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Hello there Folks! I'm Forgerz my real name is Hans Solicito Yun. i'm going to study about stars in next year,so I thought. any are pictures of stars:

Picture of star sizes


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R136a1, the most massive star known, is a blue hypergiant Wolf-Rayet star of around 265 solar masses. Left to right size comparison: a red dwarf, the Sun, a blue dwarf, and R136a1. R136a1 is not the largest known star in terms of volume; this distinction belongs to VY Canis Majoris.
Comparison between Rigel and Sun (to scale).
Alnitak compared to Sun
COmparison between VY Canis Majoris and Sun (to scale)
1. Mercury < Mars < Venus < Earth 2. Earth < Neptune < Uranus < Saturn < Jupiter 3. Jupiter < Wolf 359 < Sun < Sirius 4. Sirius < Pollux < Arcturus < Aldebaran 5. Aldebaran < Rigel < Antares < Betelgeuse 6. Betelgeuse < Mu Cephei < VV Cephei A < VY Canis Majoris.
Aldebaran compared to Sun (to scale)
Comparison between Gamma Orionis(Bellatrix),Algol B and Sun (to scale).
Comparison of size of Rigel (blue star top left) and Aldebaran (red star top right) with the smaller objects (lower middle) from Image:1e9m comparison Gamma Orionis, Algol B, the Sun, and smaller - antialiased transparency.png, to scale. The faint yellow sphere centred on the Sun has a radius of one light-minute. The large yellow ellipse represents Mercury's orbit. No transparency version.
Arcturus compared to Sun.
Comparison between the red supergiant Antares and the Sun, shown as the tiny dot toward the upper right. The black circle is the size of the orbit of Mars. Arcturus is also included in the picture for size comparison.
The Progenitor of a Type Ia Supernova
Right to left: VY Canis Majoris compared to Betelgeuse, Rho Cassiopeiae, the Pistol Star and the Sun (not visible in this thumbnail). The orbits of Jupiter and Neptune are also shown.
