castle, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 12 feet, 9 inches (368.3 × 388.6 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.5).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn is Killed and Brought to the Castle, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 1 inch × 12 feet, 9 inches (368.3 × 388.6 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.5).
The Unicorn in Captivity
[edit]English: The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn in Captivity, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 7/8 inch × 8 feet, 3 inches (368 × 251.5 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.6).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn in Captivity, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 7/8 inch × 8 feet, 3 inches (368 × 251.5 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.6).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn in Captivity, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 7/8 inch × 8 feet, 3 inches (368 × 251.5 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.6).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn in Captivity, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 7/8 inch × 8 feet, 3 inches (368 × 251.5 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.6).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn in Captivity, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 7/8 inch × 8 feet, 3 inches (368 × 251.5 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.6).
The Hunt of the Unicorn (The Unicorn Tapestries), The Unicorn in Captivity, circa 1495 – 1505, South Netherlands, Wool warp, wool, silk, silver, and gilt wefts; 12 feet, 7/8 inch × 8 feet, 3 inches (368 × 251.5 cm), The Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Gift of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1937 (37.80.6).
The statues of unicorns
Einhorn-Ornament von 1910, Braunschweig.
Der Eingang zu einer Apotheke mit Apotheken-Logo, Einhorn und Darstellungen von einem historischen und einem modernen Apotheker, um 1900, in Oldenburg (Oldenburg).
Die Einhorn-Apotheke an der Bismarckstraße 6 in Bünde.
Die Einhorn-Apotheke an der Bismarckstraße 6 in Bünde.
Die Einhorn-Apotheke (Eckhaus links) am Hafenmarkt in Heilbronn, Aufnahme von 1868.
Die Einhorn-Apotheke am Hafenmarkt in Heilbronn.
Fassadenteil der Einhorn-Apotheke am Hafenmarkt in Heilbronn.
Die Einhorn-Apotheke, Am Sande 54 in Lüneburg.
Die Einhorn-Apotheke, Am Sande 54 in Lüneburg.
Die Einhorn-Apotheke, Am Sande 54 in Lüneburg.
Die Einhorn-Apotheke, Am Sande 54 in Lüneburg.
Das Einhornrelief in der Front über dem Eingang der Einhornapotheke in Memmingen.
Die Einhornstatue auf der rechten Giebel der Einhornapotheke in Memmingen.
Das Nasenschild der Einhornapotheke in Memmingen.
Der Heutige Haupteingang der Einhornapotheke in Memmingen.
Die Einhorn-Apotheke an der Hauptstraße 82 in Offenburg.
Das dreigeschossige spätbarocke Patrizierhaus der Einhorn-Apotheke an der Maximilianstraße 23 in Speyer.
Ein Einhorn als Dachschmuck auf dem dreigeschossigen spätbarocken Patrizierhaus der Einhorn-Apotheke an der Maximilianstraße 23 in Speyer.
Ein Einhorn als Relief bei dem dreigeschossigen spätbarocken Patrizierhaus der Einhorn-Apotheke an der Maximilianstraße 23 in Speyer.
[edit]Weißenburg in Bayern
Das goldene Einhorn über dem Portal der Einhorn-Apotheke an der Nordseite des Blauen Hauses, Weißenburg in Bayern.
Das goldene Einhorn und Wappen über dem Portal der Einhorn-Apotheke an der Nordseite des Blauen Hauses, Weißenburg in Bayern.
[edit]Les gàrgoles dels unicorns de la catedral de Barcelona
[edit]Les statues des licornes à Saint-Lô
Les statues des licornes à Saverne
[edit]Le statue dei liocorni nel giardino sull’Isola Bella, Lago Maggiore, Stresa
Deutsch: Die Statuen der Einhörner im Barockgarten auf der Isola Bella (Schönen Insel), Stresa, Italien.
Giambologna, Grotta degli animali, Villa di Castello, Firenze
Deutsch: Die Statuen der Einhörner in der Grotte von Tieren von Giambologna in der Villa Medici von Castello, Florenz, Italien.
English: The statues of unicorns in the Grotto of animals by Giambologna in the Villa Medici of Castello, Florence, Italy.
Français : Les statues des licornes dans la Grotte des animaux par Giambologna dans la Villa Medicea di Castello, Florence, Italie.
Italiano: Le statue dei liocorni nella Grotta degli animali da Giambologna nella Villa Medicea di Castello, Firenze, Italia.
La statua del liocorno nella Grotta degli animali da Giambologna nella Villa Medicea di Castello, Firenze.
La statua del liocorno nella Grotta degli animali da Giambologna nella Villa Medicea di Castello, Firenze.
La statua del liocorno nella Grotta degli animali da Giambologna nella Villa Medicea di Castello, Firenze.
La statua del liocorno nella Grotta degli animali da Giambologna nella Villa Medicea di Castello, Firenze.
La statua del liocorno nella Grotta degli animali da Giambologna nella Villa Medicea di Castello, Firenze.
La statua del liocorno nella Grotta degli animali da Giambologna nella Villa Medicea di Castello, Firenze.
Unknown artist, Sculptuur van een Eenhoorn, unknown date, Liornestraat, Hoorn.
Jan Linders, no name, 2002, parking garage 't Jeudje, Jeudje, Hoorn.
[edit]Die Statuen der Einhörner im Schloss Hellbrunn, Salzburg
Das Einhornzimmer im Schloss Hellbrunn, Salzburg.
Die Statuen der Einhörner im Schloss Mirabell, Salzburg
[edit]Statuile inorogilor de la Castelul Kornis din Mănăstirea
Deutsch: Die Statuen der Einhörner in der Kornis Castle aus Mănăstirea, Kreis Klausenburg, Rumänien.
Français : Les statues des licornes dans le château de Kornis de Mănăstirea, Judeţ de Cluj, Roumanie.
Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera / Svizra
Die Einhorn-Skulptur am Lindenplatz in Dübendorf.
United Kingdom
[edit]The statues of unicorns in the Hampton Court Palace, London
The Main Entrance Gate of the Hampton Court Palace, London.
The Main Entrance Gate of the Hampton Court Palace, London.
The Main Entrance Gate of the Hampton Court Palace, London.
The statues of dragon and unicorn with heraldic shield standing beside the Great Gatehouse of the Hampton Court Palace, London.
United States
[edit]The figureheads of unicorns
His Majesty’s Frigate Unicorn (1824)
His Majesty’s Frigate Unicorn (1824) in Dundee, Scotland. Close-up view of the unicorn sculpture at the head of the ship.
His Majesty’s Frigate Unicorn (1824) in Dundee, Scotland. Close-up view of the unicorn sculpture at the head of the ship.
Familias de la Argentina
Gosnells, Western Australia (Unicorn in supporters)
The former coat of arms of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly
The former coat of arms of the New South Wales Legislative Council
Schools in Australia
België / Belgique / Belgien
Deutsch: Belgien
Français : Belgique
Nederlands: België
Belgische adellijke families / Familles nobles de Belgique / Belgische Adelsgeschlechter
Deutsch: Die Belgischen Adelsgeschlechter
Français : Les familles nobles de Belgique
Nederlands: De Belgische adellijke families
Français : Maison de LannoyNederlands: Huis Lannoy
Deutsch: Baudouin de Lannoy (* 1388 in Hénin-Beaumont ; † 1474 in Huppaye)Français : Baudouin de Lannoy (1389 † 1474)
Deutsch: Baudouin de Lannoy (* 1388 in Hénin-Beaumont ; † 1474 in Huppaye)Français : Baudouin de Lannoy (1389 † 1474)
Deutsch: Ghillebert von Lannoy (* 1386 † 1462)Français : Guilbert de Lannoy (1386 † 1462)Nederlands: Ghillebert van Lannoy (1386 – 1462)
Deutsch: Ghillebert von Lannoy (* 1386 † 1462)Français : Guilbert de Lannoy (1386 † 1462)Nederlands: Ghillebert van Lannoy (1386 – 1462)
Deutsch: Ghillebert von Lannoy (* 1386 † 1462)Français : Guilbert de Lannoy (1386 † 1462)Nederlands: Ghillebert van Lannoy (1386 – 1462)
Deutsch: Ghillebert von Lannoy (* 1386 † 1462)Français : Guilbert de Lannoy (1386 † 1462)Nederlands: Ghillebert van Lannoy (1386 – 1462)
Deutsch: Ghillebert von Lannoy (* 1386 † 1462)Français : Guilbert de Lannoy (1386 † 1462)Nederlands: Ghillebert van Lannoy (1386 – 1462)
Français : Hugues de Lannoy (1384 † 1456)Nederlands: Hugo van Lannoy (1384 – 1 mei 1456)
Français : Hugues de Lannoy (1384 † 1456)Nederlands: Hugo van Lannoy (1384 – 1 mei 1456)
Français : Philippe de Marnix (né à Bruxelles en 1538 ou 1540, mort à Leyde, le 15 décembre 1598)Nederlands: Filips van Marnix (Brussel, tussen 7 maart en 20 juli 1540 – Leiden, 15 december 1598)
Deutsch: Herr Johann von Roubaix (* 1369; † 1449)Français : Messire Jean de Roubaix (circa 1369 – 1449)Nederlands: Heer Jan van Roubaix (circa 1369 – Roubaix, 7 juni 1449)
Cape Breton Regional Muncipality (Unicorn in supporters)
Clyde River, Prince Edward Island (Unicorn in crest)
Manitoba (Unicorn in supporters)
English: Newfoundland and LabradorFrançais : Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
English: Newfoundland and LabradorFrançais : Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
English: Newfoundland and LabradorFrançais : Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
North-West Territories Council (1874 – 1888)
Coats of arms of Canada / Armoiries du Canada
Coat of arms of Canada (1905)
Coat of arms of Canada (1923)
Coat of arms of Canada (1957)
Coat of arms of Canada on Currie Hall in the Mackenzie Building, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario.
Studená, okres Jindřichův Hradec (Unicorn in supporters)
Čeští arcibiskupové
Alois Josef Krakovský z Kolovrat (21. ledna 1759, Praha – 28. března 1833, Praha)
Čeští biskupové
Alois Josef Krakovský z Kolovrat (21. ledna 1759, Praha – 28. března 1833, Praha)
České šlechtické rody
Přibík Jeníšek z Újezda (okolo 1580 – 25. březen 1651 Praze)
Alois Josef Krakovský z Kolovrat (21. ledna 1759, Praha – 28. března 1833, Praha)
Danske adelsslægter
Anna Cathrine af Brandenburg (1575 – 1612)
Giengen an der Brenz. Jacob Koebel (Vorrede): Wapen des Heyligen Römischen Reichs Teutscher nation, Bild Nr. 118, 1545, Frankfurt am Main.
Schwäbisch Gmünd. Jacob Koebel (Vorrede): Wapen des Heyligen Römischen Reichs Teutscher nation, Bild Nr. 89, 1545, Frankfurt am Main.
Schwäbisch Gmünd. Jacob Koebel (Vorrede): Wapen des Heyligen Römischen Reichs Teutscher nation, Bild Nr. 89, 1545, Frankfurt am Main.
Schwäbisch Gmünd. Jacob Koebel (Vorrede): Wapen des Heyligen Römischen Reichs Teutscher nation, Bild Nr. 89, 1545, Frankfurt am Main.